Agenda for September 2011 meeting

Final Agenda for September 2011 board meeting

Request from the company secretary for directors to waive their right to 
formal notice of this meeting

1.      Proposals

1.1.   The treasurer proposes that the company pay the venue bill as 
presented (see Appendix A)

1.2.   The company secretary proposes that, following our agreement of dates 
for directors' meetings for the coming year, the board instruct the web 
systems manager to automate future meeting notification announcements to 
ensure the company meets legal requirements and provide reminders as 
requested by directors.

1.3.   The company secretary proposes that the appointment (whether made 
prior to this decision or in the future) of accountants, independent 
examiners and the company secretary shall run continuously, but be scheduled 
for review every two years.

1.4.   The company secretary proposes that all postholders (other than venue 
coordinator and vice) elected by the board will continue to serve in that 
role until the end of their term as a director, unless otherwise decided by 
the board. Venue coordinators (and vice) shall be appointed to serve for an 
appropriate period in order to coordinate with a particular venue.

1.5.   The chair proposes that the company permit postholders elected by the 
board to appoint their own assistant/vice with the exception of the 
following roles (for which the vice postholder should be elected by the 
board): chair, treasurer, company secretary, venue coordinator

1.6.   The chair proposes that we rename sc-venue to sc-research and that 
its remit should be to research future venues and other tasks requiring 
similar skills, including taking over searching for childcare providers from 

1.7.   The company secretary proposes that the company review the expanding 
role of programme coordinator and choose one of the following options:

(a) split the role of programme coordinator and the related programme 
subcommittee into (1) Attracting, inviting and selecting presenters 
(sc-present); and (2) Scheduling (main, alternative, and maybe leisure) 
(sc-sched) (with the effect on youth sc to be determined separately)

(b) split the role of programme coordinator and the related programme 
subcommittee into (1) Formal programme (sc-prog-form) (2) Alternative and 
leisure programmes (incorporating the existing youth sc)(sc-prog-alt)

(c) make no change to the existing single role and subcommittee

1.8.   The chair proposes that the company create a temporary working group 
to investigate and report back to the board on the feasibility of Autscape 
running a one day conference (to be called wg-echo). The membership of the 
working group to consist of Damian Milton, any directors who are interested 
+ the Company Secretary, Treasurer, Chair. The wg may co-opt additional 
members necessary to carrying out their task. The wg is encouraged to seek a 
range of opinions in developing this proposal and is asked to report back by 
the November meeting.

1.9.   The chair proposes that the company downgrade the tech sub-committee 
to a working group.

1.10.                    The company secretary proposes that we breakdown 
responsibility for the website into: (a) Appearance, navigation and 
technical; (b) Coordination of the creation and updating of substantial 
content other than that under (c); and (c) Substantial content of 
organisation sections, administrative updating and correction, legal 
compliance and prompting review.

                  The chair proposes the alternative that appearance and 
navigation are grouped with area b).  The implementation would come under 

1.11.                    The company secretary further proposes that:

1.11.1.  (a) be the responsibility of wg-tech

1.11.2.  (b) be the responsibility of sc-pub

1.11.3.  (c) be the responsibility of the company secretary

1.12.                    Peter proposes that the company remove 
responsibility for the information pack from sc-pub and reallocate 
responsibility for the individual sections to the content creators (e.g. 
venue section to venue coordinator, programme sections to programme 
coordinators etc.)

1.13.                    The chair proposes that merchandise wg be renamed 
purchasing wg and its remit widened to include all routine purchasing (e.g. 
lanyards, pens etc.).

2.      Roles and responsibilities (additional candidates are welcome to 
state their interest before or during the meeting):

2.1.   Chair (Last year - Kalen) Candidates: Kalen

2.2.   Treasurer. (Last year - Peter) Candidates:

2.3.   Venue Coordinator (Belsey Bridge). Candidates:

2.4.   Posts (1 or 2) coordinating programme (distribution of tasks depends 
on 1.7 above (Last year [1 post] - Trish) Candidates: Trish, Kalen

2.5.   Registrar (Last year - Debbie) Candidates:

2.6.   Web systems (Last year - Peter) Candidates:

2.7.   Subcommittee chairs (see Appendix B)

3.      Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier)

3.1.   2010-2011 Venue coordinator (outstanding issues from Autscape
conference 2011)

3.2.   2010-2011 Treasurer

3.3.   Company Secretary

3.4.   2010-2011 Chair

4.      Any other business

Appendix A

Treasurer's notes on proposal 2.1

The venue bill has arrived. The total is GBP 9447.25, which includes the
deposit already paid.

There are a few errors in the bill with the result that it is slightly out
from what I think it should be, but the error is less than 1%.
(My estimate is GBP 9410. I can only give an estimate because I don't have
a separate price for people who came to lunch on Monday.)

Both these figures are below what I expected us to pay because a) they
didn't charge us for people who cancelled after the booking deadline, and
b) the cost of day participants was actually only 15.50/day!

The cost in their time to correct the bill is likely to be as big as the
error in the first place, however, I don't think I have the authority to
pay it anyway.

Note that none of the figures above include a charge for the broken
window. We may be billed for that separately.

Appendix B

A full list of subcommittees and working groups requiring chairs will be 
posted during the meeting once proposals have been resolved. For the board's 
reference, if all proposals listed are approved the list would be:


1 or 2 Programme subcommittees to be chaired by the programme coordinator(s) 
(names dependent on which option is selected under 1.7)

Publicity and publications subcommittee (may or may not retain 
responsibility for the information pack depending on outcome of 1.12) - 
chair required

Research subcommittee - chair required (see 1.6)

Fundraising subcommittee - chair required (no change)

Working groups

Echo - coordinator required (see 1.8)

Purchasing (formerly merchandise) - coordinator required (see 1.13)

Newsletter - coordinator required (no change)

Transport - coordinator required (no change)

Tech - coordinated by the web systems manager (formerly a subcommittee - see 

CRB - coordinated by the company secretary (no change)