Agenda for January 2013 board meeting Meeting to be held at 2pm on Sunday 20th January at #autscape Attendance Apologies 1. Request from the company secretary for directors to waive their right to formal notice of this meeting 2. Proposals 2.1. The company secretary proposes that the directors request proposed fees from the interim treasurer to be available 1 week in advance of the February meeting in order to be able to vote on a fee structure at the February meeting. 2.2. The company secretary proposes that the directors ask the interim treasurer or other willing individual to review and update the cancellation policy ready for approval at the February meeting (n.b. AFAIK this mostly consists of adjusting the dates to fit this year's Autscape dates) 2.3. The chair proposes that the directors approve the draft chat list guidance (posted to list 18/01/13 'Chat list guidance (2nd draft)') 2.4. Martijn, Yo and Elaine have made conflicting proposals regarding rules covering posting to the Announce list. The chair's original proposal is set out in full in Appendix A. The following options are available to the board: (a) Adopt Martijn's proposal in Appendix A as rules (b) Adopt items 3 and 4 of Martijn's proposal in Appendix A as guidelines (how items 1 and 2 might or might not work with this option would require clarification) (c) To adopt Elaine's proposal in Appendix A (d) To decide that existing rules and conventions are sufficient and not make any new ones (Yo's proposal) The company secretary's analysis of the effects of these options is also set out in Appendix A. 3. Follow-ups 3.1. Director recruitment (Yo) 3.2. Purchase/transfer of autscape domains (Martijn) 3.3. Autscape experience list (due for review to consider whether working as intended) 4. Subcommittee progress reports 4.1. Programme (Chair: Martijn)(sc membership, call for proposals, theme description, proposed invitations, other issues) 4.2. Fundraising (Chair: Elaine) (sc membership, fundraising strategy, other issues) 4.3. Research (Chair: Elaine)(sc membership, childcare providers, transport providers, other issues) 4.4. Publications and publicity (Chair: Martijn)(sc membership, poster/flyer, adverts in publications, other issues) 5. Roles and responsibilities which still need to be assigned. 5.1. 2012-2013 Registrar (Last year - Debbie) Candidates: 5.2. Purchasing 5.3. Transport (arranging once research makes recommendation and board decides provider) 5.4. Childcare (arranging once research makes recommendation and board decides provider) 5.5. Insurance (obtaining quote and arranging following board approval) 6. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 6.1. Venue Coordinator (Elaine)(matters arising, plans for venue visits) 6.2. IT systems manager (Stephen)(handover, website updating, anything else) 6.3. Interim Treasurer (Stephen)(progress of the accounts, actions taken under delegated authority, handover progress including whether he now has the cheque book, training needs, contact with bank/accountants, anything else) 6.4. Company Secretary (Yo)(bulletins, follow ups from previously delegated actions, actions taken under delegated authority, outstanding issues) 6.5. Chair (Martijn)(road map, actions taken under delegated authority, board functioning and communication, progress so far in 2012-2013 and next tasks) 7. Any other business APPENDIX A Martijn's full proposal: (---begin of proposal---) 1. To make every board member a moderator of the Announce list. 2. To permanently set the list so that even posts from moderators and administrators are never automatically approved. The system calls this "emergency moderation", but it would become the normal mode for this list. 3. To agree to a rule of conduct that we: - *never* approve our own posts, - nor approve any post in which we have a personal interest, - nor reject any post for personal reasons, but instead wait for another board member who is neutral about the post in question to approve or reject it. 3a. In the unlikely event that a conflict of interest is inevitable because no neutral board member is available to approve or reject it, to put the post in question up for a vote which is ratified and minuted at the next board meeting. 4. To ask all board members (who feel able to do so) to deal with the posts waiting in the moderation queue in a timely manner, subject to item 3 above and to common sense. Approval criteria would include: - Is it important news of general interest to all the members? - Is it well written and spelled correctly? - Is it in the best interest of the Autscape organization to send this post to all its members? If in doubt, don't approve or reject, but leave it in the queue and discuss it on the board list. On the other hand, don't start unnecessary discussions and *do* act independently if you feel able to make a clear judgment about a post. 5. To use the board list to reach consensus in the event of any conflicts arising from this practice. If consensus cannot be reached, then whoever has an interest in the post in question may put it up for a vote which shall be ratified and minuted at the next board meeting. (---end of proposal---) Elaine's proposal: Delegate 2 moderators from the board. Any posts sent to the announce list that do not originate from the board or without the boards prior knowledge or are not in relation to an announcement that the board has made are withheld and brought to the attention of the board for discussion, approval or rejection. Company secretary's analysis of the impact of proposals on procedures and rules: The existing rules which affect this area are were posted to the board list on 08/01/13 'For reference - existing rules/decisions on delegation andthe conduct of directors'. Under these rules, the current situation is: a.. Any board member or postholder may post to the announce list but must get their post approved by a list administrator (currently the chair or the secretary) b.. The chair and the secretary each have the delegated power to post to the announce list without the prior approval of any other person, provided the purpose of the post is something which falls within their delegated powers (this basically means if they are acting in an emergency situation) and are each *required* to report that they have done this to the board at the next meeting. c.. There is also an existing convention¹ that individuals, including the chair and secretary, should not normally approve their own posts to the announce list. d.. All board members are already required by law and article 17 (which has the force of law) not to act where they have a conflict of interest Option (d) would retain the above as the rules. Option (a) would result in the following changes: a.. No-one would have the power to post to the announce list under any circumstances without the approval of another board member. b.. Any board member or postholder would be able to post to the announce list provided their post was approved by any other board member c.. Item 3 of the proposal is redundant since all board members are already required to do this by law and article 17 (which has the force of law) d.. Item 5 of the proposal is redundant since the principles of decision making by the board are already set out in article 10 and all directors are legally obliged to obey the articles Option (b) would result in the following changes: a.. Establish the convention that no individual should approve their own post to the announce list except under exception circumstances as a written guideline, but it would continue to be *possible* for the chair and secretary to do so under exceptional circumstances (as covered in their delegated authority). b.. Item 5 of the proposal is redundant since the principles of decision making by the board are already set out in article 10 and all directors are legally obliged to obey the articles c.. The changes proposed in items 1 and 2 would force option (a) and are not compatible with option (b). With this option (and without item 2), item 1 would mean that it would become possible (though still contrary to other rules) for any board member to approve their own posts. There may be other technical options which would be more compatible with this option Option (c) would result in the following changes: a.. No individual would be able to post to the announce list under any circumstances without either (i) advance approval from the whole board or (ii) the post being held in moderation until the full board has approved the post. 1. a convention is an unwritten rule about the way things are done which is based on the ways they have been done and/or rules which are generally accepted amongst those involved to exist. This may seem very vague, but actually a lot of rules and policies exist (and are often upheld by the courts) simply on the basis that 'it is what people normally do' and therefore a convention exists. Most conventions are never written down, because actually writing down every single 'rule' and procedure that any organisation follows would be unworkable because there are so many. But an organisation needs to consider which 'rules' and procedures it considers important enough to document. And which should be 'guidelines' and which 'rules'.