Minutes of October 2011 meeting

Final October Minutes

Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: Sunday 2nd October 2011
Meeting time: 12.30pm BST

Present:  Elaine, Kalen, Martijn, Peter, Stephen, Trish, Yo 
Apologies and present for part of meeting: Debbie

Following a request by the company secretary, directors waived their right to
formal notice of this meeting.

1.  Approvals

1.1. The board deferred the decision to approve the September minutes (posted
30/09/11) to the list.

2.  Proposals

2.1.  The board agreed that the company will hold directors' meetings on the
first Sunday of every month at 12.30pm. (5 for, 2 against)

2.2.  The board  agreed that the remit of the fundraising sc be:
to provide reports, thank you letters and other feedback to donors as required
to research potential sources of funding
to recommend fundraising strategy to the board
to carry out tasks necessary to pursue the fundraising strategy
(7 for)

2.3.  The board agreed that the remit of the publications/publicity sc be:
to represent Autscape to external organisations as needed for publicity
to distribute documents to external bodies on behalf of Autscape
to manage the process of publishing documents for external distribution
to prompt content providers to supply the content needed for documents for
external distribution
to ensure consistent layout, style and error correction in the preparation of
documents for external distribution 
(7 for)

2.4.  The board agreed that research sc should absorb the former wg-transport and
that the remit of the research sc be:
to identify potential venues, childcare providers and Autscape provided
transport options and to make recommendations to the board
to carry out other research requested by the board 
(7 for)

2.5.  The board agreed that the chair be delegated the authority:
2.5.1.  to make decisions on behalf of the company on matters within the remit of
the role of chair on matters not reserved to the board. All such decisions must
be reported to the board at the next board meeting or sooner.
2.5.2.  to make urgent decisions on behalf of the company on matters reserved to
the board in situations where it is not feasible to obtain a decision of the
board in a timely manner. Such decisions should always be made in consultation
with as many directors as possible and ratified by the full board as soon as
possible thereafter. The chair should always seek to avoid situations arising
in which it is necessary to use this authority and to make temporary or
contingent commitments only whenever possible until a decision can be made by
the full board. This authority may not be used to permit the chair to act in a
manner contrary to prior decisions of the board.
2.5.3.  to act as vice to any role in the event that both the postholder and vice
postholder are incapacitated or otherwise unable to act on behalf of the
(7 for)

2.6.  In response to a question the company secretary clarified that nothing in
this authority should give the treasurer the power to act where a conflict of
interest exists. There was some discussion regarding 2.6.1. as it was felt by
one director that the board should always have to approve donations because of
potential ethical issues. The chair suggested that these concerns should be
further discussed on the list and further amendments proposed following such
discussion if necessary. The board agreed  that the treasurer be delegated the
authority to:
2.6.1.  to accept donations on behalf of Autscape unless doing so would involve
any matters reserved to the board (e.g. reputational issues or conditions
impacting on the company's independence)
2.6.2.  to make payments on behalf of the company in accordance with the
Bye-laws and existing finance policies
2.6.3.  to make decisions on behalf of the company on matters within the remit of
the role of treasurer on matters not reserved to the board. All such decisions
must be reported to the board at the next board meeting or sooner.
(5 for, 1 against)

2.7.  The board agreed that the company secretary be delegated the authority:
2.7.1.  to act on behalf of the company to ensure the company's compliance with
statutory or other legal or regulatory requirements, providing doing so does
not involve matters reserved to the board under the Bye-laws.
2.7.2.  to make decisions on behalf of the company on matters within the remit of
the role of company secretary on matters not reserved to the board. All such
decisions must be reported to the board at the next board meeting or sooner.
(7 for)

2.8.  The board agreed that the venue coordinator be delegated:
2.8.1.  the sole authority to liaise with the venue on behalf of the company
2.8.2.  the authority to make decisions on behalf of the company in matters
within the remit of the role of venue coordinator on matters not reserved to
the board. All such decisions must be reported to the board at the next board
meeting or sooner.
(7 for)

2.9.  The board agreed to delegate to the programme coordinators the authority:
2.9.1.  to liaise with presenters and other potential contributors to any aspect
of the programme on behalf of the company
2.9.2.  to make decisions on behalf of the company in matters within the remit of
the role of programme coordinator on matters not reserved to the board. All
such decisions must be reported to the board at the next board meeting or
(7 for)

2.10.  The board agreed that the web systems manager be delegated the authority
to make changes to the website with the agreement of those parties responsible
for that area (see Appendix A)
(7 for)

2.11.  The board agreed that the fundraising subcommittee be delegated the
2.11.1.  to liaise with donors/potential donors on behalf of Autscape
2.11.2.  to make contractual arrangements on behalf of Autscape with third-party
donation management agents with the approval of the treasurer and/or company
2.11.3.  to spend delegated funds on fundraising activities
(7 for)

2.12.  The board agreed to delegate to the publications/publicity subcommittee
the authority:
2.12.1.  to spend delegated funds for publicity or publication purposes
2.12.2.  to approve documents, advertisements or other media forms for
publication on behalf of the company, subject to legal clearance by the company
(7 for)

2.13.  The board agreed that Debbie be delegated as the additional person to
read info@ emails.
(7 for)
Following discussion the company secretary agreed to draw up some guidance for
people answering info@autscape.org emails. 

3.  Roles and responsibilities
[Debbie entered the meeting.]
3.1.  Venue coordinator (Belsey Bridge). Candidates: Elaine and Stephen
There was some discussion regarding the possibility of having joint venue
coordinators. However, the general view was that a venue coordinator and a vice
was still the preferred option. Following a vote which resulted in a tie (3
votes for each candidate), the chair declined to use a casting vote due to a
conflict of interest. The board then decided to elect Elaine and Stephen for
both venue coordinator and vice position and to decide between themselves who
would do what role and tasks and report back to the board.
3.2.  Vice venue coordinator (see 3.1.)
3.3.  Vice chair. Candidates: Trish and Martijn. Following some questioning of
the candidates, Martijn was elected (6 Martijn, 0 Trish)

3.4.  Vice Treasurer.  Candidates: Stephen. Stephen was elected (6 for, 0

3.5-3.8.  The board agreed to defer these items until the next meeting (6 for,
0 against)

4. Subcommittees
The web systems manager noted that the new email lists are not yet operational.
Fundraising. The chair reported that she had received a donation of approx
£200. Also she was following up an email received on the info@autscape.org
Programme coordinator Autscape 2011 reported that she had sent thank yous to
presenters, but hadn't got around to ones on the board but she could still do

5.  Key position progress reports
5.1.  Venue coordinator. No report made.
5.2.  Treasurer. The treasurer reported that  he had brought the accounts as up
to date as he could, however he was missing at least two receipts - one for the
printing and one for the licence for showing films. The amount accrued was a
bit higher than expected due to underspends on various delegated budgets, and
the amount was expected to be high anyway because the fees were set before we
established the VAT exemption. He stated that this puts us in a good position
for next year's more expensive venue. He also said he had not done the bank
form yet, though it is filled in and waiting to be sent round the
signatories. He queried whether it was acceptable to keep the proposed list of
signatories from last year (Stephen, himself, Yo, Kalen) and the company
secretary said it was.  
5.3.  Company Secretary. The company secretary said she was working to complete
the delegated authorities and to make a single record of them available to the
board for reference. She was also working on streamlining the minutes process
and hoped to get to the annual report, the files and several other urgent
things soon. 
5.4.  Chair. The chair had nothing to report.

6.  Any other business

Peter reported results from the registration system on how people heard about
20 - Word of mouth
12 - Internet search
8 - Asperger United
3 - Communication Magazine
1 - Autscape publicity poster
25 - Other (includes twitter, forums, mailing lists)

Meeting closed at 14.43 BST

Appendix A

For reference see 1.10 and 1.11 September 2011

In areas which fall under (a) Technical (including the implementation of 
areas under (b) and (c)) this would require the web systems manager to have 
the agreement of no-one

In areas which fall under (b) Appearance, Navigation, Coordination of the 
creation and updating of substantial content other than that under (c), this 
would require the web systems manager to have the agreement of the chair or 
other representative of sc-pub

In areas which fall under (c) Substantial content of organisation sections, 
administrative updating and correction, legal compliance and prompting 
review, this would require the web systems manager to have the agreement of 
the company secretary.