Sorry, proposals for the Autscape Ireland programme are now closed.
You can still view the proposal form below, but the submit button has been deactivated.

Contact information

We will keep your contact information confidential. It will not appear in the programme. Only the Autscape Ireland admin team has access to it.
Please tell us more about why in the Additional information box at the bottom of the form. We will try to help if we can.

About your presentation

Information for the programme
What you write in the fields within this box will be published on the website and in the participant information pack if your proposal is accepted.
Note: Your description and bio are for the conference folders too, so they have a word limit. If you have more to tell us, please use the Additional information field at the bottom, which is unlimited.
Note: You will have one chance to make updates or corrections after you are notified that your proposal has been accepted.

Please fill this in, even if it's the same as your name in the contact information above.
Be as clear and concrete as possible so participants know what to expect.
(View examples)
Max 150 words.
Write about yourself in the third person (‘she’/‘he’/etc., not ‘I’). Include your experience and qualifications.
(View examples)
Max 100 words.

The information you provide below will be revealed to the Autscape Ireland admin team and organising team, and will help us discuss and evaluate your proposal. It will not appear in the programme.
Choose one of the presentation types below for consideration for a place in the main programme. If you would like to offer any other activity, there will be opportunities to do so later, including at Autscape.
A lecture has the presenter(s) talking with little or no audience input. There is usually a separate discussion session for each lecture. You may facilitate this yourself, or we can provide someone to help.
Workshops involve the audience throughout the presentation. They would normally involve interactive exercises, perhaps worksheets, role plays, active feedback during the presentation, or other forms of participation. A workshop may have a 'lecture-like' introduction.
Hands-on workshops also involve the audience throughout the presentation, but are less dependent on the spoken word than a typical workshop.
Use this button for presentations which do not fit any of the above descriptions.

The ideal length (in minutes) for your presentation. This may be a single number (e.g. 20) or range (e.g. 60-90). We'll try to accommodate this in the schedule, but it's not guaranteed. If it is over 30 minutes, it will definitely be concurrent with another presentation.

A few words describing how your presentation relates to this year’s theme, “New Connections”.

If you believe your presentation will appeal to another group or a more specific sub-group (e.g. teachers, parents), please explain here.
Accessible version

Indicate whether you would be willing to also present an adapted version for those who have difficulty with a full presentation.

We will make a contribution of up to €50 towards your expenses, with evidence (e.g. train ticket). If you have exceptional expenses, please let us know in ‘Needs’ below.
E.g. flip chart, scribe (someone to write for you), tables, seating arrangements… as well as whether you need to bring a carer, etc.
Also indicate here if you are unable to present on any particular day or time.
Anything you want to tell us that doesn't go in the above fields, such as more details and extended descriptions for the decision makers, etc.