2008 Constitution

This page about Autscape 2008 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

The 2008 Constitution of Autscape is available in web page format (below) or can be downloaded as a PDF document . This Constitution was approved by the Autscape membership at the 2006 Annual General Meeting and amended in the 2008 Annual General Meeting. It was superceded when Autscape became a charity in 2011.

Autscape Constitution

1. Name

The name of the group shall be Autscape (“The group”)

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2. Objects

The Objects of the group shall be to:

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3. Powers

In furtherance of the object the Management Committee shall have the power to:

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4. Membership

Membership of the group shall be open to individuals (over the age of 18) who are interested in furthering the work of the group and who have paid any annual subscription laid down from time to time by the Management Committee.

Every member shall have one vote.

The Management Committee may unanimously and for good reason terminate the membership of any individual provided that the individual concerned shall have the right to be heard by the Management Committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.

Associate membership (without voting rights) shall be open to any organisation which is interested in furthering the group's work and has paid any annual subscription (any such body being called in this constitution an “associate member organisation”).

The Management Committee may unanimously and for good reason terminate the associate membership of any member organisation provided that a representative of the member organisation shall have the right to be heard by the Management Committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made.

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5. Management Committee

The Management Committee shall administer and manage the affairs of the group in accordance with terms of the constitution.

The Management Committee shall consist of not less than three members and not more than nine members and shall include the honorary officers (Chair, Secretary and Treasurer). All members of the management committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the group from and by the members of the group for a period of one year, but may be re-elected to the same, or a different office the following year.

The Management Committee may opt for a ballot for election of officers and Management Committee by post or other means. In this case, members will be notified of all nominated candidates 14 days prior to the AGM.

The Management Committee may co-opt up to an additional 7 members to achieve the required number of members, or because they have skills/knowledge helpful to the Management Committee in running the group.

The Management Committee may appoint non-voting advisers to advise them individually or collectively on their respective areas of competence.

The quorum for Management Committee votes shall be one third of the number of the members of the Management Committee or two members of the Management Committee, whichever is the larger number. The Management Committee shall meet not less than once per year.

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6. Payments and Benefits

Officers and members of the Management Committee may receive out of pocket expenses including reimbursement of the Autscape registration fees but may not:

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7. Duties

The Duties of the Management Committee shall be:

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8. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting of the group shall take place each year during the Autscape conference. In the event of an Autscape conference not being held during a calendar year, that year's Annual General Meeting shall take place during the month of August. All members of the group shall be invited to attend whether or not they are attending the Autscape conference that year. Not less than 21 days notice of the AGM will be sent by post or electronic means to all members via their last known contact details. The AGM may also be publicised on the Autscape website and/or by such other means as the management committee may deem appropriate.

The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be one third of the attendees (aged over 18) at that year's conference (excluding full time carers who are not themselves members) or 10 members whichever is the larger number.

The Management Committee shall present to each AGM the report and accounts for the group for the preceding year.

Members of the group will then elect the Management Committee.

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9. General Meetings

Additional general meetings of all members may be held from time to time as the Management Committee decides necessary.

Additional general meetings of all members may be held if at least ten members request such a meeting in writing.

Not less than 21 days notice of the general meeting and not less than 14 days notice of the business to be discussed will be sent by post or electronic means to all members via their last known contact details. Notice of the GM and the business to be discussed may also be publicised on the Autscape website and/or by such other means as the management committee may deem appropriate.

The quorum for general meetings shall be one third of the number of attendees at the most recent Autscape conference or 10 members whichever is the larger number.

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10. Alterations to the Constitution

Any proposed alteration to this constitution may only be considered at an Annual General, Special General Meeting or by ballot of the full membership. 21 days notice by post or electronic means must be sent to members stating the nature of the proposed change. Such alterations must achieve a two thirds majority vote assuming a quorum has been achieved. In the case of a ballot, the quorum shall be one third of the current membership or 10 members whichever is the larger number.

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11. Dissolution of the group

If the Management Committee decides that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the group, it shall call a meeting or ballot of all members. If the proposal to dissolve is agreed by at least two thirds of the members present at a meeting, the Management Committee shall take steps to dissolve the group. If the Management Committee decides to hold a ballot to dissolve the group, 21 days notice of the ballot by post or electronic means must be sent to all members. If the proposal to dissolve is agreed by at least two thirds of those voting in a ballot, the Management Committee shall take steps to dissolve the group.

Any remaining assets after the satisfaction of proper debts and liabilities shall be given to another group having similar objectives to the dissolved group.

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This Constitution was adopted on the date mentioned above, by the persons whose signatures appear below:

(not included in electronic copy)