Minutes of January 2008 meeting


Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting date: Thursday 17th January 2008 Meeting time: 10am-11.30am

Present: Martijn, Genyin, Kalen, Larry, Robin, and Yo. Late: Michael.

1.0 Minutes of December Meeting

Approval by vote on email list ratified. The Committee approved the minutes of December’s meeting unanimously.

2.0 Proposals

2.1. The committee approved a proposal to create an IT subcommittee. Initial members to be Martijn (Chair), Kalen & Debbie F. .

2.2. The programme/PR subcommittee proposed 2 possible themes for Autscape 2008: ‘living our everyday lives effectively’ and ‘inertia and action’.

2.2.1. The committee had lively discussion about the 2 themes. Key considerations were which theme had the broadest appeal and would cover those topics relevant to the widest number of people. 

2.2.2. Issues discussed included: possible negative connotations of ‘inertia’; whether issues such as activism and advocacy could be included under a theme about everyday living; the clarity, wording and length of the themes.

2.2.3. By a vote of 5 to 2, the committee agreed ‘Inertia and Action’ as the theme for Autscape 2008.  

2.3. Kalen proposed that Autscape should offer presenters free attendance only for the day of their presentation, instead of for the whole conference as we have in the past.

2.3.1. A brief discussion followed of the current financial situation and the possibility of flexibility on this issue if the financial situation improves.

2.3.2. The committee approved the proposal.

2.4. Kalen proposed delegating the task of editing the Call for Proposals to the Programme Sub-Commitee. The Sub-Committee can decide when the version is ready for distribution without a further vote by the full Management Committee.

2.4.1. There was brief discussion of the need to explain the theme in the CfP. 

2.4.2. The committee approved the proposal.

3.0 Progress Reports

3.1. Fundraising Subcommittee - report by subcommittee Chair: Robin

3.1.1. Obtained letters of recommendation from Tony Attwood and Simon Baron-Cohen. 

3.1.2. The committee approved a proposal to give the fundraising subcommittee permission to use the endorsement letters from Tony Attwood and Simon Baron-Cohen as they see fit. Any further letters can be similarly approved on the list.

3.1.3. Fundraising sub has identified two trusts to apply to. 

3.2. Programme & PR sub-committee – report by subcommittee Chair: Michael

3.2.1. Theme decided.

3.2.2. Call for proposals almost finished

3.2.3. No decision-making procedure as yet

3.2.4. Have contacted asperger united for announcement 

3.2.5. Discussion of possible publication of conference proceedings deferred to email list.

3.3. Constitution Subcommittee – report by subcommittee Chair: Larry

3.3.1. Limited progress.

3.3.2. Have agreed to accept some of the amendments proposed by Norman Green to a draft constitution but not others, most crucially we have not accepted any change to the objectives.

3.3.3. We now propose to move on immediately to discussing the structure we need to have.

3.3.4. The contentious sections lay in abeyance while we await a second opinion from Yo's sources.

3.4. Venue Co-ordinator’s Report

3.4.1. Need to sort out payment of deposit - £2000 due end January. 

3.4.2. There was some discussion of difficulties in setting up online banking and changing signatories for the bank account.

3.4.3. The accounts show we have GBP1800 put aside for deposit, but Robin was unable to verify this with the bank due to these account access issues.

3.4.4. Larry asked for it to be recorded that he does not authorise any payment that would result in an overdraft.

3.4.5. Committee agreed that Genyin should ask the venue to accept £1800.

3.4.6. Larry proposed making an interest-free loan available to Autscape for any shortfall in the deposit. Discussion of this possibility was deferred to the email list.

3.5. Webmaster’s Report

3.5.1. Subcommittee lists up and running

3.5.2. Been in contact with Debbie F. about the registration database.

3.5.3. A bit behind on putting stuff on the website. Reminders appreciated. 

3.6. Treasurer’s Report

3.6.1. Issues covered under 3.4

3.6.2. Nothing else to report.

3.7. Secretary’s Report

3.7.1. Nothing to report.

3.8. Chair’s Report

3.8.1. Concerned about the lack of progress from fundraising.

3.8.2. Programme is starting to move along, but needs to be quick.

3.8.3. In general, we need to move fast right now. It should be a little easier in March. I will also be much more available then.

4.0 Ratify approval of Autscape description 

4.1. The committee ratified the approval on the list of the Autscape description to be used for fundraising.

5.0 Any other business

5.1. Larry reported no response from one insurance broker and pointed out that we need to fill in a form for another broker. However this is not the most urgent issue at the moment. 

5.2. Michael suggested that the subcommittees need to work out timetables. There was some discussion of this. Some concerns were raised about the practicality of actually achieving this, but generally the committee considered this good practice if possible.