Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: Thursday 20/03/08 Meeting time: 1pm-2.30pm
Present: Martijn, Genyin, Kalen, Larry and Yo. Absent: Robin, Michael.
1.0 Minutes of February Meeting
The committee approved the minutes of the February meeting.
2.0 Proposals
2.1. The committee agreed to proceed with the luminarium project. Whether the luminarium actually comes to Autscape will still depend on the venue’s approval and the luminarium owners being successful in obtaining funding for themselves.
2.2. The committee decided not to advertise Autscape in ‘Our Voices’ magazine.
3.0 Approvals
3.1. The committee approved the draft funding proposal which the luminarium owners asked us to check subject to a minor edit about autistics having difficulty being playful, to be written by Yo and approved by Kalen and Genyin. The committee further decided to approved the funding proposal draft as it stands if the luminarium owners prove not to be willing to edit it.
4.0 Progress Reports
4.1. Programme & PR sub-committee – report by Kalen in the absence of subcommittee Chair Michael
4.1.1. As far as Kalen can tell absolutely nothing has happened.
4.1.2. Kalen intends to basically 'take over' so that some essential things get done.
4.1.3. Kalen is starting work on the brochure now
4.1.4. There will be more to report at the next meeting when the proposal deadline will have passed.
4.1.5. There is a need to send out a warning that the proposal deadline is approaching.
4.1.6. It is unclear what has happened with regard to inviting presenters.
4.1.7. Michael has promised to work on the logo competition.
4.2. Fundraising Subcommittee – report by Yo in the absence of subcommittee Chair Robin
4.2.1. There has been no real progress. Yo has been trying to do things on her own but made the committee aware that she lacks time.
4.2.2. Genyin will follow up on approaching her contact for assistance with fundraising.
4.2.3. No news yet from 3 guineas.
4.2.4. There is an intention to apply to the Esmee Fairburn foundation but this hasn’t been done yet.
4.2.5. The possibility of seeking a professional fundraiser was raised briefly and discussion deferred to the email list.
4.3. Constitution Subcommittee - report by subcommittee Chair: Larry
4.3.1. No progress to report currently.
4.3.2. Larry intends to set a deadline for discussions on organisational structure.
4.4. IT/tech Subcommittee – report by subcommittee Chair: Martijn
4.4.1. Behind on keeping the website up to date. Need a to-do list. Started making one.
4.4.2. Have just created the venue and tech subcommittee lists, will configure and 'inaugurate' them when meeting is over.
4.4.3. Registration (the most important issue): Peter Benie sent me a complete registration system the other day. Now I need to test it on our server and make sure there are not any incompatibilities (I expect there must be some). Then I'll need to work with Peter to work out those incompatibilities. This should not take more than a week or two. His system seems very thoroughly documented. So things are actually looking pretty good on that end. Also, remember there is a simple backup registration system already in place in case the new one doesn’t work out.
4.5. Treasurer’s Report
4.5.1. No report submitted.
4.5.2. Kalen mentioned that as far as she is aware Robin is having difficulty getting the Paypal account confirmed. However this is not a primary means of payment for most participants.
4.6. Venue Co-ordinator’s report
4.6.1. Confirmed with Alexis that she is now transport coordinator, reporting back to myself if there are any difficulties.
4.6.2. Have started online search for mobile creche providers
4.6.3. We have a new contact at the venue who seems to respond more slowly.
4.6.4. Original report raised the issue of the luminarium project. Now dealt with under 2.1
4.6.5. Waiting to hear from new venue contact to ask for info about hiring a bar from a local pub.
4.6.6. Arranging venue visit date on the email list to look at disabled access again, quiet and noisy areas, bathroom allocation ideas and signage requirements in particular.
4.6.7. Larry has provided some assistance with drawing up risk assessments. Both Larry and Yo offered further help.
4.6.8. Original report requested a venue subcommittee list. Now dealt with under 4.4.2
4.6.9. Chair and Secretary confirmed that the venue co-ordinator should prioritise sorting out childcare over drawing up risk assessments in the short term.
4.7. Secretary’s Report
4.7.1. Posted draft minutes of February's meeting
4.7.2. Made contact with NCVO-provided solicitor re constitutional issues. Will be speaking to her next week and should have preliminary advice then on (a) organisational structure; and (b) redrafting of constitution (particularly sections 2, 5 & 6).
4.7.3. Have done preliminary research on the issues involved in running our own creche and made available to venue sub.
4.7.4. Didn't manage to sort out proper agenda (in liaison with chair) in good time for March meeting.
4.7.5. Sent initial email response to lottery auditors so they know that we got their letter and are working on it.
4.8. Chair’s Report
4.8.1. Concerned that most committee members are not achieving necessary tasks.
4.8.2. The committee needs to prioritise: fundraising (though it may be too late to make a difference this year), programme and registration. If we have a place to go, something happening, and people to come, we have an Autscape.
4.8.3. Only able to say at this point there is *probably* going to be an Autscape.
4.8.4. There was some discussion of why things are not getting done. Various possibilities emerged including: needing to recruit more people with the skills, time and initiative to help and the difficulty of doing this; the pros and cons of larger and smaller committees; the possibility of reassigning some subcommittee chairships.
5.0 Any other business
5.1. Yo proposed that the committee delegate someone to liaise with the lottery regarding the audit and co-ordinate our response. Yo and Larry volunteered. The committee delegated this task to Yo.
5.2. Yo proposed that the committee delegate someone to liaise with Charles Burns (former treasurer) in relation to the lottery audit. Kalen proposed herself or Robin. The committee delegated this task to Kalen.
5.3. Yo proposed that all discussions/liaison between committee members regarding the lottery audit take place on the main committee list so everyone knows what is going on. The committee approved this proposal.