Accessibility and Mobility
If you have limited mobility please let us know when your book if you need any of the below services. This also applies to other medical conditions which can make the site seem very tiring for example M.E.
The school is built on a hill. The hill rises from the bottom of the map to the top of the map. It is quite steep in places.
Car parking
The venue can arrange for you to be able to drive between the locations you need to get to. This way you can park close to the presentations, close to your house and close to the dining room as you require. If you need this service please say so on your booking form and indicate which locations you need to have a reserved space for. Note that due to the layout of the site there is limited space near some of the places and we will be assigning on a first come first served basis.
The ground floor rooms are down at the bottom of the hill this year in Style House. Some people may find it easier to have a first floor bedroom in Nowell House (although there are no lifts available and the stairs has more steps on it than a typical house stairs) as those rooms are close to the dining hall and presentations. Whichever location is best for you you will need to go up and down the hill - the dining room and the ground floor rooms are lower down then Nowell House, the classrooms and the theatre where most presentations are. If you have a preference please let us know of it when you book.
Here is a map of the site. The dining room is number 29 (bottom middle). The class room and theatre are numbers 22 and 23 (top left). Nowell House is number 19 - its entrance is where the number is, opposite the classrooms entrance. The ground floor rooms are number 34 right down in the bottom left hand corner.
Provisional services and/or locations: The swimming pool is number seven (top right) and the creche is number five (bottom right).
Wheelchair Toilets
Toilets suitable for wheelchair users are at the dining hall and the theatre. There are no toilets suitable for wheelchairs in the accommodation areas. There may be a suitable toilet in the creche area.
Access for wheelchairs to the swimming pool
The school's swimming pool is not well adapted for use by wheelchairs, the changing areas and toilet facilities were not designed with wheelchairs in mind.
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