Agenda for April 2012 meeting

Final Agenda for April 2012 board meeting - rev 2

Meeting to be held on Sunday 1st April at 2pm at



1.      Ratification

1.1.   Our decision (on list on 19/3/12) to increase the budget for
accountancy services to £700

2.      Proposals

2.1.   The company secretary proposes that the board approve the Annual
report (version labelled draft 2) (attached)

2.2.   The company secretary proposes that the board decide to either (see

(a) Retain the previously approved day fees

(b) Change the day fees to the structure proposed on list by the vice

(c) Change the day fees to the structure proposed on list by the treasurer

2.3.   The company secretary proposes that the board delegate the annual
decision about whether it is appropriate to renew/obtain a PVSL for Autscape
to the company secretary and authorise any necessary expenditure for this
purpose (approximate cost  <£100 annually)

2.4.   The company secretary proposes that the board delegate the annual
renewal/ obtaining of (a) event insurance; and (b) trustees indemnity
insurance to either of the company secretary or treasurer with the agreement
of two other directors and authorise the necessary expenditure. The
purchase, provider and cost to be reported to the board at the following
meeting. However, it is noted that, if there are to be any material changes
to the terms of an insurance policy, approval of the full board is required
under Bye-law 4.4.

3.      Follow ups

3.1.   Purchase of (Peter)

3.2.   Transfer of and domains (Martijn)

3.3.   Registration of #autscape on Starlink-IRC (Martijn)

3.4.   Chair of sc-research (Kalen)

3.5.   Echo feasibility report (Kalen)

3.6.   Draft chat list guidance (not clearly delegated to a specific

3.7.   Preliminary delegation of the on site team and site manager (who will
hopefully also be the person to manage the team beforehand) (Kalen)

3.8.   Cancellation and Payment policies (Peter?)

4.      Subcommittee progress reports (suggested topics in brackets)

4.1.   Sc-prog-form (invitations, schedule) Chair: Kalen

4.2.   Sc-prog-alt (call for leisure activities, budget, alternative
programme intentions) Chair: Trish

4.3.   Sc-fund (Trefoil grant application, funding strategy) Chair: Elaine

4.4.   Sc-research (sc membership, childcare research progress and timing of
decision, transport research progress, venue research progress) In lieu of
chair: Kalen

4.5.   Sc-pub (website wording inc. venue, advertisement deadlines, poster
production and publicity generally, generic description) Chair: Martijn

4.6.   Working group reports (if any) (Echo - Kalen, Newsletter - Stephen,
Purchasing - Stephen, Tech - Stephen)

5.      Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier)

5.1.   Webmaster (updating website, SSL certificate, registration system)

5.2.   Venue coordinator 2012 (planned venue visits, venue information for

5.3.   Treasurer (actions taken under delegated authority,
virginmoneygiving, bank account, HMRC, accounts and accounting advice)

5.4.    Company Secretary (actions taken under delegated authority, annual
report, info@ guidance, policies and job descriptions, files, postholding)

5.5.    Chair (actions taken under delegated authority, general progress,
any other matters)

6.      Any other business