Autscape arranges a travel service to and from Settle station for a fee of £6.
You can book this when you make your booking for Autscape. It is helpful for us when people do this as it helps us plan what level of service is needed. If you didn't include travel on your booking and wish to add it afterwards please return to your booking page and click on the add a note link. If you can't see how to do this email instead.
Transport Times
The arranged transport will run as follows on Friday 21st August:
- 2:00pm from Settle train station
- 2:45pm from Giggleswick train station
- 4:00pm from Settle train station
The return trips on Monday 24th August will run as follows:
- Leave venue at 1:00pm for Settle train station.
- Leave venue at 2:00pm for Giggleswick train station
- Leave venue at 3:00pm for Settle train station
Please let the transport co-ordinator know, by adding a note to your booking, which transport options you will be using. It is important to let him know your choices for both arrival and departure so that he can book the right number of vehicles.
Priority is given to people who have told us their times. If you haven't told us in advance when you plan to arrive / depart you may need to wait a while before we can accommodate you in one of the trips to and from the venue.
Non residential: If the place you are staying is en-route we can drop you off close to it if you prefer. You must tell us in advance where you are staying to avail of this service.
Train times
The trains which match the above times are:
Friday 21 August
- The 1:48pm and 3:44pm arrivals to Settle (Leeds to Settle direction)
- The 1:31pm and 3:43pm arrivals to Settle (Carlisle to Settle direction)
- The 2:24pm arrival to Giggleswick (Leeds to Giggleswick direction)
- The 2:33pm arrival to Giggleswick (Lancaster to Giggleswick direction)
If any of these trains are delayed the transport will wait for you provided you have told us in advance that you plan to use it.
Monday 24 August:
Autscape's main programme finishes with lunch which starts at 12:30pm. There will be a few light activities ran after lunch to around 3pm (provisional end time).
Trains to Leeds from Settle leave Settle station at: 1:32pm and 3:45pm.
Trains to Carlisle from Settle leave Settle station at: 1:48pm and 3:45pm.
The train to Lancaster from Giggleswick leaves Giggleswick at: 2:25pm
Lunch starts at 12:30pm. You will need to eat quickly or miss lunch if you choose the earlier service.
Registration times
When you arrive at Autscape you need to register. Here you receive your conference materials, name badge and interaction badge. Anyone staying on site also receives their room number.
People staying on site and people staying off site arriving on Friday.
The venue is booked for three 24 hour periods.
If you arrive early there is plenty to look at in the nearby market town of Settle. During the summer the town has a Flower Pot Festival where the town is decorated with displays made by flowerpots. Giggleswick village, which borders Settle town has a tuck shop which is only minutes on foot from the Giggleswick school.
Settle also has plenty of shops and places to eat. There is only a mile between Giggleswick school and Settle town.
Registration runs from 2:15pm to 4:15pm on Friday 21st August. Please try to arrive before the end of registration so that you have time to find your bedroom (if staying on site), attend orientation and be on time for the evening meal (5:30pm for 5:45pm start of serving). If you know in advance you will be late it is helpful to tell us by leaving a note on your booking page. That way we know we can go to orientation and the evening meal.
Registration for people using Autscape's travel will run from when the first transport arrives to when the last one arrives.
Saturday and Sunday day people
On site registration is provisionally running from 8:30am to 10:00am. If you are attending both days you only need to register the first day.
Taster Sessions
Let us know when you plan to arrive and we'll arrange for someone to meet you on arrival.
Please direct any queries about the information on this page to
This page was last updated on 13 July 2015.