This page about Autscape 2016 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.
Day Fees explained
Notes on day fees
- The one day, two days, all days and full conference fees include all meals and coffee breaks except breakfast. See here for how to add breakfast to your booking.
- The full conference fee is shown as two fees because we created a special discounted fee this year for anyone who is staying off site because of limitations of the venue - for example you may need an ensuite room or a room with a lock.
- Taster: The taster fee is a fee for people new to Autscape who want to try Autscape for part of a day. You arrive during the morning break and leave before the end of the afternoon break. This gives you a chance to experience our formal program, have lunch and experience our leisure programme. It is strictly only for people who have never attended before. If someone in your party has attended before they must pay the one day fee.
- One lecture fee: If there is one lecture or presentation you wish to attend you can do so on a payment of £10. You do not get any conference materials with this fee and must leave the premises immediately afterwards. This fee cannot be mixed with any other fee and is only for a maximum of one presentation per person. You must book the presentation in advance before the close of registration. You sign in when you arrive and sign out when you are leaving the premises.
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