Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: Thursday 20/09/07 Meeting time: 1pm-2.30pm
Present: Kalen, Martijn, Genyin, Larry, Michael, Yo. Absent: Robin
1.0 The committee approved the minutes of the 2007 AGM for posting on Autscape website (minutes still subject to approval by the membership at the 2008 AGM)
1.1 Michael queried where the minutes would be posted. Kalen confirmed that they will be posted to the website with an announcement to the chat list.
2.0 Based on an initial proposal by Yo there was some discussion on the issue of a confidentiality policy and what decisions could and could not be made at this stage. Genyin preferred deferring the issue. Larry suggested that Autscape needs two separate policies: one for personal details of participants in line with the data protection act and one for documents and emails. He suggested that for the latter the committee needs an informal policy until a formal one can be settled. Genyin and Yo agreed. Martijn queried whether this might further complicate matters. Yo suggested it would actually help to clarify them. Larry pointed out that this separation would keep legal necessities separate from ethical ones. Kalen agreed with this and Martijn felt it was a good point. Michael suggested the matter needs further discussion and asked whether policies needed to be decided upon urgently.
2.1 Kalen thanked everyone for their input and invited Yo to revise her proposal on the basis of the discussion.
2.2 The committee agreed to:
2.2.1 delegate Yo to write an initial draft of a participant confidentiality policy to meet the requirements of the Data Protection Act for voting on at the next meeting
2.2.2 make an informal agreement that the committee email list is confidential
2.2.3 make a temporary agreement that until next committee meeting draft documents should be considered confidential unless the committee (on the email list) designates them open. Issue to be revisited next meeting.
2.3 Michael queried the definition of participant. Larry clarified that a participant is anyone whose details are held by Autscape because they have attended or made an enquiry.
3.0 Genyin proposed that Geyin, Yo and Kalen should visit the venue on Monday 24th September at 12pm. This was unanimously agreed.
4.0 Based on an initial proposal by Yo there was some discussion about committee roles and whether these should be directly elected at the AGM. This issue was deferred for further discussion.
4.1 Yo was delegated to redraft job descriptions for chair, secretary, and venue co-ordinator and Larry to do treasurer.
4.2 Kalen moved the meeting on to the delegation of some important roles.
4.3 Genyin volunteered as venue co-ordinator and was unanimously supported to undertake that role.
4.4 Martijn volunteered as webmaster (with agreement to delegate some tasks to Debbie) and was unanimously supported to undertake that role.
5.0 The following tasks were also delegated:
5.0.1 Feedback form analysis – Roger Turner
5.0.2 Obtaining legal advice on organisational structure (based on questions formulated by the committee on the email list) – Larry (from Norman Green of the NAS) and Yo (from NCVO)
5.0.3 Fundraising research – Yo and Michael
6.0 The formation of subcommittees and other issues were deferred until the next meeting.