Agenda for December 2013 board meeting Meeting to be held at 2pm on Sunday 15th December at #autscape Attendance: Apologies: Trish 1. Ratifications: None 2. Announcements: 2.1 Yo's resignation from the board on 24th of November 2013. 3. Proposals: 3.1 Meeting Schedule Proposal: Autscape changes the meeting schedule to either A) Holding a formal board meeting every 2 months with the other month being a meeting specifically for discussions of bigger issues B) Hold a meeting for discussing things a week prior to the board meeting The rationale for this proposal is in appendix A. 3.2 Fidelity Insurance Proposal: That Autscape extends its insurance cover to include fidelity insurance 3.3 Venue size Proposal: The board makes a decision regarding the potential size of the 2015 venue. This is needed so the research subcommittee knows what it is researching. 4. Follow ups: 4.1 Virtual box address information 4.2 Updating information 4.2.1 Charities Commission 4.2.2 Companies House 4.2.3 CRB Checks 5. Role reports (if applicable): 5.1 Chair (Martijn) 5.2 Treasurer/Outgoing Interim Treasurer (Peter/Stephen) 5.3 Stand in company secretary for November - December (Debbie?) 5.4 Venue co-ordinator (Elaine) 5.5 Web systems (Martijn) 6. Subcommittee, working group and any other reports (If applicable) 6.1 Formal Programme subcommittee (Martijn) 6.2 Alternative Programme subcommittee (Trish) 6.3 Fundraising subcommittee (Liz) 6.4 Research subcommittee (Debbie) 6.5 Publicity subcommittee (Alastair) 6.6 Purchasing working group (Elaine) 6.7 Anybody else 7 AOB
Closed portion of meeting 8 Key positions to be filled 8.1 Company Secretary Alastair to report back on any progress made in finding a company secretary. If one is found, then vote as to whether to accept that person (subject to IRC interview?) If one not found vote how to continue Options a/ pay for services b/ ask Debbie to take on the role of company secretary, but not honorary secretary c/ otherwise appoint from inside the board d/ give up searching and agree that company secretary tasks will be distributed 8.2 Honorary Secretary Should some options be chosen from 8.2, a seperate honorary secretary would be required, which may need to be formally split into further roles to fit people's skill sets. Candidates: Stephen(?), Trish(?) 9 AOB (For private part of meeting)
Appendix A [Item 3.1] Elaine writes: The board meetings frequently have issues that require a lot of discussion. Sometimes these are referred to the board list or they have been brought up on the board list prior to the meeting. However, board list discussions rarely include everybody and unless they are regarded as urgent they often drag on and don't bring about a conclusion. By dedicating a meeting purely for discussion issues can be brought to a conclusion quicker and without the pressure that people often feel in the board meeting due to time or the formality of it. Decisions could then be ratified at the main board meeting.