Sensory Showroom Visits
SpaceKraft, a company that sells sensory equipment, are kindly lending us some equipment for our sensory room this year. SpaceKraft also have some sensory show-rooms we are welcome to visit during Autscape. They are located around 30 miles (48 km) from the venue.
We have kept Tuesday afternoon free of formal programme activities so that those who want to visit the showrooms can do so without fear of missing presentations.
You can visit them privately or use the Autscape provided transport. The transport cost is £20 per person.
SpaceKraft's opening hours are 9am - 5pm Monday to Friday.
If you want to find out more about the rooms before you commit to visiting, the person to ask after Autscape starts is Trish, who is the programme coordinator for this year. Trish will be visiting them on the morning before Autscape begins. Some of you will remember Trish and her ukulele from previous years but we will try and point her out in the orientation for those who don't.
The show-rooms demonstrate:
Sensory Show Magic Room: An ideal environment for creating interactive scenario's - create a trip to outer space with an image of a rocket with its engine emitting blazing fire projected onto a huge screen, noise all around and smoke drifting through the air, a fantastic experience!
White Room: A peaceful place used for relaxation and stimulation - lay on a waterbed while soothing sounds and colours wash all around you.
Softplay Room: A world of brightly coloured tunnels and dens with interactive steps, slides, walls and floors which reward with auditory feedback. These are child sized.
Interactive Image Room: An exciting projected image system that provides an innovative and fun way to explore cause and effect - have a game of football, paddle in a stream full of fish, do your sums and many more!
We have here a list of questions we have received about the SpaceKraft trip. If we have any to add email
Autscape arranged visits
The cost for this service is £20 per person. The cost is to cover your transport.
We estimate the trip will take about two and a half hours. You will spend about 50 minutes on the road, 30 minutes visiting the show rooms and have another 50 minutes' drive coming back.
You will go on the trip with a group of people in a minibus. To commit to the trip email to arrange payment.
We regret that we cannot offer refunds if you change your mind and do not ride because the company we are hiring the vehicles from charges us per vehicle and not per person. Please don't commit to this trip until you are sure you want to come. If there are any spare places you can sign up for them at Autscape.
Private visits
If you are interested in visiting by car please email to arrange a time. Visits must be arranged in advance.
Visiting using public transport
It is possible to get to SpaceKraft by public transport, this route is slower. Use the local area's travel planner website to plan your journey. The recommended route will vary depending on time of day.
Your starting point is
Ackworth School, Pontefract Road, Ackworth, Pontefract, WF7 7LT
Your destination point is
29 Saltaire Road, Shipley, BD183HH
(you can copy and paste these addresses into the travel planner)
The travel planner will provide you with maps and details of any walking routes you need to make.
This journey can take up to two hours there and two hours back. If you are travelling by bus and rail you still need to let us know so that we can book your time at SpaceKraft.