Minutes of March 2009 meeting

Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes

Meeting Sunday, March 22nd 2009 from 15:25 to 18:07.

Present: Debbie, Larry, Martijn, Peter, Robin, Selina, Trish and Yo.

Observing: Kalen, Kitt.

1.0 There were no ratifications

2.0 There were no proposals

3.0 Approvals/Decisions

3.1 The committee agreed to print the catchall info email address to the
Autscape letterhead.

3.2 The committee agreed in principle to provide picture signs as well
as written signs this year.  While there may be additional
expense in providing these, they can be reused in future years.
The use of a widely recognised symbol system such as Makaton or
PECS was suggested.

ACTION: Martijn and Trish to produce and draw the signs once
the committee have decided which system to use.

3.3 The February minutes were approved.

4.0 Progress Reports

4.1 Registration Progress Report

4.1.1 Peter will work on the registration and survey systems during
his block of time off in April.

4.1.2 We will be accepting Paypal again this year.

4.1.3 The question of subsidising fees again this year was postponed
until we have more idea of how much money we can commit to this.

4.1.4 Larry will look into the actual conference fees later in the week.

4.1.5 Debbie needs to write the room preferences survey taking into
account the allocation and location of the bedrooms with wireless

A 15 minute break occurred here.

4.1.6 The venue subcommittee will discuss the special diet survey.

Peter will liaise with the venue to find out what they can provide and
show them menus from previous years,  Yo will use her expertise to
draw up a special diet survey and Trish will assist with the wording.

Thus ACTION: Peter, Trish and Yo.

4.1.7 The committee agreed to ask participants for payment within
two weeks of booking but have a final deadline that loosely coincides
with the deadline for informing the venue.

4.2 Subcommittee Reports

4.2.1 Publicity

Larry has not being able to contact the relevant
NAS person regarding a discount to advertise Autscape
in the Communication magazine.

The question is, discount or no discount, what is a reasonable
amount we can afford for how much space?

4.2.6 Fundraising

Yo reports that Debbie has collated where the subcommittee
are up to.

4.2.7 Constitution

Yo has emailed our solicitor regarding drafting the objects,
but has not heard back yet.  She will chase this up.

4.2.2 Childcare

Trish reports that the childcare subcommittee has contacted
a few places, received some quotes and sent some questions back.
The subcommittee is considering training for the chosen childcare

4.2.3 Venue

Peter reports that as usual we will be leaving the venue immediately
after lunch on the Friday.

If presenters only come for one day we will only be charged for that
one day, not the full three days.

Regarding the 2010 venue; the new conference liaision person
at Giggleswick will not be taking bookings until the Autumn.
We are waiting for a response from Ammerdown regarding bursaries
for low-income/disabled people.

4.2.4 IT

Debbie reported that the spam filters are not yet in place.  Peter
has made no progress on the Data Protection Policy.  The
Acceptable Use Policy for access to the new server will be
started soon.

The next major task for the IT subcommittee is testing the
registration and survey systems.

4.2.5 Programme

Martijn had previously reported that so far two proposals had
been received, but most proposals tend to turn up at the last
minute. Luminarium

Trish and Larry discussed the luminarium.

Larry feels that a presentation about a luminarium was no real
substitute for having a luminarium, but that is not to say
he would disapprove if that was all that was possible.

Larry wondered whether it would be possible to get external funding
for the luminarium.  Trish explained that to assist with the
funding for the luminarium the structure may be made available
to the public, though not at the same time as Autscape participants
were using it.

Larry commented that we may need to make an announcement about
this idea or discuss it on the chat list.

4.3: Other Reports

4.3.3 Treasurer

Robin reported that he has received the refund from Eukhost
for 2009-2010.

4.3.1 Devising of Complaints Procedure

Larry will find it easier to make progress on this as the task
becomes more urgent.

4.3.2 Chair report

Larry is not sure whether he intends to run as chair next year.
He is keen to have a vice-chair as a backup.
However, if he is not returned to the NAS council he may feel
differently about this and have more time.

4.3.4 Secretary Report:

Debbie is concerned that the minutes are not being passed
to our membership in good time because the committee is
not voting on the draft minutes.  She would like to
know the reasons that are preventing members from reading
and voting on the draft minutes before deciding what to do.

The rest of Debbie's report was sent to the committee list
prior to the meeting.

5.0 AOB

There was no further business.

The meeting closed at 18:07