Minutes of December 2014 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation

Meeting date: Thursday 11th December 2014

Meeting time: 1.00pm GMT

Meeting Chair: Martijn

Present: Stephen, Martijn, Trish, Peter, Alastair, Elaine (late), Kalen (late)

Apologies: Debbie, Elaine, Liz

Meeting opened 1:08pm.

1.  Request from the Honorary Secretary for directors to waive
    their right to formal notice of this meeting.
    Approved (5 for).

2.  Ratifications

2.1.  The decision to vote for booking Giggleswick from Friday 21st to
      Monday 24th of August 2015, in light of a changed offer of
      availability of dates.
      Ratified (5 for).
      Elaine reported later in the meeting that acceptance of the dates have
      been confirmed by Giggleswick.
3.  Proposals

3.1.  Theme. The Programme Coordinator proposed we adopt Exploring Autistic
      Space as the theme for Autscape 2015.
      Theme "Exploring Autistic Space" adopted for Autscape 2015 (4 for).

3.2.  Honorary Secretary job description. The Honorary Secretary proposed we
      adopt the Honorary Secretary job description posted to the board list
      on November 15th (See Appendix A for details).
      Honorary Secretary job description adopted (4 for).

3.3.  Chat list moderation powers. Stephen proposed that we replace the
      currently delegated chat list moderation powers of item 3.8.2 in the
      meeting of September 2010 with reworded powers (see Appendix I).
      There followed a short discussion in which it was agreed to change
      "i.e." to "e.g." in point 2.
      Moderation powers reworded (with minor amendment to "e.g." in point 2)
      approved (5 for).
3.3.3.  Stephen proposed to limit the time frame in which the members of the
        board may make a decision to one of:
           i) 48 hours
           ii) 72 hours
           iii) 1 week
        Delegated chat list moderation powers adopted with Peter's minor
        amendment and a decision time frame of 72 hours for 3.3.3 (5 for).

4.  Follow-ups

4.1.  Annual Report (Debbie)
      No update received. However, all those contributing were reminded that
      they should submit their reports by Christmas.

4.2.  Personal Data Retention Policy (Martijn).
      Martijn reported he has been working on this and almost has a draft 
      ready to send to the board list, hopefully this week. 
4.3.  Guidance for splitting conference organisation from governance (Elaine).
      (Handled out of turn due to Elaine's late arrival.)
      No progress.

4.4.  Outstanding Minutes (Martijn).
      No progress.

4.5.  Website Files (making the current file system more workable).
      No progress.

(Elaine joined the meeting at this point)

4.6.  Newsletter.
      No known progress. Alastair to follow up with Laura and check if any
      help is needed.
4.7.  Facebook page.
      Alastair reported he has set up a Facebook page with himself, Chen &
      Martijn able to post to it. Chen has provided both the posts so far
      and the publicity list have commented on them. He wishes to publicise
      Autscape 2015 on there as a pinned topic (it was later confirmed by
      Peter that this should not be publicised as definite until we have a
      binding contract) and possibly facebook event once we are ready. He
      confirmed the whole board are on the sc-pub list so will be aware of
      further postings.

5.  Role reports

5.1.  Chair (Martijn).
      Nothing to report.

5.2.  Treasurer (Peter).
      Peter reported that we have received a letter from the HMRC saying
      that charities normally have to do a tax return only every 3-5 years.
      They've update their records and we won't have to do one this year.

5.3.  Company Secretary (Debbie).
      No report received.

5.4.  Web systems (Martijn).
      Nothing to report, things are running normally.

5.5.  Honorary Secretary (Stephen).
      Nothing to report.

5.6.  Programme Coordinator (Kalen).
      Nothing to report.

6.  Any Other Business

    No other business.

(Kalen joined the meeting at this point)

Closed part of the meeting

7.  Role assignments.

7.1.  Venue coordinator (Last year: Elaine; Candidates: Elaine)
      Elaine was elected as venue coordinator (6 for).

8.  Subcommittee and Working Group chairs.

8.1.  Fundraising SC (Last year: Liz; Candidates: )
      No candidates, so Martijn will take it to the Board list.

8.2.  Research SC (Last year: Peter; Candidates: )
      There was a discussion as to the value of a research SC. It was
      decided to discontinue this SC. Elaine suggested much research could
      fall to the Venue Coordinator. Stephen agreed to put this on the
      agenda for next month.
8.3.  Publicity and Publications SC (Last year: Alastair;
      Candidates: Alastair, Kalen)
      Alastair was elected as chair of the Publicity and Publications SC
      (Alastair 4, Kalen 1).

8.4.  Purchasing WG (Last year: Elaine; Candidates: Stephen (Elaine
      withdrew candidacy))
      Stephen was elected as chair of the Purchasing WG (6 for).

Meeting closed 2:25 GMT.

Appendix I. Chat list moderation powers

1  To delegate the power to moderate the entire list and to hold all post on
   a specific topic pending a decision on the appropriate next steps, and
   the power to take the list off moderation if they feel the situation has
   resolved itself with a simple cooling off period, to chat list

2  To delegate the power to decide on appropriate next steps to members of
   the board, on a majority decision outside of a formal board meeting (i.e.
   via the board's e-mail list). (this was reworded to read "e.g." via the
   board's e-mail list)

3  To limit the time frame in which the members of the board may make a
   decision to one of:
   i) 48 hours
   ii) 72 hours
   iii) 1 week.

4  Should no decision be possible within the time limit, the chair has the
   power to either extend the limit further or make an executive decision to
   resolve the situation.

5  If the chair declares a conflict of interest in the decision, then the
   delegated power falls to the vice chair instead.