Registration & fees

This page about Autscape 2016 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Booking for Autscape 2016 closed on 26th July. We have a couple of places left.

If you have any queries, please email We have also put some information below for you to read.

On-line booking

You will need a password for the web site to login. If you haven't used this web site before, follow the booking link and click on 'please create an account for me'.

Your booking is not secure until we have received payment for it. The last day we can accept payment for this year's conference (subject to places being available) is 1 August.

Conference Fees

Supplements and Discounts

A collection of links and explanations about registration for this year's event

Arriving at Giggleswick


Please direct any queries about this page to