Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Sunday 19th May 2013 Meeting time: 2.00pm BST Meeting Chair: Martijn Present: Elaine, Liz, Martijn, Stephen, Trish and Yo Apologies: Debbie 1. The directors waived their right to formal notice of this meeting (6 for, 0 against) 2. Announcement 2.1. The board announced that Autscape 2014 will be held at Belsey Bridge Conference Centre, Ditchingham, East Anglia from 4-7th August 2014. 3. The board ratified (6 for, 0 against) its decisions to: 3.1. co-opt Liz Pellicano to the Autscape board (see 'VOTE co-option' 24-25/04/13) 3.2. accept the following proposals (and reject those proposals listed on the email list) (see 'Proposal acceptance - please read and vote' 08/05/13): Alexis Green - Self advocacy booklet for adults on the autism spectrum Caroline Henthorne - A Faith That Speaks Our Language Courage to stand - Finding the courage to stand up and be heard Damian Milton - From finding a voice to being understood: exploring the double empathy problem. Jay Blue - Find your voice through self-employment Kalen - When you can't find your voice - using signs and symbols to supplement speech Larry Arnold - Listening to autistic voices Peter Baimbridge - Making Conversation Susy - The Colour of In-Between Lyte - Authenticity and Wholeness: exploring what may have been given up for lost Yo - Finding a voice within organisations 3.3. appoint Dolan Green Travel to provide the transport to and from Ackworth/Wakefield station and charge a fee of £10 per person for a return journey. (see 'Transport fee proposal' 28/4/13) 4. Proposals 4.1. Childcare. The board discussed the proposal (see 'Childcare options' thread starting 30/04/13 for discussion and Appendix A for background information). The interim treasurer (Stephen) noted that, while above his original estimate, the £2500 maximum in the proposal is affordable. Martijn commented that it is a crazy amount of money but that he was not able to propose alternatives. There was a consensus that the cost is much higher than the board would like. Trish noted that childcare is needed anyway for organiser children. Yo commented on the lack of alternative options and commented that there seems to be a problem finding affordable childcare in this geographical area and that this should be noted regarding this venue in the future. Martijn wondered whether Autscape could hire some nannies instead as that would be cheaper. The company secretary (Yo) advised that this would raise additional legal problems including Autscape becoming an employer and being responsible for provision and safety of room and toys (unlike with a crèche). Yo commented that alternatives sound easy but aren't. There was a brief discussion of whether safety issues were a redundant concern, given that the venue is a school. Liz commented that it does seem ridiculously expensive but at least all the safety/legal issues will be covered with a crèche rather than a nanny. Martijn queried whether research has been done in a wider area. The research subcommittee chair (Elaine) confirmed that it has. Yo commented that this issue is now delaying registration and that the research subcommittee chair (Elaine) has been looking for alternatives for some time. Yo asked and the interim treasurer (Stephen) confirmed that, although the proposal allows for a maximum of £2500, the amount is expected to be closer to £2000. Martijn pointed out that it is crazy that Autscape will be charging £60 (age 0-4) or £150 per child but they'd end up costing anywhere between £300 and £500. Yo agreed but again stressed the lack of an alternative. Stephen (referring to Debbie's report to the board on fee trends over time) pointed out that Autscape is already charging significantly more for children than last year. Yo noted that has always been the case that children cost Autscape more than we charge for them because of the low number of children relative to adults. The board decided (5 for, 1 against) to ask The Mobile Creche Company to provide a crèche for Autscape to cost no more than £2500. 4.2. Purchasing. The board agreed (6 for, 0 against) a budget for the purchasing working group of 500GBP: 200GBP for the purchase of general conference materials, excluding name badges and pens; and 300GBP for the purchase of merchandise. (see Appendix B for cost breakdowns) 4.3. Storage. 4.3.1. The board discussed the available options (see Appendix C for background information): (a) paying £5 per week plus VAT for minimum storage of Autscape items at Storage Boost (b) covering the cost of Yo's garage (currently £6 per week (inc. VAT)) up to a maximum cost of £10 per week and using that to store Autscape items (exact size not yet available but it is believed that this would allow the storage of all current items and newly purchased sensory room items) (c) paying £18 per week pus VAT to store current Autscape items plus newly purchased sensory room items at Storage Boost The interim treasurer (Stephen) looked at the cost (over two years to check the affordability for an indefinite length expense) and noted that both options a) and b) come to £624 over two years, while option b) gives us more storage space for the same amount (Though this may increase over time, up to a maximum of £1040 over two years, and we're informed it's unlikely to reach that in the forseeable future.) Option c), meanwhile, comes to £2246.40 over two years. He advised that Autscape can afford option (a) or option (b) (although he would be more comfortable with a lower maximum for the latter), but cannot afford option (c). He suggested amending the proposal with regard to option (b) to cause the board to revisit the decision when the rent reaches £8 a week (£832 over two years) rather than £10 (£1040 over two years). He noted the 10% discount available for options (a) and (c) for prepayment of 26 weeks and commented that this makes the minimum for b) slightly more expensive than a), but not significantly and given the extra storage capacity in b) the £62 increase seems fine. It was clarified that any chosen option would take effect following the 2013 conference rather than immediately. The board decided (5 for, 0 against) to cover the cost of Yo's garage (currently £6 per week (inc. VAT)) up to a maximum cost of £8 per week and use that to store Autscape items. 4.3.2. Transport of stored items. The board discussed possible solutions. Martijn enquired whether Yo would be able to undertake to transport the stored items to Autscape. Yo responded that she is unable to do so. The board agreed (5 for, 0 against) to hire a van and driver to transport the items to and from Autscape and incur the necessary cost (approx cost as detailed in Appendix C), annually. Following the vote there was a brief discussion in which it was noted that, as will be occurring for transport to Autscape this year, there is some prospect that Autscape will only incur the (considerably lower) cost of hiring a van and that Autscape directors involved in storage may be able to make informal arrangements to provide a driver and relieve Autscape of this cost. However, it was noted that the reason for the decision under this item is to ensure that Autscape will cover the cost if necessary, so that individual directors involved are not under pressure to provide a driver/transport themselves if they should encounter difficulties in doing so. 4.4. First impressions. The board decided (nem con) to improve first impressions of Autscape by linking to the experience list rather than the chat list from the Autscape experience page. The chair (Martijn) noted that this minor operational issue should ideally have been taken to the Publicity and Publications subcommittee rather than the board. 4.5. Raising awareness of opportunity to participate in a documentary. It was noted that there is no financial incentive for Autscape. The board discussed the potential usefulness of the proposal to participants, the relevance to and compatibility with Autscape's aims and the reputational issues involved. There was a consensus the ethos of the documentary appears compatible with Autscape's and that raising awareness amongst Autscape members/participants would be potentially useful to members provided that it is completely clear that Autscape does not endorse this documentary but is simply passing on information in order to allow Autscape members to make up their own minds. Elaine noted that the producers are seeking publicity sooner rather than later and the options of using the chat list and Autscape bulletin to transmit the information were mentioned. The board decided (6 for, 0 against) to contact Autscape members to provide contact details for the producers of 'The Undateables' and make members aware that they are seeking potential new participants but that Autscape is simply passing on this information and does not endorse the programme. (see Appendix D for further details) 5. Follow ups 5.1. Venue information on website (Stephen/Elaine). Martijn reported that he has created a venue information page based on the 2011 information pack (we were in the same venue then). It's up at http://www.autscape.org/venue/. He welcomed suggestions for alterations and improvements and asked for them to be sent directly to me or to the Publications & publicity subcommittee list. Elaine commented that she has found a few amendments and will send them on. 5.2. Opening registration (Martijn) inc. check that gender question has been resolved (Stephen). The company secretary (Yo) relayed information from the former IT systems manager (Peter) who reported that he has finished the changes requested to registration. He was expecting someone to test it and give feedback, but he hasn't heard anything. The system is ready to be made live as soon as he gets the word. If it's not too late, he recommends a discount of 50p for PayPal. It's just a token amount so it isn't a great burden on people who don't like, want or trust PayPal, but it gives an incentive to people to use PayPal in preference to other methods. Given that the interim treasurer (Stephen) has to go out of his way to check the PO Box, and then out of his way to bank the cheques, and then has to manually reconcile the income and receipts (a tedious operation), this should reduce his workload. It would also give the registrar quicker feedback regarding who has actually paid and who needs chasing up. The interim treasurer (Stephen) was happy with this suggestion. The board decided (nem con) to leave a potential 50p discount for Paypal up to the registrar (Kalen). The company secretary (Yo) asked for clarification as to who is actually responsible for liaising with Peter, testing the system and deciding to open it. The chair confirmed that the registrar (Kalen) is and believes that she has just been waiting for our go-ahead to open registration. There was further brief discussion of whether we are ready to open registration. The chair (Martijn) noted that childcare has now been decided. The company secretary (Yo) noted that there seem to be some communication issues probably due to neither Kalen nor Peter being on the board and undertook to try to facilitate information flow. The IT systems manager (Stephen) queried whether the registration system has been tested at all this year. The transport coordinator (Elaine) commented that she needs to finalise the transport arrangements so they can be put out before people register. The chair commented that, if it takes too long, we may have to open registration anyway and work out transport later and that we really shouldn't wait much longer. 5.3. Phone/Paper registration (Elaine). Elaine reported that she intends to make up a paper registration form as soon as she sees what needs to go on it. She can do this fairly quickly. So far it hasn't been needed. She mentioned it because she had a phone query from somebody who had no internet but they can't come now. 5.4. Submission of accounts/annual report by accountants (Stephen). The company secretary (Yo) relayed information from the former treasurer (Peter) who reported that the accounts materials (invoices, expense claims etc) are currently with the accountants in London. He noted that he found it *much* easier to talk in person than to communicate with them by email. He asked for the chequebook and paying-in book to be returned early so he can give them to Stephen (the interim treasurer), but hasn't got them back yet. The interim treasurer (Stephen) stated that he has no information other than what Peter sent via Yo. The company secretary (Yo) was a bit concerned about the length of time this is taking and the fact that it's still essentially being done by Peter (and thus outside of the control of the board). However she will do her best to monitor the situation and ensure the deadlines are met. 5.5. Insurance (Elaine). It was reported that Elaine now has the details about insurance with CaSE from Peter. Elaine reported that she intends to get on to it as soon as possible. The company secretary expressed concerned that this issue is outstanding at this stage because, in the past, it has taken some time to round up all the information needed and asked Elaine to report back on this on the board list in the next week or two. Elaine noted that the renewal only came to Peter on Friday and he has just passed it on to her. 5.6. Director recruitment (Yo). Yo reported that she hasn't managed to take any further actions towards this (and doesn't expect to be able to now until after Autscape). However she is in very preliminary contact with a possible treasurer and will report further if anything comes of it. 5.7. Request to film at Autscape 2013 (See 'Filming at Autscape 2013?' 28/4/13 and 'Summary of previous position on filming at Autscape' 29/4/13). The company secretary (Yo) noted that the issue needs a resolution as those enquiring are waiting for Autscape's response. Martijn felt that Autscape needs to be very careful about this and keep in mind our previous experience as outlined by Yo on the list. There was a consensus that having a volunteer area which is the *only* place where filming is allowed seemed like a good way to at least try to prevent a repeat of previous problems and that this should be designated clearly so that anyone who doesn't want to be filmed can avoid it. Liz raised the issue of whether consent/release forms would be required from participants being filmed. The company secretary (Yo) noted that this is not always obligatory and that Autscape should ask the filmmakers in detail about their intentions in this regard in order to protect our participants. It was noted that signs need to be particularly clear and that Autscape needs to be extremely clear with the filmmakers about our rules and restrictions to prevent 'mission creep'. The chair (Martijn) undertook to make contact with the filmmakers along these lines. Trish offered to help drafting and Martijn invited Trish to send him her draft. The company secretary (Yo) offered to consult if needed. 5.8. PO box working? (Stephen) Stephen reported that the PO box appears to be functioning as he has received some mail through it, although one test letter has not arrived. 5.9. Potential sponsorship offer (Martijn) Martijn reported that he had forgotten to remind them of his previous email sent 31 March (which got no response as they were out of the office). He has just resent it to them and will post to the list if he gets any response. 5.10. Outstanding 2012-2013 minutes awaiting approval (Martijn) and getting agendas up on website (Stephen). Martijn reported no recent progress on the minutes but will do his best to pick this up again in the coming two weeks. Martijn asked Stephen to fix the list of links to the agendas so that they can be found by people using the website. 5.11. Collecting powerpoints/handouts from 2012 presenters (Trish). Trish reported that these are all on the website now apart from one. The chair (Martijn) advised Trish to leave the outstanding one and consider the project done. 5.12. Autreat/Autscape overlap possibilities (Martijn). Martijn reported no progress and noted that this is not a high priority and he may or may not get to this at some point. 6. Subcommittee progress reports 6.1. Formal Programme (Chair: Martijn) (programme/schedule issues {inc. Lecture/Workshop issues in 'Programme Issue' 11/5/13 and subsequent comments}; proposed invitations including progress on benefits adviser; notifying presenters; guidance for presenters; other issues). The formal programme subcommittee chair (Martijn) reported that proposals have been accepted and the presenters have all been notified. He hasn't made any other progress so far, but will get to work on this in the next few days. Martijn has noted Peter's comments about registration times with regard to transport arrangements but has yet to begin work on the schedule. Yo reported that due to poor response from possible invitees and high number of proposals the benefits adviser invitation has been dropped. 6.2. Alternative/Leisure Programme (Chair: Trish) (Lifeguards, interest groups, leisure programme, other). The alternative/leisure programme subcommittee chair (Trish) reported that she has made arrangements for lifeguards. The subcommittee is discussing interest groups, people seem to want different things and she is trying to ensure that it is accessible for all, especially those who are not good at mixing and need to get to know people. She reported that she now needs to progress the call for activities during the coming week 6.3. Fundraising (Chair: Elaine) (fundraising strategy - deadline for presentation to the board in some form, assistance required, other issues) The fundraising subcommittee chair (Elaine) reported having been forgetting to post the fundraising strategy due to heavy workload and undertook to do so straight after the meeting. The company secretary (Yo) noted that discussion of it will probably need to wait until after Autscape now as we'll all so busy and the chair concurred but asked Elaine to post it anyway. 6.4. Research (Chair: Elaine) (childcare providers, future potential venues - providing information to the board, intentions on storage proposal, other issues). The research subcommittee chair (Elaine) reported that most of the outstanding research has now been done. She is now investigating potential 2015 venues and reported that Debbie and Peter visited Kings Park and are going to put in a report. 6.5. Publications and publicity (Chair: Martijn) (poster/flyer, updating website text, information pack, other issues). The publications and publicity subcommittee chair (Martijn) reported no progress and requested help. Liz offered to help. Yo apologised for being unable to offer help at present. The subcommittee chair (Martijn) undertook to contact Liz and reported that he intends to start the information pack as soon as possible, taking the previous one from this venue as a starting point. 6.6. Purchasing working group (Coordinator: Stephen) Stephen reported that he intends to cover the cost of pens himself, and that he will be making a separate proposal for name badges. He apologises for the time taken to make the proposal in 4.2. 7. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 7.1. Registrar (Kalen) (Opening registration) The chair commented that the registrar (Kalen) is waiting for the board to adequately coordinate the process so that registration can open. 7.2. 2013 Venue Coordinator (Elaine) (matters arising, obtaining plan of fire doors, special diet discussion/draft menu) The venue coordinator reported that she has the plans and has been gathering menus. She now needs to speak to catering and go full swing into venue queries as they arise. 7.3. IT systems manager (Stephen) (handover, website updating, registration system, anything else) The IT systems manager (Stephen) reported that updates continue to be done, forwarding has been set up for the people who requested it, and some details have been updated as per member requests, although he is aware of one outstanding. He has continued to produce documentation as he goes, which is piecemeal and stored with both me and Martijn. Training needs and Autscape's dependence on Peter for upkeep of the current system were briefly mentioned before a discussion (with Martijn) of which programming languages are used in the system was deferred to private email. 7.4. Interim Treasurer (Stephen) (actions taken under delegated authority including webhosting payment, paypal handover, are we ready to take payments from registration in all the likely forms?, handover progress, training needs - including consideration of how the current year's accounts are going to be compiled, contact with bank/accountants, anything else). The interim treasurer (Stephen) reported that progress should be resuming with the Paypal handover since he has given Peter a copy of a current photo ID. He is waiting for access to the pay-in book (currently with the accountant) in order to process two membership fees. He reported having paid 168 GBP (inc VAT) to Jump Networks for our Xen server hosting, using 91.02 GBP out of general reserves under delegated authority (Co-authorised by Yo, though Peter is the person who countersigned the cheque). 7.5. Company Secretary (Yo) (bulletins, situation re 2010 and 2011 accounts from old organisation, getting involved pages update, processing membership applications, response from Rangesh, actions taken under delegated authority, outstanding issues) The company secretary (Yo) reported that she has not made much progress. She hasn't managed a bulletin or the PVSL yet. She reported that she is generally struggling to keep track of my responsibilities, let alone manage to get to them all. She is likely to continue to manage only the most essential and urgent tasks (like the agenda and minutes - which take most of my resources each month). She apologised and reminded the board that, as they know, she is burnt out and would be all too happy to hand over her company secretary responsibilities (at least for a year or two) as soon as alternatives can be found for the necessary skills. In the meantime, she requested the directors prompt her if they are aware of anything vital she is overlooking. Elaine reported that Belsey Bridge have received the PVSL renewal paperwork and are sending it on. 7.6. Chair (Martijn) (road map, actions taken under delegated authority, board functioning and communication, progress so far in 2012-2013 and next tasks). The chair (Martijn) concluded that progress is being made and that the board is functioning for the most part. Autscape will happen. The board will be burnt out. Participants will generally be happy and some will have a truly life-changing experience, which is what we do it all for. He thanked everybody. 8. Other business 8.1. Trish asked for it to be recorded that she is willing to be on the onsite team (and is considering offering to be coordinator). 8.2. Trish asked at what point co-options to the board could be publicly reported. The company secretary (Yo) advised that once the decision is minuted it is public information and (in response to Trish's query) noted that Autscape has a policy on directors' privacy and the format which should be used for directors' names on public documents. The chair (Martijn) noted that the membership should be told about recent co-options and asked whether Trish was willing to do that. Trish offered to draft something. The company secretary (Yo) noted that this is why slow approval of past minutes is a problem, because no-one outside the board is able to find out what is going on. The chair (Martijn) fully agreed and will catch up as soon as he can. Meeting closed 16.25
APPENDIX A Research subcommittee chair's rationale: It has been extremely difficult finding childcare for this years venue. This is partly due to the location and partly due to Autscape having to comply with childcare legislation. (Company secretary note to the board (13/5). As a result we were left with only 2 that could meet the required standards. 1. Tinies (www.tiniescreches.com) For 3 staff £2995.00 plus VAT. They failed to give a quote for 2 staff and after a series of emails I gave up asking. 2. The Mobile Creche co (www.mobilecreche.biz) For 2 staff £1990.00 incl VAT For 3 staff £2475.00 incl VAT Since there is no difference in the professionalism of these companies I have opted for the lower quote provided by The Mobile Creche co. Note: Debbie also suggested we try a local company called Mini Guests. I have since contacted them and they have quoted £2550 for 3 days (2 full days and 2 half days - equivalent to approx 30 hours) regardless of whether we would need 2 or 3 staff. However, I have not checked if they have relevant policies and since The Mobile Creche co comes in lower I have decided not to follow this up and include them as an option. It was also pointed out by Stephen (1/05) that the cost was high compared to other years (see below) and Debbie also highlighted some concerns regarding costs per child (2/05) which she estimated could be as high as £500 or even £600 per child compared with only approx £250 actual cost per child last year. She also suggested the possibility of providing only a cheaper, inferior crèche, just for organisers children, as they often make up the majority of the child attendees anyway, but this was declared unfeasible due to the legislation. The question was also raised by Debbie as to whether we could justify the high cost. In my opinion I think we can, for the following reasons. 1. Stephen, the treasurer, has already said that The Mobile Creche co quote for 2 members of staff is in line with his estimated budget so we do have the money. Should we need 3 members of staff and/or extra hours when the schedule is finalised then this may exceed the estimate but hopefully would still be achievable. (Stephen to confirm please). 2. We have already included childcare on posters, adverts and literature so it would put Autscape in a difficult position if we had to explain why we are not providing childcare. 3. Autscape wants to be as inclusive as possible and also to encourage children to attend. 4. It is highly unlikely that we would have such a small number of children that the cost would be as high as £600 per child. Based on organisers children and other enquiries (though not obviously firm bookings at this point) I estimate that we are more likely to have at least 7 children and need only 2 members of staff and therefore the more realistic cost per child would probably be approx £300. 5. Justification for this Autscape could also come out of necessity. With the company secretary, the registrar and the venue coordinator all possibly needing childcare in order to attend Autscape and Autscape not being able to function due to lack of other organisers without them it could be said that it is necessary to provide childcare in order for there to be an Autscape. Because of the above I have decided not to give an option of 'No childcare', but if the board reject the above proposal then it will have to be considered. I would also like to declare that I have a conflict of interests in that as a trustee of Autscape I have to do what is best for the organisation but I am also somebody who cannot attend unless childcare is provided. Elaine Past child care costs (for reference) 2005 - 775 2008 - 1100 2009 - 563.25 2010 - 660.00 2011 - 686.84 2012 - 1836.00 Company Secretary's advice: Advice to the board relevant to decisions about childcare: Mobile creches are generally not legally required to register with Ofsted (if they operate for less than 14 days from any one premises - which is mostly the case). However this does not mean that they are exempt from complying with relevant legislation. Autscape remains responsible for the health and safety of children attending childcare which we commission (ie the parents pay us and then we pay for the childcare - the parents are not choosing and paying for the childcare themselves) and which is provided on premises we control (ie Autscape pays for the venue and then allows the mobile creche to operate on the venue premises - the creche are not paying for the use of the premises themselves). Autscape is ultimately responsible for ensuring that any childcare we commission from an external provider is provided in accordance with the law including employment laws (e.g. payment of minimum wage to staff) and child protection laws (e.g. CRB checking of staff). If a mobile creche is voluntarily registered with Ofsted, this provides us with a shortcut route to ensuring this is the case - because we can legitimately assume that Ofsted has checked these things. If we were to choose provision which is not Ofsted registered, then we should independently check such legal compliance for ourselves by asking the provider to produce evidence or, at least, a clear statement that they have complied with employment, health and safety, child protection and all other relevant legislation (this is likely to involve doing some research on exactly what legislation they ought to be complying with - it's a very complex area). If we have any reason to doubt their compliance, then we should investigate further and require evidence. Yo (in my capacity as company secretary) Additional advice regarding conflict of interest issues: In relation to this proposal, those directors who would potentially use childcare for their own children and are dependent on doing so in order to attend Autscape have an ethical conflict of interest regarding this issue. However, they have no personal financial interest in the proposal (which is where the conflict of interest provisions in our articles would become relevant). The issue of whether directors who are parents should vote on this issue has arisen in the past. Autscape's established practice is that directors who are parents should vote on this issue. The reasons are that: - no legal conflict of interest (ie a personal financial interest) exists in relation to this issue; - it would be equally unfair and unrepresentative for only the non-parent directors to decide this issue since parents are likely to have a valuably different perspective on the issue to non-parents which is distinct and separate from any personal interest they may have; - Autscape directors are aware (and are so advised again) that they should always vote on any issue on the basis of what they believe to be best for Autscape and not in their own personal interests; - in some years the board has faced the position of being inquorate if all parents were to disqualify themselves from voting on this issue. In those years parents have to vote in order for the issue to be decided at all and it is, therefore, more consistent for them to do so in all years.
APPENDIX B Breakdowns (Based on an initial search and rounded up, I'm hoping to find lower costs for most of these, especially name badges): Conference Materials 30 GBP - Notepads 20 GBP - Interaction badge wallets 25 GBP - Folders/cardboard wallets 50 GBP - Lanyards (If we need more, haven't had chance to count how many we've left) 75 GBP - discretionary, hopefully not to be used; mainly for overflow, etc, but also if we need other things under this category I haven't thought of (e.g. coloured card). Merchandise 70 GBP - Branded tote bags (To be sold over some years for small profit; Apparently they can done for 60p each but I haven't found them for that much yet) 230 GBP - Miscellaneous (Sensory toys; stuffed animals if we get any again, etc)
APPENDIX C Options (a) and (c) (information from research subcommittee chair) If you prepay 26 weeks you get 10% discount. It is also possible to change to a bigger or smaller unit as and when necessary just by letting them know you want to change size. Option (b) rationale and background information (by Yo) - The cost is very unlikely to reach the maximum cost included in the proposal at any time in the foreseeable future. That maximum is simply included because if we pay a trustee for a service Autscape is required to specify the maximum (or exact) cost in writing. The cost is currently £6 per week. The garage is rented from a Housing Association and, therefore, the rent is only likely to rise roughly in line with inflation. - The cost is similar to the minimum commercial storage cost. However the space is much larger and almost certainly large enough to store sensory room items as well. Therefore this is, overall, a considerably cheaper option for Autscape. - I already rent the garage but only need to store 1 item in it (a car roof box). I am intending to discontinue renting it soon unless Autscape chooses to take this option. My only reason for offering it is to save Autscape money and I am not going to be offended or upset if the directors choose an alternative option. - The rental of the garage is available to me long term. I can rent it while I continue to live in my current home. I have a secure tenancy on this property and it is extremely unlikely I would move even in the long term. - While I may not always be a director of Autscape it is most unlikely that I would ever actually sever my relationship with Autscape altogether and I am willing to be helpful in relation to the items in storage whether or not I am on the board. I also have two soon to be grown up children who are also autistic and likely to be involved with/want to help Autscape - Autscape would still need to be prepared to fund transport for the items in storage as I would not have the room to bring them with me. However, in any given year there is some sort of chance that I may have a support worker and the support funding to be in a position to relieve Autscape of this expense. Not guaranteed but a possibility in at least some years. - There are other directors in this part of the country and an Autscape participant who has recently offered to become involved in Autscape organisation lives nearby. Option (b) would essentially mean Autscape paying me to provide a storage service. This is allowable under Charity Commission guidelines and our articles provided there is a formal agreement and the board is satisfied that it is in the best interests of Autscape (see http://www.charity-commission.gov.uk/Publications/cc11.aspx#e3 for full criteria). I declare a conflict of interest on this issue and will abstain from the discussion and vote on this issue. Transport (information from research subcommittee chair) I looked at 'man with a van' type companies just to see how much they would charge and from Crewe to Birmingham (about an hour drive) average £400 and from Crewe to London (about two hour drive) average £600. To have somebody pick the stuff up, take it to Autscape, leave, come back for it when we finish, I asked for the journey from Leeds to Crewe this year and to get an approx idea for the future, I asked for outskirts of London (which most places would be well within distance wise) and to Norwich (which is probably the farthest distance we would go). Other quotes on transport costs: (including, vehicle, manpower, fuel and insurance) For an estate car (which would take what we have now) from Crewe to Leeds and back again it would be £140 plus Vat For an estate car from Crewe to London it would be £260 plus Vat (same price again for return) For a transit van from Crewe to London it would be £335 plus Vat (same price again for return) For an estate car from Crewe to Norwich it would be £300 plus Vat (same price again for return) For a transit van from Crewe to Norwich it would be £335 plus Vat (same price again for return). Insurance The board should also bear in mind that, if we had valuables in storage we might also have to think about insurance.
APPENDIX D Information provided by the producers: We're looking for people who might be potentially interested in taking part in the third series and have attached a flyer/web-post – please let me know if you're happy to send it out. If you have a twitter account or facebook page that you would be happy to post information on the series, that would also be really helpful. Once again we are making a third run of the vibrant, romantic and insightful documentary series 'The Undateables' which will follow disabled people and those with a variety of conditions on their quest to find love. The series will also aim to explore society's attitude towards disabled people and how this can affect relationships. We're currently in the process of talking to a number of organisations, including leading disability networks and charities, about the series idea and to ensure the issues are handled sensitively. 'betty' will work with one or more introductions agencies that find matches for their clients across the UK, based on what has been specified by that client in terms of common interests, likes, dislikes, and location. 'betty' will be closely involved with the matching process and work with the agencies, seeking to provide introductions with both disabled and non-disabled people. The agencies, and Betty, will consult when necessary with people with expertise in the areas of disability or impairment, on-screen or off-screen, for advice and guidance. The series will follow key mile-stones in our contributors' journeys and explore their thoughts and feelings about their experiences along the way. From meeting the agency and getting their dating profile set up to preparing for their first date, we will document the highs and lows of their journey. The intention is that there would also be an accompanying information and help web-pages for viewers. More info The first and second series were a huge success in both ratings and critical acclaim. They were 'pick of the day' in most major newspapers. 'gentle, careful and respectful' – The Telegraph, 'beautifully done' – The Guardian, 'The Undateables proved to be a highly worthwhile and rewarding series. The lesson? These people weren't really undateable at all.'– Metro 'betty' is a highly respected production company and responsible for Truly, Madly, Deeply, a highly acclaimed 2006 documentary which won a RADAR award and followed the progress of the UK's first dating agency for people with learning disabilities; Find Me a Family, a critically acclaimed Channel 4 documentary series about a pioneering project which tries to find homes for the children who no-one else has come forward to adopt; Beauty and the Beast: The Ugly Face of Prejudice, a series for Channel 4 which follows people with facial disfigurement and those with preoccupation about appearance and explores the extremes of discrimination; and the BAFTA nominated Breaking Up With The Joneses for Channel 4, a powerful, sensitive film following one family with two young children over 9 months as they go through divorce. For a full company CV please see www.betty.co.uk The title is designed to be provocative and to reflect the way some individuals view people with disabilities, something which we hope to challenge. In order to show this graphically, we are going to lose the 'Un' of The Undateables on-screen. So it would go from 'The Undateables' to 'The Dateables' on-screen. http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/2013/jan/08/the-undateables-tv-review Please take a look at the article in the Guardian above especially paragraph 4, which I've copied and pasted below in case you don't want to read the whole article: Written simply like that – The Undateables – it doesn't look great. But in its own little animated title sequence it's not just better, it's also more reflective of what the show is about. Cupid fires an arrow into a heart which falls on the Un of Undateables, dislodging it. Now they're not the Undateables. Their perceived undateability is the problem, and the programme sets out to examine the problem and do something about it. Which it does in the same way any other dating show does; it matches the now dateables with people who might be right for them, and they go on dates. Past episodes can be seen here: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/the-undateables/4od We're really excited about The Undateables returning and feel it is a great opportunity to continue to create a greater understanding about the issues and prejudices that are faced.