2019 Schedule

This page about Autscape 2019 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.
Everything at Autscape is completely optional. You are not obliged to attend anything, communicate with anyone (unless you are a parent or carer), or participate in any way. If you are interested in doing things, there is plenty going on throughout the day, serious, fun, structured and unstructured.

Full up-to-date schedule

The Autscape programme schedule is published as a calendar at Teamup.com. Use one of the following links, then choose a view from the bar at the top right. "Scheduler" is a per-room view. The "4 Days" view is recommended for a complete overview. "Agenda" is an accessible text-based view. Use your browser's Back button to return to the Autscape site afterwards.

Schedule views

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Main programme timetable

The timetable below only has the main events information of the simple schedule above. The teamup.com calendars above will always be updated first, so if anything changes, the table below may be out of date. (Last updated: 5 Aug 2019)

Monday 12 August

14:00-17:00Chapel Barn Registration
17:15-17:45Yew Tree HallOrientation
21:30-22:30Barclay Hall Sparklies in the dark

Tuesday 13 August

10:00-18:00Chapel Barn Retro computers
09:30-10:30Yew Tree HallGetting unstuck: anti-inertia strategies – Kalen
11:00-11:45Yew Tree HallIntense Connections: autistic community and our other identities – Sonny Hallett
11:45-12:30Yew Tree HallThe intersection of autism and complex PTSD – Katie Linden
15:30-16:15Yew Tree HallWhat do we want our doctors to know about autism? And how should we tell them? – Dr Mary Doherty
16:45-17:45Barclay Hall Creative Writing Workshop – David Hartley
19:30-20:15Yew Tree HallAnnual General Meeting (AGM)
20:30-22:30Barclay Hall Disco

Wednesday 14 August

10:00-18:00Chapel Barn Retro computers
09:30-10:30Yew Tree HallThe identity of disconnection? – Paul
11:00-11:45Yew Tree HallThe problematic nature of forming connections whilst passing – Lexi Orchard
11:45-12:30Yew Tree HallReinventing the wheel. Descriptions of autism in non-autism research – Kosma Moczek
15:30-16:15Yew Tree HallBigger on the Inside – Kate Fox
16:45-17:45Yew Tree HallStability in Peer Support: Experiences and ideas – Emmi Varis
19:30-20:45Yew Tree HallEntertainment Evening

Thursday 15 August

09:45-10:30Yew Tree HallConnecting autistic-led organisations in Europe – Heta Pukki
11:00-11:45Yew Tree HallPanel of selected presenters
11:45-12:15Yew Tree HallFeedback and farewell