Agenda for June 2012 meeting

Final Agenda for June 2012 board meeting

Meeting to be held on Sunday 3rd June at 2pm at


Apologies received from Martijn

1.      Ratification

1.1.   Our decision to move both dates in the cancellation policy two weeks
 ie. from 16th and 30th June to 2nd and 16th June. (decision made on list on

1.2.   Our decision to request information about additional special needs
(such as special diets, wheelchair access etc.) by 16th June. (decision made
on list on 11/05/12)

2.      Proposals

2.1.   The company secretary proposes that the board ask the company
secretary to prepare as a matter of urgency a report on recruitment options
including a plan for the future recruitment of new directors with needed
skills and to have the report available for consideration at the July board
meeting. (See notes in Appendix A)


2.2.1.      The company secretary proposes that Autscape set up a new email
list (provisionally called 'Autscape-experience') for the discussion of
matters directly relevant to attendance at the Autscape conference only. The
announcement will make clear that the new list is to be low volume and that
those who can't follow this will be initially sent reminders and then
moderated. If it proves necessary, technical measures will be taken to cap
the volume of posts by individuals. The chat list will remain and
individuals who wish to discuss broader issues at length will be able to
continue to do so there. (See rationale in Appendix B.)

2.2.2.      The company secretary proposes that moderators be appointed for
the new list (volunteers needed).

2.3.   The purchasing coordinator proposes that the board gives him
authorisation to purchase 15 organiser hats for £100.14. (See notes in
Appendix C)

3.      Follow ups

3.1.   Purchase/transfer of autscape domains (Peter)

3.2.   Echo feasibility report (Kalen)

3.3.   Draft chat list guidance (Martijn)

3.4.   Childcare booking (Elaine)

3.5.   Insurance (Peter/Yo)

4.      Subcommittee progress reports (suggested topics in brackets)

4.1.   Sc-prog-form (confirmation from invitees, finalisation and
publication of schedule) Chair: Kalen

4.2.   Sc-prog-alt (leisure activities, alternative programme intentions,
liaison regarding scheduling) Chair: Trish

4.3.   Sc-fund  (fundraising strategy) Chair: Elaine

4.4.   Sc-research (transport research progress, venue research progress)
Chair: Debbie

4.5.   Sc-pub (website wording, poster production and distribution and
publicity generally, generic description) Chair: Martijn

4.6.   Working group reports (if any) (Echo - Kalen, Newsletter - Stephen,
Purchasing - Stephen, Tech - Stephen)

5.      Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier)

5.1.   Webmaster (updating website, registration system, questionnaires)

5.2.   Registrar (registrations so far and issues arising)

5.3.   Venue coordinator 2012 (planned venue visits, venue information for
info pack, coordination with programme coordinator on use of rooms)

5.4.   Treasurer (registration as a charity for tax purposes, actions taken
under delegated authority, insurance, virginmoneygiving, bank account, HMRC,
accounting advice)

5.5.    Company Secretary (actions taken under delegated authority, PVSL,
info@ guidance, policies and job descriptions, files, postholding,
recruitment and retention issues, AGM and nominations)

5.6.    Chair (actions taken under delegated authority, general progress,
board communication, any other matters)

6.      Any other business


To this point Autscape has recruited directors informally (and largely by
means of volunteers) from amongst the Autscape beneficiary community. For
some time Autscape has been overly dependent on the skills of a small number
of individuals and now faces a likely skill shortage as a consequence of
retirements of long serving members of the board. To address this, the
proposal envisages an active and more formal recruitment process, probably
including seeking potential trustees with relevant skills from beyond the
Autscape beneficiary community. The proposed report will include
consideration of:

  a.. the implications of such recruitment for the majority autistic make-up
of the Autscape board and how this can be protected;
  b.. the sustainability or otherwise of current overlap between governance
and management with Autscape's organisational structure and potential


Rationale: The Autscape chat list has become very daunting for new
participants and many established members due to heavy list traffic and
dominance by a small number of members who wish to discuss a broad range of
topics at length. Many newcomers join and then quickly leave the chat list.
There are anecdotal reports of people finding it overwhelming and being
unable to keep up with the traffic. There is a need for a list which is
accessible and helpful to potential attendees who wish to find out what
attending Autscape is like and those who just want to have limited contact
with other attendees to discuss their experience of attending Autscape.
Thanks to Debbie and Peter for helpful suggestions on amending this


We only actually need 10 for this year, including hats to replace any that
the on-site team have indicated they intend to purchase from Autscape, but
10 hats would cost £7.12 per hat while 15 will cost us £6.68 per hat, and
this will give us spares for future years, reducing the amount of time it
will be before we need to purchase more hats. This cost to Autscape will be
mitigated by those on the on-site team who are purchasing hats from us this
year as mentioned should be an option on the list - three, including
myself, have indicated an intent to do so.