These presentations are from our 2006 programme, and are provided for information only.
Major Presentations
- Understanding the concept of typical sometimes referred to as "normal"
- Autism and Counseling: A user's guide
- SAA RED: Interpersonal Interaction for Autistics by Autistics
- Autistics Guide to Dating and Community Relations: Voices From Our Perspective
Practical Workshops
Structured Leisure Sessions
- Shintaido in Daily Life
- Meditation
Major Presentations
Understanding the concept of typical sometimes referred to as "normal"
Description: As adults with autism spectrum diff-ability ASD) we experience the world differently to most people who are not on the autistic spectrum. Our differing experiences potentially cause conflict between us and them. This presentation aims to increase understanding of the typical mind and help us to understand other people who are not autistic.
Autism and counseling: A user's guide
Description: If you're considering getting counseling, or if you're in counseling and would like to be getting more out of it, this session will help you to understand how to make counseling work for you. It will include information on different types of counseling, choosing a counselor, setting goals for counseling, communicating effectively with your counselor, and what to expect during counseling. It will also address frequent difficulties autistic people have with counseling, why those difficulties occur, and offer some counseling self-advocacy skills for managing them.
SAA RED: Interpersonal Interaction for Autistics by Autistics
Description: Theory and research based SAA RED is a communication model designed to assist those on the autism spectrum with interpersonal interactions. Designed by an individual on the spectrum, the model is simple for most autistics to comprehend.
Autistics Guide to Dating and Community Relations: Voices From Our Perspective
Description: This presentation will primarily draw upon subject matter generated within the romantic relationship of a successful Autistic couple, the presenters, and examine what is the meaning of success for them and why they believe they are successful. This will not be a comprehensive treatise on how an Autistic couple should date, however Autistics and their family and friends should be able to glean a few suggestions that may help them relate to others romantically, and to various communities at large. The ultimate goal is to examine how an Autistic might improve his/her chances of dating; by first defining success in a way that is achievable to an Autistic, then breaking down the goal of success into small steps so they can work toward that larger goal. Intermixed in the lecture will be an activity in which the workshop participants will develop a detailed plan of action on how to engage in dating behaviors suited to their individual needs and interests.
Practical Workshops
Making your own communication tool kit
Description: Applied workshop about developing and using communication aids.
How to access support resources on the Internet
Description: This workshop will introduce participants to the diverse methods of participating in online Internet communities in general and in autism communities in particular. After a short theoretical introduction, I will show and demonstrate the diverse forms of community available using a live Internet connection: mailing lists (such as ANI-L and my own InLv), chat rooms (such as IRC channels), Usenet newsgroups, and Web-based forums and communities. I will clearly explain the advantages, disadvantages, and pitfalls of each form of communication, including confidentiality and privacy concerns. Participants will have the opportunity to try it all out for themselves.
Autism Challenge Presentation (The Asperger Syndrome Survey and Brighter Future Montage)
Description: I created the autism challenge family of initiates to challenge awareness of Asperger Syndrome directly form people like myself who experience this day by day. The Asperger Syndrome Survey Report highlight viewpoints, expressions form people from A.S on how life affects them and the services they receive. This does not involve Scientists, or academics. The Brighter future montage is series of visual art related how Asperger Syndrome affects myself or others and transform those issues into visual form.
The main message of the Autism Challenge is people with Asperger Syndrome have their own feeling expressions and opinions, embrace and do not underestimate.
Structured Leisure Sessions
Shintaido in Daily Life
Description: In its essence Shintaido is a modern art form created from a fusion of eastern martial arts, and western art > philosophy. Truly "avant garde" it is a martial art freed from the narrow constraints of its self-defence origins, and let loose to explore the true human potential within each of us.