This page about Autscape 2018 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Evening Booking Information

On this page

Evening / Taster fees

The day runs from late afternoon to the last activity in the evening. Arrive from 4pm and leave by 10:00pm (when the last scheduled activity ends). The cost is £20.

How to Book

We have a few places left even though booking has technically closed. If you can commit to paying within 48 hours of being offered a place we'll accept your booking. Only Paypal payments are accepted at this late stage.

To book email with the following information:

  1. Name:
  2. Conference badge name:
  3. Email address:
  4. Diet requirements:
  5. Any accessibility or mobility requirements we need to be aware of:
  6. Which day you wish to attend for?
  7. Do you wish to become a member of The Autscape Organisation? This does not cost anything extra if taken at the time of booking. The AGM is likely to be on Wednesday evening (there will be other things to do for people who do not wish to attend the AGM).
  8. That you commit to paying within 48 hours if we offer you a place.

In your email please number the answers to match the question numbers. Payment is by paypal. Do not send payment until we have confirmed your place and set up your paypal paying link.

What's included


You need to register on site on arrival. Here you will receive your conference pack which includes your name badge and interaction badge.

Registration Times

Questions: Please contact

More Information