Agenda for June 2015 board meeting Meeting to be held at 3pm BST on Saturday 27 June 2015 at #autscape 1. Ratifications 1.1 Approval of annual report (See Appendix A) 2. Proposals 2.1 Complaints Policy 2.1.1 The Company Secretary proposes we adopt the complaints policy sent to the board list on the 20th of May. 2.1.2 If the proposed complaints policy passes, the Honorary Secretary proposes that we delegate the following powers, as specified in the Complaints policy: Honorary Secretary: The power process and leading the investigation of complaints not relating to the honorary secretary. Chair: The power to delegate processing and leading the investigation of complaints relating to the Honorary Secretary to a board member other than the Honorary Secretary. 2.2 The Venue coordinator requests a budget of £100 to cover tea/coffee/milk/cups in the boarding houses. (See Appendix B for rationale) 2.3 The company Secretary proposes that we no longer permit observers at the Autscape Board meeting with effect from 1/07/15. (See Appendix C for Rationale) 2.4 Elaine proposes the board grant her permission to sell a small selection of snacks and non-alcoholic drinks at Giggleswick as an individual, with the profit going to Autscape as a donation from herself. 3. Follow Ups 3.1 Filing of Annual Report and Accounts (Elaine) 3.2 Finance Authorisations (Stephen) 3.3 Start of Info Pack and Brochure (Martijn) 3.4 Ammendment to reserves policy (Stephen) 3.5 Personal Data Retention policy (Martijn) 3.6 Allowances Policy for Out and about (Elaine) 3.7 Guidance for splitting conference from governance (Elaine) 3.8 Domain Purchase (Martijn) 3.9 Purchase of Font License (Martijn) 4. Role Reports 4.1 Chair (Martijn) 4.2 Treasurer (Stephen) 4.3 Company Secretary (Elaine) 4.4 Web Systems (Martijn) 4.5 Honorary Secretary (Stephen) 4.6 Programme Coordinator (Kalen) 4.7 Venue Coordinator (Elaine) 4.8 Childcare Coordinator (Elaine) 4.9 Transport Coordinator (If we've received one from Peter) 5. Subcommittee Reports 5.1 Fundraising (Liz) 5.2 Publicity and Publications (Martijn) 5.3 Merchandise and Purchasing (Stephen) 5.4 Newsletter (If we've received one from Laura) 6. Any Other Business
Closed portion of meeting 7. Role assignments 7.1 On-site team coordinator (Last Year: Martijn. Candidates: )
Appendix A (Summary of discussion relating to item 1.1) Following a number of small edits requested by members of the board to improve the accuracy of the document, the board voted to approve the annual report. 7 For, 0 Against.
Appendix B (Rationale for Item 2.2) Unlike other venues that have provided tea and coffee making facilities in the communal kitchens in the boarding houses, Giggleswick doesn't. Each communal kitchen is equipped differently depending on who is in charge and some do not even have cups available. Therefore the Venue Coordinator proposes to buy tea/coffee etc from the cash and carry and milk from the local shop to cover this.
Appendix C (Rationale for Item 2.3) Although we recognise it is in the interest of Autscape to be as transparent as possible, the problems in having observers at the meetings outweighs the benefits. At a recent meeting an observer was unable to be identified as a member and this made the board members uncomfortable. At another meeting an item that the board asked not to be made public was made public by an observer. Whilst these problems could be remedied by restricting the places where board meetings are notified and insisting that only members who are identifiable and are reminded of the code of conduct can observe there are other issues. Some of the board members feel uncomfortable expressing opinions whilst being observed. Some are concerned that they may not be expressing themselves in the way they intend or their communication difficulties which they don't mind sharing with the closeness of board members is on full view of all. Finally, although we have taken steps to prevent confidential issues around board members being observed by placing them in a closed part of the meeting, there are times when it is necessary to discuss other things which might be of a sensitive nature. At present these have to be deferred to the board list and board members have to remember not to mention some things. Whilst transparency is important Autscape currently publishes full minutes including a summary of discussion on its website shortly after the meeting. The only thing not available to members is a transcript of the conversations. However, under the definition of transparency the fact that we publish everything shows that we have nothing to hide and we are being transparent about how we handle Autscape business. It should also be noted that we do not give out the transcript to non observers who may ask for it. In the past there has been an issue with the time it takes to get the minutes on the website. This has improved drastically since a change in procedure recently. To aid in this I would also like to suggest another change in procedure in that the Company Secretary checks the minutes for accuracy prior to them being sent to the Chair for approval and putting on the website.