Registration & fees

This page about Autscape 2024 is of historical interest only. Go to the home page for current information.

On this page

Joyful autistic person
Autistic joy can be had alone or together. What does autistic joy mean to you? Photo by HP

Welcome to the registration/booking information page for Autscape 2024: Autistic Joy! You'll find the link to make a booking at the bottom of this page. For any queries, please contact Please do not contact the venue directly.

(Updated 13th July – tickets for the online event now available; deadline for in-person booking has been extended to 27th July)

How to join Autscape online

If you are unable to attend Autscape in person, you can still join us online! Booking for the concurrent Autscape 2024 online event is now open. Presentations from the live event will be streamed on Zoom, and there will be opportunities to meet & socialise on Discord. We are also trying out a hybrid meeting where you could interact with people at the live conference. Tickets are just £10 and can be booked via this Ticket Tailor page.

The rest of this page, below, is about booking for the in-person event.

Things to know before booking for in-person Autscape

Booking deadline
The deadline for booking in-person places at Autscape has been extended to 27th July. This is the furthest the venue will let us extend it. It will not be possible to book a place after this date, so make sure you don't miss out!
Venue information
See the venue information for information on rooms, accessibility, diet/food/menus, crèche/childcare, transport, and selling tables.
Booking policy
Please read the booking policy before booking. All bookings include a £50 non-refundable deposit/booking fee.
Booking name
You are required to give a forename and surname when booking. This is the name you will be registered under and the name used at registration and by the venue, especially in case of emergency, e.g. a fire roll call. This name cannot be kept confidential as it will be on your folder and may be used around other people. However, we appreciate that some people do not want to give their real names. We do not insist that you use your real name, but if you choose a name, you must remember it, as this is what you will be known by to the registrar and the venue. The name you use for payment will be known only to the treasurer.
You will be given the option of choosing a name for your name badge and this is what other participants will know you by.
Home group
You will be asked if you want to join a Home Group and if so what time you prefer. Home groups are optional and the aim is to help people get to know others. They meet at regular times and consist of a small group of people with a facilitator. If you sign up for a home group it is not compulsory that you attend all the meetings of your group. If you choose to join a home group, you will find details of your assigned group and meeting place in your registration pack.
Unfortunately we are unable to offer instalments but Paypal offers instalments so you may be able to take advantage of this.
We have a limited amount of money to provide some bursaries - please see the link for further info. You should apply for a bursary before you book.
Day visitors
Days-only tickets are now available. They are priced per single day.


Please select your fee carefully when booking as this year we have made some changes.

About the 2024 prices

Sadly, the Autscape event is considerably more expensive this year than it was in previous years. The pandemic has done a real number on our finances, everything has become more expensive (venues included), and we’ve run out of reserves. Please know that we, volunteer organisers, also pay to go to Autscape and we pay the same price hike as the rest of you. If there had been any way to avoid the price hike, we would have, as we don’t like paying it either. We hope that as many of you as possible will find the money and come to Autscape. If you cannot afford it, please do not hesitate to apply for a bursary.

Considering how much more expensive everything has become, we still believe Autscape is good value for money compared to similar events. Remember it’s all-in: accommodation and three meals per day are included in the price, so you will not need to have any further expenses during the event.

Autscape full event 28th - 31st August

Adult standard fee£480 (note 1)
Adult reduced fee£450 (note 2)
Adult professional fee£695 (note 3)
Adult support worker£345 (note 4)
Child (aged 2 to 17 and infants using the crèche)£240 (note 5)
Child (aged 0 to 2 yrs without crèche) free

Autscape full event plus extra day 28th August - 1st September

Adult standard fee£595 (note 1)
Adult reduced fee£550 (note 2)
Adult professional fee£810 (note 3)
Adult support worker£460 (note 4)
Child (aged 2 to 17 and infants using the crèche)£300 (note 5)
Child (aged 0 to 2 yrs without crèche) free

Day Fee

Adult standard fee£100
Adult professional fee£195
Adult support worker£80
Child (aged 2 to 17 and infants using the crèche)£50


(note 1) The Adult standard fee, £480 per person (with extra day: £595)
This for a standard en-suite room. This could be a single room or a shared room (double, twin or family), if you choose to share.
Please note we will not be doing a matching service so only people who select to share and tell us who they will be sharing with will share a room
(note 2) The Adult reduced fee, £450 per person (with extra day: £550)
This is for a standard en-suite room but for people with no requirements. There are a limited number of these room and some can be used for more than one person. These are rooms which we usually do not fill as they may be in noisy areas eg. By lifts or stairs or they are of lower quality and due for renovation. They may also be upstairs or have a bath or shower.
Please note if you book a reduced fee room and find it is intolerable and need to move this will be subject to a room being available and you will be asked to pay the extra fee.
(note 3) The Adult professional fee, £695 per person (with extra day: £810)
This is for a standard en-suite room and should be the option for professionals or people who have a company budget/university or other method whereby they are not personally paying the fee.
(note 4) The Adult support worker fee, £345 per person (with extra day: £460)
This is for professional or paid support workers and carers who will not be participating in the programme in their own right.
(note 5) Child fee, £240 (with extra day: £300)
Child aged 0 to 2 yrs can come for free if they stay with their parents/carers throughout Autscape. If they want to access the crèche they should pay the Child fee

Book here!

To make a booking, please proceed to the Autscape 2024 event at Ticket Tailor.