Minutes of 4 June 2023 meeting

Minutes for Emergency Autscape Meeting 4th Jun 2023

Present: Elaine, George, Heta, James, Kacey, Martijn, Richard
Absent: David
Late: Trish
Observers: none

Meeting opened 19:04

The Board waived the right to notice of the meeting.

Trish joined 1910

1. Proposals
1.1 The Event manager proposed that the fees for Autscape 2023 are as follows (full breakdown available on the board list - posted 30/05/2023

Elaine commented that the event budget is open for negotiation as part of the fee approval. Because all the information has been given to the board they can negotiate the budget. They have so far only objected to the fees but not come up with an alternative.

Kacey joined the meeting at 19:21

The Treasurer explained that a surplus is needed for the 2024 deposit.
There is an increase of £9 of the day fee venue cost.
We do not have the funds to use reserves to cover bursaries.
So about £15k is needed for the 2024 deposit, £2k bursaries, about £2k for day to day costs. We have £8k in the bank.

There was discussion on the deposit due and whether Richard actually had accurate figures.

The total deposit amount (including the holding deposit received) will be equal to 20% of the total value of the booking, based on the finalised rate.

This was explained as actually 20% of £114,608 approx

There was further discussion about the feasibility of finding another suitable venue for 2024 or even 2025.

There was concern amongst the Board about not being aware of the large shortfall in funds. The Treasurer said it had been raised several times before.

The Chair said that in the future we should have the treasurer at such meetings.

Martijn joined the meeting at 19:41

The Treasurer produced revised fees

Full-priced 390.00
Advance party (paying) 130.00
Extra days 130.00
Children 2-17 (and infants with creche) 295.00
Extra day children 2-17 95.00 Infant under 24 mths (unless in creche) -
Personal support workers (no prog) 275.00
Day visitors 80.00

There was a query about the 33% increase to venue costs. Concern was shown that the Board had not been aware of the increase when they voted to secure the venue. It was mentioned that £3k in discounts may be more than we can justify. The discount is about the responsibility people carry as well as the amount of program they miss. It was suggested that general assistants or senior volunteers could have a lesser discount.

Overall, the discounts cost £4359.50.
Day before, currently 6 people free (cost to Autscape is £552).

3 managers and their one assistant
It was queried what the Board would do if the Event Manager withdraws her service.

There was also the suggestion that fundraising could have been focused on if the Board had been aware of the large deficit but it was also mentioned that fundraising seems outside of the Board ability.

1.1 The Chair proposed that the Board instruct the Autscape organisers to reduce their discounts by a specified amount (Amount to be specified if it passed)

1.1 Fell, 3 for 5 against

1.2 The Chair proposed that the Board instruct the Autscape organisers to spend no more than £2000 on discounts for volunteers in 2023

1.2 Fell, 3 for 5 against

1.3 The Chair proposed that the Board instruct the Autscape organisers to spend no more than £2500 on discounts for volunteers in 2023

1.3 Fell, 3 for 4 against, 1 abstention

1.4 The Treasurer proposed the Board accept the new fee structure posted to the Board list at 2014 on 04/0623

1.4 Carried 8 for


Online Fee

The online fee is an easy way for us to fundraise.

There was mention of the previous fees
It was £20 in 2020, £10 in 2021, £10 in 2022, and it has been proposed at £25 this year.
We had over 100 participants last year.

There was a discussion about the increase and concern that it had risen so much in one year.
There is hope that Chen will be involved online, and awareness that Seth did a lot last year.

Heta offered some help. And Elaine mentioned that there is someone earmarked for the technical side this year.

2.1 The Chair proposed that the online fee for Autscape 2023 be £25

2.1 Carried, 4 for 4 against plus Chair's casting vote.

Meeting closed, 21:21