Bursary policies

This page about Autscape 2018 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

The current Autscape bursary policy can be downloaded via this link: Bursary Policy


The bursary scheme is run for the benefit of people who who cannot afford Autscape. For example:

The above list is not meant to be a complete list.

The bursary scheme is run by the Autscape Board (the Charity Trustees). At the time of writing, the details of how to apply are still being finalised. When they are ready, we will update this page.

Please note that the event organisers, who include the people processing your booking, have no say in your bursary application.

You do not need to wait until your bursary application is processing before making a booking. If you will not be able to afford Autscape without one of the bursaries tick the relevant box on the booking form. If we hear from the board that your submitted bursary application could not be fulfilled this year your place will be cancelled and your deposit returned.

The bursary is funded by people paying the higher fee to attend. Autscape does not get any grants or government funding. If you have an alternative way of applying for funding other than the bursaries please use that as a preference.

Bursary Applications

The information which follows in the "Bursary Applications" section is also available in PDF format for anyone who finds it difficult to read from the website. The PDF can be downloaded using this link: Bursary Applications Information

A PDF copy of the 2-page bursary application form is available via this link: Bursary Application Form

If you want to apply for a bursary you should also apply for your place and tick the relevant box in the registration process to let the Registrar know that your place is dependent on you being successful.

If you are on the waiting list for a place you can apply in advance and let the Registrar know.

The Bursary fund committee will need to know why you need a bursary and why you cannot afford to come. See below for what to include.

You do not need to say why you cannot afford to come in the following two circumstances:

The fund is limited and applications will be looked at alongside others. Therefore it is essential you provide enough information.


Please submit your application before the deadline. If there is more than one deadline applications should be in before the final deadline.

After each deadline the Bursary committee will look at all the applications at once and decide who is successful.

If there is more than deadline and you have not been successful, your application will automatically get forwarded to be looked at again before the next deadline unless you only apply before the final deadline.

Applications which are automatically forwarded will be weighted in favour of later applications. However, please note that this does not mean an application will automatically be successful. All applications will be looked at individually and taken on their own merits. Awards will be determined by the size of the bursary fund and the amount of applications.

The last deadline may be extended by the Bursary committee in extenuating circumstances.

You will be notified by the chair of the Bursary committee as soon as possible after the deadline and they will also notify the Registrar of the outcome.

The Registrar will contact you regarding your reserved place.

If you have applied whilst on the waiting list your bursary, if awarded, will be dependent on you getting a place.

This year there are 3 deadlines. These are:

19th May, 23rd June and final deadline 21st July

Submitting your application

Please submit your application via email to Bursary@autscape.org

If you prefer a paper copy either download the following form Bursary application and send it to:

Bursary Applications, Autscape, 101 Broad Park Road, Henley Green, Coventry, England, CV2 1DB

Or email the chair of the Bursary committee at bursary@autscape.org.and ask for a form to be sent to you.

Guidelines of how to compile an application

To help you provide a brief explanation why you need a bursary please follow the checklist of what to include in an email.

1. First say what you cannot afford to pay for (this could be more than one)

2. Now explain why you cannot afford these fees and anything that impacts on your finances eg

Note: if you are asking for a bursary for a non participating support worker/carer/ dependent you do not need to tell us about your income but please state who they are, why you have to bring them and that they will be non participants. You do not need to answer question 4.

If you are asking for a bursary for off site accommodation you do not need to tell us about your income. You do not need to answer question 4.

3. Please tell us if:

Please note priority will be given to those who have never been to an Autscape event followed by those who have only been over 2 years ago

4. Finally, the Bursary fund will not cover all of your expenses. The Bursary committee will set three baseline awards of high, middle and low amounts. In exceptional cases they may award more but they could also award less. Please state approximately how much of an award would be essential for you to come to Autscape from the following amounts:

Please note that you are more likely to be successful if you only need a small amount.

Donating to the Bursary Fund

If you would like to donate towards our bursary fund take a look at our how to donate page. If you prefer your donation only go towards bursaries please state that.

More Information