Minutes of March 2010 meeting

Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: Sunday 21st March 2010        Meeting time: 3.00pm

Present: Martijn, Kalen, Yo, Peter, Debbie, Dave Late: Trish Absent: Kabie

1 Minutes of February Meeting

1.1. Approved.

2 Acknowledgements

2.1. The committee noted with regret the resignation of Kabie as 
treasurer and expressed the hope that she will remain on the committee.

3 Proposals

3.1. Appointment of treasurer. In the discussion of this 
appointment the issue of one person holding multiple roles was raised. This 
led the committee to approve the proposal

3.1.1. That no one individual may simultaneously hold more than one of: 
Chair, Secretary or Treasurer. In the event that one person ends up with 
more than one of these in an emergency, rectifying that situation should be 
considered a matter of urgency.

3.1.2. The committee then voted to appoint Peter Benie as treasurer

3.2. For Autscape from 2011 to (a) grow much bigger
(needing a bigger venue) or (b) stay the same size (using current or
similar sized venues). Background information: research carrying out
by the venue sc suggests that getting just a little bigger is not a
realistic option due to venue sizes. The committee discussed the concern of 
being committed to exclusive use of a larger venue and the potential 
financial losses if we then failed to fill it. The committee voted 
unanimously for option (b).

3.3. There was a brief discussion of the importance of 
maintaining clarity that organiser's subsidies are reimbursement of our 
expenses in attending Autscape. It was also acknowledged that it specific 
funding were, in the future, received for either presenter's or organiser's 
subsidies the situation might change. The committee then voted to approve 
the statement that, in an ideal world, Autscape would reimburse the full 
cost of attendance for organisers, but realistically Autscape can only 
afford the same as what we can afford for presenters.
4 Reports and follow-ups

4.1. Draft budget and fee levels. Kalen stated that she is 
working on this, but hasn't finished the fee levels yet due to a delay in 
obtaining some information. She hopes to complete it before going away and 
seek approval on list. Peter suggested that the fees were likely to be in 
the region of 200. Kalen concurred that, while she hopes the fees can be 
lower, they may be near to that figure.

4.2. Bank form. There was some discussion of the effect of Kabie's 
resignation as treasurer on this issue. Peter proposed redoing the form, 
along with other necessary changes resulting from him taking over as 
treasurer. Yo queried the issue of Peter and Debbie potentially both being 
signatories. Peter stated that his intention is to leave Debbie as a 
signatory and not become one himself to avoid the complications which would 
result. Kalen asked Peter to contact Robin to request the paperwork he has.

4.3. Transport options for Ammerdown. Debbie reported (via Peter) 
on various options for hiring coaches or arranging joint taxis. The 
committee felt more information was needed, particularly on the community 
transport options, before any decision could be made.

5 Subcommittee progress reports

5.1. Venue. Peter had nothing to report, other that what was 
discussed earlier regarding venue size.

5.2. Tech. Peter had no report but was asked whether the 
registration system would be ready whenever the fees are and responded that, 
if the overall structure is similar, it will be fine. Martijn asked Peter to 
put the CfP deadline extension on the website.

5.3. Pub. Yo apologised for the lack of progress this month and 
hoped to get the sc moving forward soon. Peter suggested voting on the 
existing business card designs to help move things along.

5.4. Constitution. Yo apologised for the lack of progress this 

5.5. Fundraising. Still without chair. Kalen sought a volunteer 
but no-one came forward.

5.6. Childcare. Kalen stated that she is unable to chair this sc 
and really needs someone to take over. After some discussion, Yo very 
reluctantly agreed to chair this sc but made clear her need for volunteers 
to do many of the necessary tasks. Kalen, Trish and Martijn volunteered to 
assist with tasks involving interaction with potential childcare providers.

5.7. Programme. Martijn stated that he had put an announcement of 
the deadline extension to Friday 2nd April out just before the meeting 
started. Kalen and Yo have brought in a lot of potential presenters, but we 
can still use a few more proposals so we have something to choose from. 
Currently we have 6 proposals and 4 invitees.

6 Key position progress reports

6.1. Treasurer. No report as only just appointed.

6.2. Secretary. Yo stated she had nothing to report as she has 
been largely inactive over the last month.

6.3. Chair. Kalen had no report but was asked when registration 
is expected to open. Some discussion followed. Peter expected that 
registration could be opened within days of the fees being decided. Kalen 
concluded that registration should open by late April but if it were 
possible to do so earlier then that would be welcome.

7 Any other business

7.1. The committee ratified the decision to extend the proposal 
deadline by approximately two weeks.

Meeting closed.