Minutes of August 2018 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of directors of The Autscape Organisation

Meeting date: 21st August 2018

Meeting time: 14:00 BST

Meeting Chair: Martijn

Present: Elaine (from item 2), Heta, James, Jenny, Jeremy, Larry, Peter, Martijn, Trish

Apologies: None.

One observer.

Meeting opened: 14:05

1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the July 2018 meeting posted to the list on 20th Aug 2018.
     Approved, 8 for.

2. Ratifications

2.1. The decision taken on list (2nd August, 9 for) to continue with the
     service for Autscape’s ‘virtual server’ (website and database), from
     Jump Networks Ltd for £265.68.
     Ratified, 8 for.

3. Proposals

3.1. The Company Secretary proposed that the board accept amendments to the
     directors role description. (See Appendix A)

     Following a discussion Appendix A was amended as follows:
     the first sentence of the third paragraph becomes "The Autscape board
     does not just make decisions about Autscape, board members are also
     volunteers who carry out the necessary board work involved."
     Carried as amended, 8 for.

3.2. Elaine proposed that we change the Opt out badges used at Autscape
     events for photos, hugs and taking part in research/media, to Opt in
     badges.  (See rationale at Appendix B)

     Carried, 8 for.

[Jenny returned to the meeting]

3.3. The Company Secretary proposed that the board make some contingency
     plans in the event that we do not have a board member with the
     experience to be the Treasurer next year.

     The Company Secretary explained that according to our articles and bye
     laws the treasurer had to be a board member and that the board was
     currently restricted to 9 people which could only be increased by a
     members resolution.

     The board discussed the following options:

        1. Nominating a board member as treasurer and seeking external help
        2. Asking the members at the AGM to increase the number of board
        3. A current board member resigning to make space available on the
           board to co-opt a treasurer
        4. Postponing making the decision till September 

     The board then voted by ranking the above options with D having the
     highest rank. 2 people abstained. The board postponed making any
     decision unless it was necessary in September.

3.3.1. The Company Secretary proposed recommending that the AGM re-elect
       Jeremy McDonaugh to the board on account of his experience and
       qualifications as treasurer.
       Carried, 4 for, 2 against.

[Jenny left the meeting]

3.4. Elaine proposed that we draw up a shortlist in order of preference for
     Autscape 2019's venue. (See Appendix C)

     The board discussed the merits of various venues and noted that a
     familiar venue was more practical for organisers. In the end they
     decided to shortlist the following venues:

     Giggleswick, Kings Park, Tonbridge and the Hayes. 

 [Jeremy left the meeting]

4. Follow-Ups

4.1. Bursary update

     James said that he had posted the final table to the list just before
     the meeting. The approved bursaries have gone through, there may be
     some travel bursaries still being sorted, subject to receipt of

     It was noted that not all of the bursary fund had been spent and the
     board agreed the Bursary policy needed revising.

4.2. Twitter

     Martijn said he had registered the @autscape Twitter name so we may
     want to consider doing something with this, perhaps starting during the
     event. Discussion was deferred to the board list.

5. Role Reports

5.1. Chair (Martijn)
     Nothing to report.

5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine)
     The annual report and accounts were delivered in time. We have four
     nominations to the board. We have renewed our insurance with CASE.

[Peter left the meeting]

5.3. Honorary Secretary (Elaine)
     Nothing to report.

5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy)
     Nothing to report.

5.5. Event Manager Autscape 2018 (Kalen)

     Most things are sorted now. We still have some space, but Debbie has
     closed the link to residential booking because it was getting too
     difficult to fit people into the last few rooms.

     I have prepared a handbook that has gone to print today. We have a
     large team of strong volunteers doing registration and home groups.
     There may still may be a bit of a shortage of presentation moderators
     and I could do with a team for the information desk. The schedules are
     finished and on their way to being published. As far as I know,
     everything is as it should be and there are no crises pending at the
     moment. Debbie, Peter and I will arrive on site on Sunday and setup
     will begin in earnest on Monday.

5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy)
     Nothing to report.

5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jeremy)
     Nothing to report.

5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn)
     Nothing to report.

5.9. Lists coordinator (James)
     It has been a difficult month. There has been a great deal of
     confusion, mostly due to some list users sending the same message to
     two lists, or copying a message into another list. The guidelines
     forbid to latter, and the former caused confusion because different
     people are on different lists, so replying to a message sent to two
     lists can result in messages being filtered. Also, the experience list
     has had to be put on moderation as the volume of posts was so much that
     about 5 people left the list. There was a similar issue on the plan
     list, but that was resolved with a reminder about what the list was
     for. It would be helpful if all board members and organisers revised
     the list guidelines/policy every so often.

5.10. Venue search coordinators (Peter and Debbie)
     Nothing further to report.

6. Any Other Business

6.1. James queried the voting system for electing directors at the AGM. The
     Company Secretary said she would explain on list and  the necessary
     paperwork for the AGM had already been prepared.

     Martijn proposed that the invitation to participate on the board list
     and board meetings in 3.2 and 3.2.1 be extended to Kalen as well.
     The proposal was carried (8 for).

6.2. James commented that the bursary decisions would benefit from being
     earlier next year. It was agreed that this should be discussed on list.

6.3. Larry said that he was no longer able to help liaise with Autism UK. As
     other board members were still willing it was not a problem.

[Trish left the meeting]

6.4. Peter pointed out that a proposal had been missed off the agenda. 

     Elaine proposes that the board waive the need to indicate in advance of
     booking that a person requires a bursary, only for those board members
     that booked before the May 22 board meeting and all non board
     organisers that have booked.
     The proposal was carried (4 For, 2 Against).

Meeting closed at 16:35