The Autscape Organisation is governed by its Board of Directors, which is elected by the members at the AGM. The AGM takes place at the conference. If you want to join the board, see the Getting Involved page.
Possible additional events
In addition to the main annual Autscape residential conference, other events may be organised from time to time. The Board of Directors commission a Management committee for each event they want to run, lead by an Event Manager. The Board of Directors also consider events other people may want to put on in Autscapes name with Autscapes financial backing.
All Autscape events must be in line with Autscapes Events Policy. If you would like to ask the board for permission to put on your own event in Autscapes name with Autscapes financial back then please see Autscapes Event Management Policy.
What is needed
The board and the working groups and subcommittees have a lot of work to do to make Autscape happen. Broadly speaking, the following tasks must be done.
- Find and agree on a suitable venue
- Make a provisional booking
- Investigate transport issues
- Get map of the venue environs and a plan of room layout
- Get a formal quote
- Visit the venue to check the facilities are what we expect, confirm accuracy of the maps etc
- Subject to the venue visit being okay, formally book the venue
- As required, book local transport
- Choose a theme for the presentations
- Invite proposals from speakers
- Agree on a set of proposals
- Formally invite the selected presenters
- Design, check and print the Autscape brochure
- Design, check and publish adverts for the magazines
- Decide fees, single-room supplements and any other supplements
- Design room booking, childcare, diet and transport surveys
- Open registration
- Allocate people to rooms
- Chase up missing information on surveys
- Chase up late payments
- Notify venue of likelihood of special diets
- Collect dietary requirements from participants
- Pass information to venue
- Find childcare suppliers
- Collect childcare requirements from participants
- Pass information to suppliers
Info pack
- Prepare maps and literature for the information pack
- Send key parts of the information pack off to be printed
- Decide what goods to produce, if any
- Estimate sale prices
- Find suitable suppliers
- Send artwork to suppliers