2007 Presenters

This page about Autscape 2007 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Below are the presenters from the 2007 event who have given us explicit permission to list their name and details. If you presented at Autscape 2007 and would like to be included please contact us via the general enquiries address.

  1. Baukje van Kesteren
  2. Kalen
  3. Yo
  4. Suzi Superglue
  5. Jim Sinclair

Presenters' Bios

Baukje van Kesteren

Presenting: Autism and Loneliness

I am a Dutch woman aged 57. At 18 I left my parental home in order to study social work and live in lodgings. Shortly afterwards, I was confronted with serious psychiatric problems, among which an eating disorder, chronic depression and persistent concentration problems. Although I received psychiatric help in various forms and during many years, these problems were never resolved. I was 52 when I finally was diagnosed with ASD (Asperger Syndrome). The diagnosis explained many of my psychiatric problems and difficulties. Besides, I wondered if there was a relation between my lifelong feelings of loneliness and my having ASD. I realised that if such a relation existed, it would be present in other people as well. I started to investigate this by asking other people with ASD about their experiences with loneliness. This resulted in the book A hole where your heart is (Dutch: Een gat waar je hart zit). In 1987 I finished my studies in psychology (personality theory). From 1987 till 1992 I worked as an educational researcher. My book was mainly written against the background of my experiences as a person with ASD, although my experiences in social science research were a big help.


Presenting: Sharing Our Worlds: AC/AC relationships and Accessing Formal Supports

Kalen has been involved in Autscape since the beginning, first as Chair of the Organising Committee, now as Programme Coordinator. She has experience with successfully applying for disability benefits in two countries, including her own and on behalf of others, and with hiring and managing her own support people. With regards to autistic/autistic relationships, Kalen has had many long term friendships with other autistic people. She has also had 3 long term romantic relationships with autistic men, with varying degrees of success and sustainability. She is the mother of 3 daughters and a full time university student studying neuroscience and psychology.


Presenting: Accessing Formal Supports

Yo was diagnosed (Asperger Syndrome) 6 years ago and has two children who are both also autistic. She has extensive experience of accessing formal support services on behalf of herself and her children. These include benefits, support from social and health services and support within the education system. More recently she has provided advocacy services to other autistic adults and children in North West England to assist them in obtaining services. She also runs training sessions on Autism for local charities and businesses. Yo has a Masters degree, is currently working towards her PhD in Educational Research and regularly presents at academic conferences.

Suzi Superglue

Presenting: Recycling Art Workshop

Studies at the City of London Polytechnics and at the g.rietveld academy, department of jewellery and jewellery design. I also worked with a dance company based on Capoeira/Brasilian dance and I currently perform with a samba band. As a member of a self-run artist collective, I have been working for exhibitions, projects and I have been giving various workshops.

You can find out more about Suzi and see examples of her work at

Jim Sinclair

Presenting: Autism and emotions: Some thoughts about feelings

Jim Sinclair is a founder of Autism Network International, and coordinator of Autreat. Jim has been involved in autistic community since 1992, and has extensive experience and observation of autistic culture. Jim also works professionally with autistic people as a rehabilitation counselor.

Jim's personal webpage is at www.jimsinclair.org.