Minutes of November 2017 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation

Meeting date: Tuesday 28th November 2017

Meeting time: 14.00 GMT

Meeting Chair: Martijn

Present: Elaine, Heta, James, Jenny, Jeremy, Larry, Martijn, Peter, Trish

Observers: 1

Meeting opened: 14.06

1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the July 2017 meeting posted to the list on 31st July 2017.
     Deferred awaiting amendments.

1.2. The board approved the final Minutes of the October 2017 meeting posted
     to the list on 27th November 2017 (9 For)

2. Ratifications

No ratifications.

3. Proposals

3.1. The Company Secretary proposed that the board approve the revised
     Complaints Policy posted to the list on 30th October 2017.

     James requested that we consider amending the section of the policy
     which refers to the type of complaint we won't consider to something
     along the lines of ‘We take all complaints seriously, however please
     respect the Trustees and Organisers. If you are unsure whether you have
     an appropriate complaint, please take time to discuss it with us
     first’. He believed people could be put off making a complaint by
     misunderstanding the list particularly around joke complaints. Several
     alternative sentences were put forward and these along with the merits
     of removing the section altogether or adding a list of what we will
     consider also came under discussion. It was decided to defer to the
     list to continue the discussion with a deadline of 12th December.

     Action: Discuss and conclude any amendments to the proposed Complaints
     Policy by 12th December.

3.2. Heta proposed that we initiate a discussion with Autistic UK, to find
     out about potential opportunities for coordination and cooperation.

     Following a discussion the general consensus was that it could do no
     harm and it could be mutually beneficial to initiate a discussion. It
     was decided that a minimum of two people led by Heta should arrange an
     on-line meeting. Martijn, James and Jenny volunteered to be included.
     (7 For)

     Action: Heta to arrange a meeting with Autistic UK.

3.3. James proposed that we consider training for moderators/organisers to
     be on hand in the rooms during presentations to assist with audience
     problems e.g. shouting out.

     Following a discussion about the merits of moderators and who would
     provide training it was decided this should be dealt with by the
     organising committee who should let the board know if they have any
     difficulties. The proposal was amended to:

     That the board ask the organising committee to ensure that moderators
     are on hand in the rooms during all the main programme presentations.
     (9 For)

     Action: Chair to ensure the organising committee are aware of this.

3.4. Delegation for running Autscape events

     This was deferred to list as it needed more input to the final draft.
     Peter encouraged the board to comment on list.

4. Follow ups

4.1. Report on extending Autscape

     James said that the main issues arising so far are cost, energy (of
     organisers and members) and admin but there are other issues and he
     would like to get more comments from everyone in general before doing
     the complete report. He asked if the board could send any further
     comments directly to him ASAP.

5. Role reports

5.1. Chair (Martijn)

     Martijn had nothing to report except that he was finding his feet again.

5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)

     Elaine said that she hoped the Complaints Policy would be finished
     soon. She had a few more policies to send to the board soon but she
     will mainly be working on the annual report which she would like
     approved at the January meeting.

     Action: Complaints Policy and Annual Report

5.3. Honorary Secretary (Elaine)

     Elaine said the main thing was that Martijn has added the meeting dates
     to the calendar and she will be adding some more things soon. She also
     hoped that everyone was benefitting from the monthly roundup. Some
     members did agree they were helpful.

5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)

     Jeremy said that the deposit for Tonbridge School had been paid this month.

5.5. Event Manager Autscape 2018 (Kalen)

     Kalen sent in a report stating that there was no progress as yet
     towards Autscape 2018 other than generating some theme ideas. She will
     put a shortlist to the board to decide in the next two weeks. She would
     like to know whether organiser positions such as Programme Coordinator
     are ongoing or need to be renewed each year.

     Elaine confirmed that the current position is that people remain in
     post and that stands unless we make changes in the future.

5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)

     Nothing to report.

5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jeremy)

     Jeremy said he was just waiting for a clear decision to be made
     regarding his suggested fundraising message for the members list. The
     chair said we would deal with this under AOB.

5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)

     Nothing to report.

5.9. Lists coordinator (James)

     James reported the following: Kelvin had resigned as moderator (as of
     27.11.17), which puts us in a somewhat precarious position. The
     Community List, on the whole, is going very well, although we do have
     an outstanding complaint still to be dealt with. A new moderator would
     help (or even two.) His main aim, besides the smooth running of the
     lists, is to shield the board from too many complaints/issues. However,
     he was not overly concerned as up until now, nothing has gone that far.
     Elaine suggested he discuss possible moderators on the list.

5.10. Venue search coordinators (Peter and Debbie)

     Nothing to report.

5.11. Event Manager Autscape 2017 (Kalen)

     No report submitted.

Any Other Business

6.1. Elaine said she had prepared a members bulletin which just needed
     Jeremy's fundraising report adding.

6.2. Peter said he had been finding it very difficult to read the board list
     because there is a variety of quoting styles, some of which render it
     impossible to see who wrote what, especially on his black and white
     display. When quoting is done well, it is very little work for the
     writer and reader. When it is done badly, it saves almost no time for
     the writer but all readers have to work harder, so there is a good
     economic reason to put effort into quoting well. He wanted to encourage
     everyone to stick to methods that are tried and tested since the 1990s,
     and which are documented in:


     It was noted that some people have problems with this because of their
     system or service provider.

6.3. Martijn proposed that we let Jeremy's fundraising message go
     through now. (9 For).

6.4. Jenny said that her first aid course had been cancelled but she was
     likely to be offered another one around March. Larry suggested we ask
     our participants to see if any were already first aid trained. Elaine
     said she would see that this was included in the organising committee

Meeting closed at 16:23.