The Autscape information desk is where participants can go with questions or problems. Photo by Kalen
Who can come to Autscape?
- All varieties of autistic people from all parts of the spectrum, whether diagnosed or not. Don't worry about being ‘more different’ from other participants; diversity enriches the experience for everyone.
- Non-autistic people, be they family members, professionals, friends, relatives, or interested others, are very welcome. All we ask is tolerance, respect for ‘autistic space’ and an open mind.
- Participants may also bring their children and childcare during conference hours will be included in the cost of children's registration. Teenagers are also welcome. They have the option of joining the children's programme or attending workshops with other participants.
- Autscape takes place in the UK, but participants from elsewhere, especially people living in Europe, are encouraged to attend.
How long is Autscape?
Autscape lasts for three days, typically (but not always) from a Tuesday afternoon til Friday lunchtime. This is to give enough time for autistic people to adjust and still have time to gain from the experience without spending the whole time coming, going, or orienting.
Where is Autscape held?
We aim to hold Autscape in a quiet and Autistic-friendly environment. The Autscape homepage will have the location and dates when these are known.
How can I get involved?
If you would like to be part of Autscape, please see the home page for how you can become involved, and be sure to join the Autscape Plan mailing list.