Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Sunday 6th May 2012 Meeting time: 2.00pm BST Meeting Chair: Martijn Present: Debbie, Martijn, Peter, Stephen, and Yo Apologies: Elaine, Kalen and Trish 1. Statement 1.1. The board noted its decision by written resolution on 19/04/12 to approve the final accounts. 2. Ratification 2.1. The board ratified its decision to co-opt Debbie to the board (made on list on 12/04/12) (4 for, 0 against) 2.2. The board ratified its decision to accept a revised proposal "Interests, people, and autism" (Dinah Murray) for the Autscape programme (made on list on 21/04/12) (5 for, 0 against) 3. Proposals 3.1. Childcare. Following a brief discussion of potential options if any problems occurred in making the intended booking, the board agreed to book Kidzonecreche.co.uk to provide childcare at Autscape 2012 and allocate a budget of £1750 for childcare. [See Appendix A for the rationale considered by the board] (5 for, 0 against) 3.2. Merchandise budget. In response to a question, the purchasing coordinator stated that he expects to recoup between 80 and 120% of the intended budget from sales and the treasurer confirmed that last year's figure was 120%. Yo commented that the risk is small in Autscape financial terms and, in any case, provides a service to participants. The board agreed to allocate a general merchandise budget (excluding pens) of £200. (5 for, 0 against) 3.3. Webhosting. The meeting chair enquired as to the source of the donation and the conditions attached. The company secretary clarified that the conditions are that it is used for this purpose with this provider and that the donation is anonymous at present. The board decided to retain Jump Networks as Autscape's web hosts for a further year. The cost will be GBP 102 (the full amount is GBP 168 incl. VAT, and because of a reduction in costs, we have a credit note for GBP 66), however, Autscape is being offered a conditional donation to meet the full cost. [See briefing paper on donation conditions posted to list on 03/06/11 for reference] (4 for, 0 against) 3.4. Alternative programme budget. In response to a question the treasurer confirmed that the proposed budget is affordable. The board approved a budget of £300 for the alternative programme to cover: * Glowsticks (sparklies and 'olympics'), * Refreshments during registration period (incl special diet needs), * Art, craft and similar material refunds, * Stickers and other costs associated with registration activities, * Cheap table tennis bats, balls, nets (if venue's are not adequate), * And other relevant items. (5 for, 0 against) 3.5. Single night registrations. The board discussed a proposal from the registrar that we do not allow presenters coming for only one night to book single en-suites unless they have a very good reason. (Allowing them to do so would take the room out of action for participants coming for the whole of Autscape - see discussion on list 4/5/12 'Presenter one night options'). Following discussion of various options, the board recognised the complexity of the issues and the need for rapid responses to changing circumstances. The board decided to delegate to the registrar the authority to restrict the availability of room options to groups of participants as necessary to meet the overall needs of Autscape provided she acts fairly and in the interests of maximising the accessibility of Autscape in accordance with our accessibility policy. The intention of the proposal was to cover things like the recent issue about family rooms and future such issues that may arise as well as this specific issue. (5 for, 0 against). 4. Follow ups 4.1. Purchase/transfer of autscape domains (Peter). Peter reported that he had so far been unable to action this due to lack of time. 4.2. Chair of sc-research (Kalen). Kalen reported (via the secretary) that she had appointed Debbie to chair sc-research. 4.3. Echo feasibility report (Kalen). Kalen reported (via the secretary) that she will be unable to submit this report until June. 4.4. Draft chat list guidance (Martijn). Martijn reported that he has made no progress with this task and invited support from others. He stated that, if no-one else is able to assist or take over the project he will get to it as possible but that this may be a while. 4.5. Registration system (Peter). Peter reported that the registration system is finished and registration is open. He reported that travel payments are now incorporated into the booking and hopes that this will reduce cash handling. Yo mentioned a minor issue with the provision of payment information which Peter undertook to adjust. 5. Subcommittee progress reports (suggested topics in brackets) 5.1. Formal programme subcommittee (invitations, schedule - including availability of it to other board members and the website) Chair: Kalen. Kalen reported (via the secretary) that the addition of Dinah and Josh Hennessey, who will talk about supporting autistic people, makes 7 approved presentations. She hasn't had any confirmations from those she has invited so far. She can make the outline schedule available to anyone who wants it. It has been posted to the subcommittee email list already. It will be filled in as information comes in from presenters. She also reported a conflict between two presenters who want to be at the same time, which she is attempting to sort out. 5.2. Alternative programme subcommittee (leisure activities, budget, alternative programme intentions) Chair: Trish. Debbie reported on behalf of Trish that a budget has been proposed (see 3.4 above). Next steps are to source some items and maybe send out another call for leisure activities. In response to a question, Debbie stated that the subcommittee has to find more items for the alternative programme before being able to make progress on a schedule. Debbie asked whether the alternative programme subcommittee or Kalen is responsible for the schedule. The secretary clarified that Kalen is doing the actual scheduling but it is the alternative programme subcommittee's responsibility to tell her what content to put on the schedule for the alternative programme. There was also some brief discussion of the urgency, or otherwise, of the production of a schedule for the alternative programme. 5.3. Fundraising subcommittee (Trefoil grant application, funding strategy) Chair: Elaine. Elaine reported (via the secretary) that we were unable to get Virginmoneygiving up and running before the London Marathon. However the person who ran raised £1300 in 48 hours for the charity designated instead. Whilst this is good news for that charity and not us, it does show the potential for this type of thing. The good news is though, the person was so impressed that they and another person will be running a Half Marathon and they will both be raising money for Autscape. 5.4. Research subcommittee (childcare research progress, transport research progress, venue research progress) Chair: Debbie. Debbie reported that she took over the research subcommittee from Kalen on 12 April. Childcare: The subcommittee checked the availability of some more (local-ish) providers and made a final decision of what to pass to the board. The subcommittee chair passed the research subcommittee's recommendations to board on 24 April and received confirmation from Elaine (childcare coordinator) that she would take it from there. Travel: These pages unfortunately became delayed. The international ones and the arranged travel ones went to sc-pub for proof-reading on 30 April. The research subcommittee chair received the results of the research Alexis was doing on the evening of 2 May 2012. Unfortunately this overlapped with start of registration and the load in the first few days has been very heavy. Hence she has not had time to format them into html yet. She hopes to do so next week. Once that is done she intends to pass them to Martijn (publications and publicity subcommittee chair) as well. As other routes come she will add them. Venue: The subcommittee shortlisted a number of venues. These have been passed to Peter who will phone them and report back on price, availability and suitability. She hopes this will produce a venue shortlist. If not she intends to discuss the matter further in the subcommittee and pass another list to Peter. The secretary and vice chair congratulated Debbie on the volume of progress in these areas since her return. 5.5. Publications and publicity subcommittee (website wording inc. venue, poster production and distribution and publicity generally, generic description) Chair: Martijn. Martijn reported that, unfortunately, there has not been as much progress as desired. The posters are almost done, currently in proofreading stage. He intends to print posters and flyers and physically mail them to the Autism Show to make sure they are present this year. He reported that the venue information is now up on the website (thanks to Stephen and Yo) and progress on travel information is as in Debbie's report (5.4) above. He reported no progress yet on a generic description of Autscape. In response to a question Martijn reported that he expects to have the poster ready for distribution in two days but that there is not yet a distribution list. Yo offered any assistance required. 5.6. Working group reports (if any) (Echo - Kalen, Newsletter - Stephen, Purchasing - Stephen, Tech - Stephen). Echo - see 4.3. Tech - Stephen had nothing to report. Newsletter - Stephen reported a general lack of progress this month and took responsibility for that. He has redrafted a request for submissions (Thanks to Debbie for getting an initial draft on that). He intends to get that out next week, leaving a little more time for others to comment on/redraft further, and prompt that this is the case today in case people missed the redraft. Yo commented that she intends to put out another bulletin in May and that she could include the email address for submissions and a few details in that if Stephen likes. She requested a copy of the current draft of the request for submissions and Stephen confirmed he would supply this. Purchasing - Stephen reported progress starting to be made properly here, and with the budget we can start making merchandise purchases in earnest. He intends to start looking for quotes for initiation badge printing over the next week. He reported that he has had an initial look for costs for replacing caps just prior to the meeting; it's looking like they'll cost between £7 and £8 per hat. 6. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 6.1. Webmaster (updating website, registration system, questionnaires). Peter reported that updating the minutes is way behind, but he intends to try to get that up-to-date today. He asked that, if people want to submit any questionnaires, they should please let him know. 6.2. Registrar (registrations so far and issues arising). Debbie reported that there have been over 30 registrations in the first few days. Some bookings are in a state of flux while people consider their options regarding room types. She reported that she is currently spending between two and three hours a day on processing bookings and answering queries on registration matters, info@ and travel related. She has a list for travel consisting of me, Peter and Alexis which takes a little of the load off. Yo advised Debbie to bear in mind a prior decision of the board regarding travel advice and undertook to email Debbie a copy after the meeting. Debbie also reported that single en-suite rooms are very popular this year (20 to 21 bookings for them so far to only 4 for standard singles). In response to a question Debbie confirmed that we currently have space on all room types. The only room types filling too quickly are family en-suites (mentioned on list) and doubles en-suites are getting close to filling. There are over 30 single en-suites available. Debbie commented that in hindsight we could have increased the price on them and decreased on normal singles for more accessibility. She expressed surprise at their popularity and wondered whether people think the bathroom facilities are like last year's venue. She has asked Peter if it is possible to get the bathroom pictures linked into the registration system so that people could see they are not cubicles they would be sharing. Debbie also reported that about 7 of the bookings are people who have not previously attended Autscape. The meeting chair thanked Debbie for her work. 6.3. Venue coordinator 2012 (planned venue visits, venue information for info pack, coordination with programme coordinator on use of rooms). Stephen reported that he is in ongoing dialogue with venue for any additional queries that occur. He is starting to compile venue information for info pack. No more venue visits planned. Coordination over use of rooms not yet started. In response to a question, Stephen confirmed that he intends to start discussion about catering in either late May or early June. Yo queried whether that would produce a draft menu early enough. Stephen commented that the venue's approach to dietary issues appears promising but that he can move the discussion forward to mid May if that is thought to be needed. Yo commented that it is ideal if we can include a menu in the info pack and Martijn requested information needed for the info pack as soon as possible. Yo offered to provide input on GFCF issues if Stephen needs. 6.4. Treasurer (actions taken under delegated authority, insurance, virginmoneygiving, bank account, HMRC, accounting advice). Peter reported that the accounts were finished, approved and filed. He has just received a letter from HMRC saying that they were about to look at our charity application and that it could take another 10 weeks! We can't make progress with Virgin Money Giving until this is complete. He reported that he now has access to on-line banking at CAF. The web interface is, well, rather hostile to users, but most people won't be exposed to that. The procedure for receiving international payments is rather more involved than before. He reported that he needs to sort out insurance. I need to know what unusual activities may be taking place as these will make a difference to the premium offered. In response to a question Peter stated that the addition of various activities is unlikely to make a huge financial difference to the cost of insurance and certainly not enough to put us off doing things. Debbie asked when Peter needs to know about activities and it was agreed to discuss that further on the board email list. 6.5. Company Secretary (actions taken under delegated authority, filing and distribution of accounts, PVSL, info@ guidance, policies and job descriptions, files, postholding). Yo reported that the process of getting the minutes approved by the chair is very nearly up to date. She reported that she sent out bulletins in March and April using her delegated authority. She has posted the renewal for PVSL and tried to get them to correct their records. The accounts were finalised and submitted to the accountants. She had not yet received confirmation that they have been submitted to companies house, but Peter was able to check this and confirm that they have during the meeting. Yo reported that, annoyingly, the accountants managed to use an earlier draft of our annual report and undid all the careful proofreading she and Kitt had done on the final version. She also reported having been busy with a lot of general admin and coordination in the absence of the chair on maternity leave. She has also been working on director training and development issues on an individual basis. Longer term jobs are now on hold til after Autscape 2012. She intends to start working on prepping this year's AGM shortly. 6.6. Chair (actions taken under delegated authority, general progress, board communication, any other matters) Kalen reported (via the vice chair) that the on-site team for Autscape 2012 will consist of: Elaine, Debbie, Yo, Trish, Stephen and Katja. Martijn's participation is still uncertain. Yo has volunteered to be the coordinator of the on site team, but will need help from those who know more about Autscape participants and history. Kalen also reported that communication within the board has not significantly improved. To reiterate, please at least keep the board up to speed as to the progress of your activities, even if you take decisions independently. It is very important to avoid surprises caused by working past each other. 7. Any other business 7.1. [Held in closed meeting] Meeting closed 16:01. APPENDIX A There are not many contenders in the area and this one seems to meet all our requirements. The price is also reasonable. They quote based on £7 per hour per child under 10 and £6 per hour per child over 10 plus petrol. The proposed budget covers 10 children and petrol but could come down significantly with less children. The nearest contender is the Care Fairies who have quoted £1500-2150 depending on whether 2 or 3 staff are required. (if we had 10 children it would be 3 staff and this therefore makes them more expensive). All quotes are based on 28 hours. If we added more hours Kidzone would still probably come out cheaper and it is unlikely that we would have 10 children.