Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: Monday 8 December 2008 16:34-18:34 Present: Larry, Ruth, Yo, Martijn, Debbie, Peter and Robin Apologies: Trish, Yo (for 16:50-17:10) Absent: Selina Observing: Kitt, Roger Meeting starts at 16:34 1.0 Ratify decisions taken on list. 1.1 Approval of October Minutes. 2.0 Proposals 2.1 It was agreed by a narrow margin that the theme for Autscape 2009 will be "Effective Living". 2.2 It was agreed to create an induction pack for new committee members. It was further agreed that Debbie would take responsibility for the first draft of the induction pack which will then be open for discussion and finalisation. 2.3 The committee agreed that Debbie become Vice Company Secretary designate. 2.4 The committee voted for the Autscape Company name to be "Autscape Organisation". 2.5 The committee voted to ask Kalen if the list she sent to Ruth as part of the chair handover still exists and if it can be posted directly to the committee list. ACTION: Larry to ask Kalen about this list. 3.0 Delegations 3.1 It was agreed that Autscape would enquire about the availability of the luminarium for 2009. ACTION: Ruth 3.2 It was agreed that Trish would design the letterhead using the new logo. 3.3 It was decided to leave to Debbie the best way of facilitating the writing of the first draft of the induction pack including getting input from other people. 4.0 There were no approvals. 5.0 Progress Reports As Yo would have to leave soon these were re-ordered. 5.4.2: There was nothing further to report from the Constitution group; the company name was already discussed under proposals. 5.4.3: The Three Guineas Report was sent. Yo temporarily leaves the meeting. 5.3 Treasurer report by Robin. 5.3.1 The accountant visit went well and Robin intends to introduce a few new practices such as cheque requisition forms for any cheques that are to be written. Robin would like to go and see the accountant again and Larry agreed Robin could do this alone. 5.3.2 The Signatories form has been submitted to the bank and a post made to the committee list explaining what new signatories now need to do. 5.4.4 Programme report by Martijn. Now that Autscape has decided on a theme, Martijn will get the programme subcommittee started and sort out the details with them. This includes the exact wording of the theme and the call for proposals. 5.4.5 Publicity - nothing to report. 5.4.6 Technical report by Debbie. Progress towards the new hosting services is a work in progress. A first draft of the archive area for the website is completed and currently at 5.4.7 Venue report by Peter. Peter reported that Debbie redid some of the draft pages that were in plain text as HTML pages so people have a better idea of what she is aiming for. The draft is at 5.4.1 Childcare Subcommittee Report by Ruth. 5.4.1 The childcare subcommittee is due to start soon. The first task will be asking for volunteers to research childcare in the local area. 5.5 Ruth reported that the writing of the general committee member description is now delegated to Trish although Ruth is keeping the responsilbity for making sure this is done and may be collaborating with Trish. 6.0 AOB Debbie made two proposals regarding the agenda. 6.1 The first is to bypass the sending of the draft agenda separately to the Chair so that the Chair and the rest of the committee receive the draft agenda at the same time. The time saved here would give the committee time to see and send amendments if needed and the Secretary time to draft a final agenda. Yo returned during the subsequent discussion. There was more agreement than disagreement over this; however, no final conclusion was formally stated. 6.2 The second was to email the final agenda to the chat and plan lists. This would allow people watching the meeting to have a copy of the agenda and may interest more people in observing. It was agreed to email the final agenda to a list. The discussion about which list or lists this would be was deferred to the committee list. The meeting closed at 18:34.