Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation Meeting date: Monday 18th September 2017 Meeting time: 14.00 BST Meeting Chair: Martijn (interim) Present: Elaine, James, Jenny, Jeremy, Martijn, Trish, Kalen, Peter. Also Heta (via Skype) Apologies: Larry Observers: 1 Meeting opened: 20.00 1. Approvals 1.1 The board approved the Minutes of the June 2017 meeting as posted to the list on 25th July 2017 and amended on 12th September 2017. (4 For) Note: 4 people abstained with acceptable reasons 1.2 Minutes of the July 2017 meeting posted to the list on 31st July 2017 Deferred pending a final draft being posted to the list 1.3 Minutes of the August minutes posted to the list on 16th September 2017 Deferred 2. Ratifications No ratifications. 3. Proposals 3.1 A proposal was carried to spend up to £700.00 of the reserves on travel expenses and food for the training day on 18th September 2017. (8 For) 3.2 A proposal was carried to spend up to £200 on business cards. Peter volunteered to source and purchase these. (8 For) Action: Peter to purchase business cards 3.3 The Company Secretary proposed that we approve the organising committee remit. Following a discussion it was decided Peter would redraft the remit before the next meeting. 3.4 The Company Secretary proposed that we approve the Event Manager job description. It was decided to place this on hold until after the organising committee remit was complete. Action 3.3 and 3.4. Peter to redraft the remit before the next meeting and the Event Manager role description be put on hold. 4. Follow Ups 4.1 Survey Jeremy reported that the survey has not closed yet but had so far received 56 responses. He said the nature of the feedback so far was similar to last year's survey but he thought the question about paying by instalments could have been better worded. He will send a reminder about responding and report on the whole of the results at the next meeting. Action: Jeremy to report on survey at the next meeting 4.2 Report on extending Autscape. Kalen had agreed to do this report but due to lack of time James offered to take this up and report in a couple of months. Action: James to report on extending Autscape by November meeting 4.3 Chair (Trish) follow up action re harassment of people wearing opt-out badges and how this should be addressed at Autscape. Trish had raised the matter and recommended that it was included in orientation in future. 5. Role Reports 5.1 Chair (Martijn) Nothing to report 5.2 Company Secretary (Elaine) Nothing to report 5.3 Honorary Secretary (Elaine) Nothing to report 5.4 Treasurer (Jeremy) Jeremy had nothing to report. Peter said they were still processing refunds which are being dealt with late this year and receipts were still coming in which required tracking to authorities and delegated budgets. 5.5 Event Manager Autscape 2017 (Kalen) No report received but Kalen was preparing one 5.6 Membership Secretary (Jeremy) Nothing to report 5.7 Fundraising coordinator (Jeremy) Nothing to report 5.8 Tech coordinator (Martijn) Martijn said he had not made any progress on the new system but was continuing to maintain the old system. He hopes to start collaborating again with Peter on this soon. Peter added that the new system is half way there and that he had done all of this work alone so far. 5.9 Lists coordinator (James) James said things have been running smoothly with one potential problem having been sorted successfully by the moderators. 5.10 Venue search coordinators (Peter and Debbie) Peter said he had received the contract for Tonbridge which had been posted to the list and asked the board to check it for things which may need amending. Any Other Business James said he had listened to comments about people shouting out during presentations and queried the possibility of having some presentations which were strict about not allowing this. He agreed to bring it up on list for discussion. Action: James to bring discussion re shouting out to the list
Closed part of the meeting Roles 7.1 Chair (Nominated: Martijn) Martijn elected as Chair (8 For) 7.2 Vice Chair (Nominated: Larry) Larry elected as Vice Chair (8 For) Meeting closed 15.25