Registration & fees

This page about Autscape 2016 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Why does Autscape want to know my gender?

Sometimes people want to know why we ask for their gender. For them it's private data. There are two reasons.

Firstly for bathrooms. Most of the bathrooms at Autscape are for the use of everyone. Some people aren't comfortable with this and they ask us for a bathroom that is single sex. Once we've assigned a bathroom to be male or female only we need to make sure others close to it can also use it. Otherwise any waiting time for the other bathrooms in that accommodation area would increase too much.

We also ask this question of people sharing a room or who have selected our space saving fee. This is because currently a number of people sharing a room with a stranger prefer to share with someone of the same gender. Autscape will respect those wishes while assigning room mates.

You don't have to answer the gender questions. If you don't want to then please select the answer that tells us that.


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