Board meetings

Director Job Description

Updated: Thursday 15th July 2010
This page was formerly the "General Committee Member Job Description".

As a director of Autscape you will make a positive contribution towards the functioning of Autscape, using your strengths alongside other peoples’ differing strengths for the best interests of Autscape. The Autscape committee does not just make decisions about Autscape, committee members are also the volunteers who actually carry out virtually all the necessary work involved. So, being on the committee means making a significant commitment of time to putting in some work throughout the year, although for some positions the demand can vary. The work involved can be expected to require at least 1 hour per week and often considerably more. Most directors will (certainly by their second year on the committee) take on one or more specific responsibilities such as: a major post (e.g. Venue Co-ordinator), serving as vice to a major post (e.g. Vice Treasurer) and/or chairing one or more sub-committees. Training may be available or indeed preferable for some roles. If you are unable to make that degree of commitment, please consider becoming involved in other ways.

Throughout the year you will expect to:

During the Autscape conference you will expect to:

You will not expect to:

Legal responsibilities

Being a director does involve some formal responsibilities. These are1:

As Autscape is5 a Charitable Company, all directors are also charity trustees. This means that all directors also have the following responsibilities:

More detailed guidance on the responsibilities of charitable trustees is available from the Charity Commission. Please note that directors are not required to have expert knowledge of all these areas, just to be willing to ask questions, learn, seek expert advice as necessary and act responsibly.
