Autscape 2006 AGM Minutes

Ammerdown Centre, Friday 4th August 2006
Chair: Kalen, assisted by Yo. Minutes by Charles.

  1. There were no apologies.

  2. Attendees were referred to the minutes of last year’s AGM contained in the information pack distributed to all. Larry asked that his resignation from the management team be recorded.

  3. Kalen read out the annual report. No other reports were presented.

  4. Size of conference. This item was moved straight to a vote with no discussion. 22 voted to keep the conference the same size, and 7 voted for a larger event. Thus it was decided to keep next year’s event the same size. Michelle asked that people could be allowed to stay off site in local hotels, but this is already allowed (although nobody took up this option this year).

  5. Conference venue. Again this was put to a vote with no discussion. 29 voted to use the same venue next year, and 4 voted to look for a new venue. Thus it was decided to use the same venue next year.

  6. AOB was moved to the end of the meeting.

  7. It was unanimously decided to change our financial year from Jan-Dec to Oct-Dec each year, so that accounts can be more quickly produced after the event & used to seek funding for next year’s event.

  8. A proposed change to the provisional constitution was approved unanimously after explanation by Yo, without further discussion. The new relevant passage in the constitution shall now read:

    The management team shall consist of not less than three members and not more than fifteen members and shall include the honorary office of Chair and such other officers as the committee deems necessary to the fulfilment of their functions.

  9. A second proposed change to the constitution was also carried unanimously, after explanation by Yo and some discussion. Michelle suggested that any membership fees could be paid in instalments, and Kalen suggested that carers who have not asked to be members could wear a different coloured name badge to distinguish them from delegates. The new relevant passage in the constitution shall now read:

    Membership of the group shall be open to individuals (over the age of 18) who are interested in furthering the work of the group and who have paid any annual subscription laid down from time to time by the Management Committee. Individuals attending Autscape as carers are assumed not to be members unless they individually apply for membership in their own right.

  10. Yo summarised and read selective parts of the proposed constitution. Various questions were asked, especially regarding the “UK Event” clause. Many people were surprised by this since Autscape was initially conceived as a European movement. Yo explained that this was necessary in order to secure lottery funding, which is only available for UK based organisations. Since the meeting had already agreed to keep next year’s event at the same venue it was decided to let the clause stand, after assurances that it could easily be changed at future AGMs should the need arise. It was then unanimously decided to formally adopt the provisional constitution, including the two changes already voted on.

  11. Elections. There was some confusion about this until people realise that elections were listed on the back on the agenda. It was asked that future AGM agendas mark “PTO” if the agenda is more than one page long.


ChairKatie was proposed by Phil, Michelle seconded.
This was unanimously carried
TreasurerCharles was proposed by Kalen, Yo seconded. Ian proposed himself, Yo seconded his nomination as vice-treasurer.
After a vote Charles was elected as treasurer & Ian as vice-treasurer.
RegistrarBrian proposed himself, Charles seconded.
There was some talk about what the new role of Registrar involves, after which Brian was elected unopposed.
Sally proposed herself to do proof reading & anything else within her powers, and Trish volunteered to help her. It was agreed that these two be co-opted by the management team in some role.
AdministratorYo was proposed by Kalen, Katie seconded.
There was some talk about what the new role of Administrator involves, and a statement by Charles in support of Yo nomination. Yo was elected unanimously. Michelle volunteered to help her, and Yo asked potential assistants to contact her directly so that she can co-opt them, with a view to passing on the role after the 2007 event.
Website/DatabaseScott was proposed by Phil, Matt seconded. Martijn proposed himself, Yo seconded.
After brief statements from both candidates Martijn was elected for the role and Scott was co-opted to assist him.
Programme Co-ordinatorKalen proposed herself and was seconded by most of the management team.
Scott asked to be assistant programme co-ordinator with a view to taking over the role after the 2007 event. Kalen agreed to co-opt him.
Venue Co-ordinatorKazumi spoke about what the role involves and asked for volunteers. Brian and Robin both volunteered to shadow Kazumi in the role this year with a view to one of them taking over the role after the 2007 event.
Kazumi agreed to continue the role for one more year and was elected unopposed.
Childcare OfficerMichelle was proposed by Phil, Yo seconded.
After a brief statement about her experience and qualifications for the role she was duly elected. Jim offered to support her in the role and to help with onsite training of childcare workers before next year’s event (the lack of which had caused many problems at this year’s event). Michelle agreed to co-opt Jim in this role.
Publicity / PRBy prior arrangement the Management Team co-opted Paul in this role. Paul then gave a brief statement about his aspirations for the role, and how he plans to integrate it with his work at the NAS.
Communications OfficerRobin was proposed by Yo, and seconded by Charles. He was elected unopposed.
12. PrintingPhil proposed himself to continue in the role, seconded by Kalen.
Phil made brief statement about his personal circumstances and asked for volunteers to act as back-up in case those circumstances prevented him from fulfilling the role. Any back-up must have access to suitable high volume printing equipment. Ian offered to assist, and Jim asked that any volunteers contact him directly to discuss the logistics in more detail. Phil was duly elected to the role.
TransportMatt was proposed by Yo, Michelle seconded.
Matt was duly elected.

The new management team was written up on a board amidst some fairly confusing discussion which went entirely unminuted because Charles was unable to both minute the discussions and write up the new management team at the same time.

Kalen closed the meeting.

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