Agenda for 27th June 2020 board meeting Meeting to be held at 2 pm on Saturday 27th June 2020 at #autscape 1. Approvals 1.1. Minutes of the 18th April 2020 meeting posted to the list on 26th June 1.2. Minutes of the 23rd May 2020 meeting posted to the list on 26th June 2. Ratifications No ratifications. 3. Proposals 3.1. The Annual accounts for 2018-2019 3.1.1. The Treasurer proposes ... to be appointed as the independent examiner of the accounts. 3.1.2. The Treasurer proposes that the Board approves the annual accounts for 2018-2019. - The accounts have been posted to the list on 14th April. - The independent examiner's reports have been posted to the list on 26th June. 3.2. The Company Secretary requests that the Board approve the Annual Report for 2018-2019. - The report has been posted to the list on 27th June. (?) 3.3. The Event Manager proposes the following adjustments to the fee structure. - £20 per login (one location, unlimited viewers, but only one participating at any one time.) - £10 per additional login in the same location, e.g. house or other building, still only one participating at the (different) screen. - Bespoke rates for groups of 5 or more who will log in at the same location using multiple screens. 3.4. The Programme Coordinator proposes that Autscape buy the ‘large meeting’ upgrade to Zoom to allow interactive meetings with more than 100 people. 3.5. The Programme Coordinator proposes that as it is impractical to offer a meaningful children’s programme this year that we give refunds for all children under 13, and for children age 13-15 who don’t want to participate separately from their parents. 3.6. Autscape 2020 Programme The Programme Coordinator proposes that the board approves the following proposals concerning the programme. [list not included in agenda due to moratorium] 3.7. AGM 2020 The Company Secretary proposes that the board approves the following proposals concerning the 2020 Annual General Meeting. [TODO] 4. Follow-ups 4.1. The possibility of registering with the Fundraising Regulator 4.2. EUCAP webinar and AGM Martijn and Kalen presented about Autscape at the webinar, as planned. Martijn was elected to the EUCAP Executive Board for a two-year term. 5. Role reports 5.1. Chair (Martijn) 5.2. Company Secretary (Elaine) 5.3. Honorary Secretary (Heta) 5.4. Treasurer (Jeremy) 5.5. Event Manager Autscape UK 2020 (James) The planning for the online event is going well. We are discussing and exploring the capabilities of Zoom and other platforms to determine what we can actually do, and we are confident that we can come up with a largely professional and successful event. We will need a good number of competent volunteers to help support the various events, i.e. hosts, moderators, group leaders (for home groups,) tech support. The more competent moderators, the better, because that means that other volunteers can have more rest periods, which will probably be very important. If any Board members can volunteer to moderate even one event, that would be very helpful. Training can and will be offered. The number of people registered is now [TBC] The Organisers had a special meeting to put together a list of presenters drawn from the proposals that we have received. Kalen has drawn up the list subject to confirmation/clarification of some items. Kalen is also proposing to offer practice sessions to all participants, so they are familiar with the platforms that we will be using (in particular, Zoom,) an idea which I fully support. [end] 5.6. Membership Secretary (Jeremy) 5.7. Fundraising coordinator (Jenny) The action I committed to regarding possibly registering with the Fundraising Regulator is on-going, as I've tried several times to speak with someone at the organisation to gather more information on whether it would be beneficial for Autscape to register, but have not been able to, probably due to the Corona virus impact. It seems very important to me for Autscape to have a Fundraising Policy in place, which we don't at present. I have put together a draft policy document, which the Company Secretary has said she is dealing with. I am also giving attention to the draft Fundraising Strategy document. The first draft was produced in November 2019 and submitted to the board in November 2019. Any thoughts/comments would be really appreciated. 5.8. Tech coordinator (Martijn) 5.9. Lists coordinator (Kalen) 5.10. Venue search coordinator (Elaine) 6. Any Other Business
Closed part of the meeting 7. Nominations 7.1. EUCAP representative (voting) Nominations: James Pelham 7.2. Autscape 2020 Registrar The Event Manager proposes that Trish Jubb be appointed as Registrar for the Autscape Event 2020. 7.3. The Event Manager proposes that Trish Jubb be added to the Board list for communication purposes in a non-voting capacity. 8. Any Other Business
Appendix A Explanation to 3.5: We bought the webinar upgrade, as discussed and decided at the last meeting. That is good for ‘lectures’ and allows participants to ask questions. However, interaction is limited. Participants can’t see each other and have to be given specific permission to talk. There is also no break-out room facility. For sessions that are more interactive or include small group discussions (including, but not limited to home groups) we need to have a ‘meeting’ rather than a ‘webinar’. Meetings are limited to 100 people unless we pay for a large meeting upgrade, which is what I’m asking for. I don’t know how much it costs because they need details about the current subscription that I didn’t have access to at the time. However, I am completely confident that it will be easily covered by the fees we have taken in from bookings.