Minutes of 24 April 2021 meeting

Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Meeting date: 24th April 2021
Meeting time: 14:00 GMT
Meeting Chair: Martijn
Present: Heta, James, Jeremy, Martijn, Richard, Fergus (until 14:59), Kalen (until 15:20)
Apologies: Elaine
One observer

To accommodate two people having to leave early, the Chair decided to handle points out of order, most important first.

3. Proposals

3.1. Event proposal

Kalen proposed that the board accept the proposal as posted to the list on 23 April.

Kalen gave a summary of the main points. The attendance fee, projected income and their effect on reserves were discussed.

Since there was no agreement on the fee, a new proposal was formulated.

3.1.1. The event manager proposed that the board accept the event proposal other than the fees.

The motion was carried, 7 for.

After further discussion, new proposals on the standard fee and discounts were formulated.

3.1.2. The event manager proposed that the standard fee for Autscape 2021 will be: A. £20, B. £10 C. £5

Option A was carried, 6 for.

3.1.3. The event manager proposed that there are A. Low income fees, B. Bursaries, C. Neither.

Option B was carried, 5 for.

[Fergus left the meeting]

3.1.4. The event manager proposed that there are:
A. 50% discount for subsequent tickets in the same booking with a £50 cap,
B. 50% discount, no cap (so £10 for each additional ticket no matter how many),
C. no discount for groups.

After discussion, the proposal was amended to:

3.1.4. The event manager proposed that there are:
A. 50% discount for subsequent tickets in the same booking with a £100 cap,
B. 50% discount, no cap (so £10 for each additional ticket no matter how many),
C. no discount for groups.

Option A was carried, 6 for.

[Kalen left the meeting]

1. Approvals

1.1. Minutes of the 27th March meeting, posted to the list on 23rd April.

The minutes were approved, 5 for.

3. Proposals (continued)

3.2. The Treasurer proposed to give Richard access to the Autscape bank account and other systems, including CAF Bank, Paypal, Stripe and TransferWise.

The proposal was amended to:

3.2. The Treasurer proposed to give Richard access to the Autscape bank account and other systems, including CAF Bank, Paypal, Stripe, TransferWise, and Ticket Tailor.

The motion was carried, 5 for.

4. Follow-ups

No follow-ups

5. Role reports

No role reports.

6. Any Other Business

Jeremy asked if Richard could be given access to the finance administration system on the website. Martijn agreed to arrange this.

James requested to be given whatever technical accesses he needed as Programme Coordinator. Martijn agreed to arrange this.

The meeting was closed at 15:42.