Autscape 2007 AGM Minutes

Ammerdown Centre, Friday 10th August 2007
Chair: Kalen; Minutes Roderick, finalised by Yo.
33 present + 3 postal votes. Quorum present.

  1. Apologies for absence: Selena, who has left postal vote for herself.

  2. Approval of 2006 AGM minutes: approved 13 to 0 with 10 abstentions. There was some confusion as to what we were voting on at first.

  3. Annual report passed 26 to 0, no abstentions.

  4. Accounts: Charles gave report, noted that money set aside for proceedings last year due to grants was unset aside to pay for fact that there were no grants given to us this year. The money was originally meant to produce publication for future Autscapes giving details of first two Autscapes but this was not possible as money was used to plug the above described funding gap. Charles also noted that the plan is to use a new and less expensive venue for next year. Accounts passed unanimously

  5. Election of Chair: Kalen elected unanimously. She stood on “Moving Forward with Trust and Co-operation” platform. It was pointed out that all the positions were unopposed and it was too late to add new nominations as the constitution stated that the nominations had to close 14 days before the AGM in order so that members can be properly informed as to who the nominated candidates are.

  6. Election of Secretary: Yo elected 23 to 3 (including postal votes). She stood on “Moving Forward with Trust and Co-operation” platform.

  7. Election of Treasurer: Robin May elected unanimously. He stood on “Moving Forward with Trust and Co-operation” platform.

  8. Election of Committee members: Martijn Dekker, Michael Ellerman, Kelsing Genyin (with special responsibility as Venue Co-ordinator), and Larry Arnold were elected.

  9. AOB: Alexis volunteered to organise travel for next year, Kalen then mentioned that the planning list is going to be resurrected. Michael suggested that an email list is put together of people who want to share their emails, Kalen responded that someone else should organise that. A discussion then began over the fact that someone suffered two overloads during Autscape and ways should be found to avoid this, Alexis stated that this came under special needs and that people with such needs should notify the organisers in advance this way. Sally asked if exercise bikes could be provided in future and Kalen said it will be considered. Sally also asked if earlier notification for travel arrangements was possible, and this was agreed to. Stephen suggested that there might be an assistant coach organiser, and Kalen suggested that people who want to help can go onto the planning list. It was recorded that Debbie wishes to become webmaster, and that Martijn agreed to work with her on this.

  10. Meeting then adjourned.

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