Registration & fees

This page about Autscape 2016 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

This is a summary of our policies. The full text will be in the booking system when you book.

Paying Policies

Place Allocation

Place Allocation: Your place is reserved for you once we have received and acknowledged your payment. The quickest way to pay is to use Paypal. We do not charge extra for Paypal. It it also saves us work if you use Paypal.

IF it looks like we will fill before the close of registration we will reserve 10% of places for a draw on that date. There is no guarantee that you will get your preferred room choice at that time.

Update: 6 Juy 2016: We filled 90% of residential places much quicker than we thought we would. We filled them within 10 days of opening booking. If we wait until the end of July to have our draw that is going to cause a lot of anxiety for some people. Three weeks is too long to wait. The Autscape Board has decided to go back to allocating places on a first booked (and has sent payment) basis while keeping a smaller number of places back for the draw on the 26th.

If you are booking non-residential please book as soon as possible. If you are waiting for the timetable to be published to decide which day to come on, book and pay for a day at random and on your booking explain you did this. We'll contact you when the timetable is out and you can choose your day then.


If you cancel before booking closes there will be an administration fee of £20 per adult in your booking (accompanying children and carers are not charged this fee).

There is no refund due if you cancel after the close of booking. We advise that you take out holiday/cancellation or travel insurance.

If Autscape is charged money to return your fee to you, you may be liable for that charge. We refund using the same method we were paid with. So if you pay by Paypal we'll refund by Paypal. If you pay by cheque, we'll refund by cheque and so on. Please allow up to 28 days for a refund.

Sometimes it may happen that a person has a really good reason for cancellation and wants Autscape to consider a partial refund. Email asking for this and outlining the reasons by 1 September 2016. The board will discuss this and make a decision during their September meeting. You should hear back by the end of September. It is expected you will have tried to get a refund from your insurance first and you let us know as soon as possible after you realised you could not make it.

Autscape tries not to make any profit on the conferences and to keep the fee as low as possible. We can't refund everyone who cancels their full amount without impacting on the fees for the next year. We will consider partial refunds in exceptional circumstances only but we cannot make any guarantees. How much we can refund depends on the state of our finances, how much we have paid the venue and a host of other factors like how many other people are asking.

Monies due to Autscape

All fees due to Autscape must be paid before the conference. Should any money be outstanding after a conference and not paid Autscape reserves the right to insist that the outstanding debt is paid before a future conference booking is accepted. Please see our Debt policy for further details.


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