2020 Programme

This page about Autscape 2020 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

Last update: 26 Jul 2020

This section of the site contains a complete overview of the Autscape 2020 online programme. The following information is available:

Broad Outline

There will be a variety of serious and fun sessions by presenters of a variety of ages, genders and neurotypes. We will have many of the usual fare about issues that affect autistic people such as mental health issues and visual processing differences, as well as talks about advocacy and community. We also have our first video essay and our youngest ever presenter (by about a decade). More details will follow in our upcoming newsletters.


Most of the presenters have given us permission to record their presentations. These recordings will be made available for free approximately a month after the Autscape 2020 online event.

If a presentation includes interaction with participants, then the meeting chair will clearly announce that recording will take place, so that participants can control whether or not their contributions are included in such a recording.

Zoom also shows a clearly visible "Recording" indicator at the top left of the window whenever a presentation is being recorded.

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