Who to contact with questions and enquiries about Autscape 2019
The programme, giving a presentation or running a workshop, questions about the schedule etc to: programme@autscape.org
Call for proposals form. The last date to submit a proposal is Friday 24 May.
Booking, fees, paying and registration to: registrar@autscape.org
To book by post write to Autscape, 101 Broad Park Road, Henley Green, Coventry, England, CV2 1DB and we will send you a booking form.
To book online follow this link.
Please only ask for or use the paper form if you cannot use the online form. This is because we need to enter the information from the paper forms by hand into the system.
- To cancel a booking email registrar@autscape.org.
After you have accepted a place: To set up a payment schedule to pay by instalements email treasurer@autscape.org
To enquire about bursaries email bursary@autsape.org
To ask for a refund if you cancel email info@autscape.org. Cancel first then ask. This gives us a chance of refilling the place. The venue charge us regardless.
Back to booking index page.
Please contact registrar@autscape.org with any queries.