When you arrive at Giggleswick for Autscape you must register. We know you have arrived (and don't continue to wait for you if you are the last person due in that time window), you receive any conference materials, and if you are residential you learn where your bedroom is. Autscape starts for you after you have registered. Try to register within the times provided so that the volunteers running registration are free to go off and enjoy their Autscape.
We have provided a map of the school grounds on the website home page
Registration times
First day
On Tuesday 16 August registration will run from 2:30pm to 4:30pm.
On the other days it runs throughout the day.
How to register on arrival - Tuesday 16 August
- When you arrive at Autscape on Tuesday please go directly to your assigned house to register. Here you will receive your room number, conference materials and house door code, and also sign up for home groups if you wish. Please do not share the house code with anyone not in your house.
- If you are making your own way to the venue, please arrive between 2:30pm and 4:30pm for registration. If you arrive after 5pm, the doors to the houses will have locked and registration will have moved to the Autscape information centre, which is in the main classroom block. This is next to the threatre labelled 'Presentations' on your map.
- Please don't arrive early. We need time to prepare for the conference and we won't be ready for you before 2:30pm.
- If you are using the Autscape transport service you will be emailed by the transport coordinator.
- If you can't arrive on the first day or are significantly delayed on your journey and won't be arriving until beyond 8pm please let us know if you can. That way the organiser who will be registering you can continue with another setup task while they wait.
How to register other days
- When you arrive at Autscape please go to the information centre to register and collect your conference materials on arrival. The information centre is staffed between approximately 9am and 8pm with the exception of meal times (lunch 1pm to 2pm and dinner 6pm to 8pm).
- If you are coming on more than one day you only need to register the first day.
Now and then people arrive for registration still owing money to Autscape. This is an unusual case as we usually look for all monies before arrival. For example a person may have booked transport at the very last minute and be unable to pay with PayPal. You must pay your outstanding money to Autscape as you register. If no one is there please wait. We try to ensure an organiser is always in the information area except during meal times but now and then something unexpected may happen which prevents this. Please wait. You can recognise Autscape organisers as they will have an organiser interaction badge.