Minutes of meeting of the Board of Directors of the Autscape Organisation
Autscape board meeting, 28 May 2022 16:00 BST (17:00 CEST, 18:00 EEST)
Present: James, Martijn, Kalen, Elaine, Richard, Trish, Heta, Peter.
Absent: none
Observers: none
Chair James
1. Approvals
1.1 Minutes of the 23rd April meeting, posted to the list on 3rd May.
Carried, 8 for
2. Ratifications
No Ratifications
3. Proposals
3.1 The Programme Coordinator proposes that the board accept the following list of proposed presentations for the main programme at Autscape 2022:
Carried, 8 for
3.2 The Company Secretary proposes the Board approve the revised Behaviour Policy, posted to the Board list 23rd May.
The phrase "All participants are subject to English law" was amended after discussion to "the law of the country the event is in"
Carried as amended, 8 for
4. Follow-ups
No follow-ups
5. Role reports
5.1 Event Organiser
The Event Organiser reported that there have been about 150 bookings. We have just enough income now to make the minimum agreed payment to the venue, but we don't actually have any extra for the costs of the event itself. This is a significant concern. We really need about 50 more bookings to be ok. Everything else is going well. Presentations decided, etc..
Please advertise as widely as possible and try to convince people it's so much better to attend in person than online.
There was a short discussion. It was suggested we should have an advertising drive after publishing the programme, so that (newer) people know what they are getting. Then we should do another one when day bookings open. James agreed to inform presenters later in the day so that a list can be published even though the schedule won't be known.
5.2 Company Secretary
The Company Secretary reported that she is working on the annual report and next month there will be more info needed for the AGM such as which directors will be standing again. She is also hopefully going to get some more policies done this month for the board to check.
6. Any Other Business
No Other Business
7.1 The Event Organiser proposed that someone be chosen to take on advertising Autscape.
There was a discussion as to what the role could include - a post to plan and sc-pub lists, encouragement to people to share on Facebook.
Martijn agreed to update the poster. Kalen agreed to check content of what is sent out. Pete agreed to send some emails and do Facebook and Twitter.
Trish enquired about the website being flagged as not secure when accessing and whether this would put people off.
It was agreed that the programme can be published once presenters have been informed, without waiting for their replies, and this may help with bookings.
7.2 [confidential item redacted]
7.2 approved, 7 for
No other business
Meeting closed 17.13