Minutes of February 2014 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation

Meeting date: Sunday 16th February 2014

Meeting time: 2.00pm GMT

Meeting Chair: Martijn

Present: Debbie, Elaine, Martijn, Stephen, Peter, Trish

Apologies: Alastair, Liz

Meeting opened 2:08 GMT.

1.  Ratifications

    The board ratified the following decisions taken on the board list
    (6 for, 0 against):
1.1.  No longer use payasyougopost.com as the supplier of our addresses.

1.2.  Return the Autscape Registered address (for Company registration only)
      to the previous address until a suitable, cost effective alternative
      is found.

2.  Proposals

2.1.  CAF Bank web interface.  The Treasurer proposed that Liz and
      Alastair be given access to the CAF bank web interface, subject to the
      successful passing of their DBS (CRB) checks. The board agreed (6 for,
      0 against).

2.2.  Bank account signatories.  The Treasurer proposed that two
      additional signatories (Liz and Alastair) are appointed for the bank
      account. Additional signatories Liz and Alastair approved (6 for, 0

2.3.  Company Secretary passwords. The Company Secretary proposed
      that Company Secretary passwords be made available to an additional
      person (Elaine). There was a short discussion as to the most suitable
      person for this and what this would give access to. It was agreed that
      additional access to passwords was given to Elaine (6 for, 0 against).

2.4.  Company Addresses (see Appendix A).

2.4.1.  Correspondence Address.  Debbie proposed: Autscape to use Peter's
        address as Autscape's correspondence address this year. There was a
        short discussion during which Peter confirmed he is happy for this
        to go ahead. Correspondence address agreed (6 for, 0 against).

2.4.2.  Registered Address.  Debbie proposed: Autscape to use Peter's address
        as Autscape's registered address subject to Companies House agreeing
        that it is okay for us to only display the company sign inside; in
        the room Peter uses for his Autscape work. Peter to contact
        Companies House. Registered address agreed (6 for, 0 against).

2.5.  Phone top-up.  Elaine proposed that the Autscape phone be topped up
      with £10 approximately twice a year. There was a short discussion
      after which the proposal was rewritten to reflect this. Amended
      proposal: to allow the Autscape phone to be topped up as required, up
      to £30 per year. Proposal adopted as amended (6 for, 0 against).

2.6.  National Diversity Awards.  Elaine proposed we ask for people to
      nominate Autscape for the National Diversity Awards. There was a short
      discussion as to the work involved in campaigning for this award and
      whether the result would be worth it. The proposal was not agreed (0
      for, 2 against).

3.  Follow-ups

3.1.  DBS checks (Elaine). It was reported that there are difficulties in
      confirming the level of cover required for DBS checks. There was some
      discussion and Volunteers were requested to help. Deferred to list.

3.2.  Autscape Bulletin (Trish). It was reported that the Bulletin has been
      written and sent to list but requires checking before it is sent to
      members. Martijn volunteered to check the Bulletin.

4.  Role reports

4.1.  Chair (Martijn). The Chair reported that he is not back on top of
      things as much as anticipated and thanked Elaine and everyone else for
      keeping things moving in the meantime.
4.2.  Treasurer/Outgoing Interim Treasurer (Peter/Stephen). The outgoing
      Treasurer reported that he has I caught up on the data entry for Peter
      to prepare the accounts and apologised to the Treasurer for the delay.
      He now needs to send on receipts, invoices, chequebook and pay in
      book. The Treasure requested that this be done ASAP.

4.3.  Company Secretary (Debbie). The Company Secretary reported that she
      has purchased and is reading books recommended by Yo. She reported
      great concern about the 2013 minutes. A discussion followed during
      which it became clear that the minutes are mainly in draft mode
      awaiting approval. The Honorary Secretary agreed to check on the
      situation with November minutes and the Chair agreed to make minute
      approval a priority after the Call for Proposals. It was agreed that
      the minutes for this meeting be written by Trish immediately
      afterwards and sent to the Board for comments whilst the Honorary
      Secretary proofreads.

4.4.  Venue Co-ordinator (Elaine). The Venue Co-ordinator reported that she
      had intended touching base with Belsey Bridge but this has not yet
      happened - she will do this shortly.

4.5.  Web systems (Martijn). The Webmaster had nothing to report however
      Peter was able to state that he has cleared out the proposals from
      last year.

4.6.  Honorary Secretary (Stephen). The Honorary Secretary had nothing more
      to report in addition to the discussion under 4.3 above.

4.7.  Registrar (Debbie). The Registrar had nothing to report other than
      that no progress can be made on fees until accounts and budget
      proposals have been received.

5.  Subcommittee, working group and any other reports

5.1.  Formal Programme subcommittee (Martijn).  It was reported that
      the theme description is virtually ready and the proposals database
      has been reset so the Call for Proposals should be out soon, hopefully
      by the end of tomorrow as the text needs little work.

5.2.  Alternative Programme subcommittee (Trish).  The Alternative
      Programme Co-ordinator reported that she has looked at the Call for
      Proposals (Alternative) and it needs no change to the text, just
      dates. She is awaiting the distribution of the Call for Proposals
      (Formal) before sending out so as to avoid confusion. Other items will
      commence after half term when Elaine is free to get involved if
      necessary in discussions on the subcommittee list. Meanwhile, the
      budget proposal will be sorted asap and the film licence still needs
      work but preferably before it is taken to the subcommittee.
5.3.  Fundraising subcommittee (Liz).  No report.

5.4.  Research subcommittee (Peter).  The subcommittee chair
      reported that we have a list of childcare providers in the area. There
      are a few changes from last time we were there. We will shortly be
      contacting them for price and availability.

5.5.  Publications & Publicity subcommittee (Alastair). No report.

5.6.  Purchasing working group (Elaine).  The chair of the working
      group reported she has been looking round the web pricing things up but
      now needs to list our requirements and put in a budget.

5.7.  Anybody else.  No further reports.

6.  Any Other Business

    There was no other business.

Meeting closed 3:37 GMT.