Agenda for April 2011 committee meeting Meeting date: Sunday 17th April 1pm Meeting Chair: Kalen 1. Ratifications 1.1. To accept one further presentation proposal from those submitted and invite one additional presenter (see decision on list 30/3/11) 1.2. To decline the offer of Ammerdown as the 2012 venue (see decision on list 31/3/11) 2. Announcments 2.1. (Subject to the ratification of 1.1 above) The final list of presentations accepted for Autscape 2011 is as follows (in alphabetical order of titles): * An insider's critique of the dominant psychological models of autism - Damian Milton * Owning autism research - Kalen * Owning our support: personalisation - theory and reality - Yo * Owning the languages of autism - Martijn Dekker * Pitfalls in autism diagnosis and support: reflections from an autistic doctor - Ava Ruth Baker * Specialisterne Scotland: passion for details - Alastair Cooper * Use it or lose it. How autism has been owned, and how to claim it for ourselves - Larry Arnold There will also be a panel discussion on the final morning on the conference theme, and one invited presenter (details to be announced later). 3. Proposals 3.1. Approve March minutes (version posted on list 15/4/11) [minutes of closed meeting to be approved separately] 3.2. To agree a budget of £1100 for youth sc to book 'alittlesomethingextra' as the childcare provider. 3.3. To agree a budget of £100 for merchandise 3.4. To approve the treasurer's proposed day fee rates (see Appendix) 4. Follow ups 4.1. Membership database 4.2. Newsletter 4.3. Registration system 5. Subcommittee Progress Reports (suggested topics listed) 5.1. Venue (website information on 2011 venue, 2012) 5.2. Tech (email lists for working groups, website updating, paypal button) 5.3. Publications/publicity (when poster and brochure will be ready, including programme information in brochure) 5.4. Constitution (progress on governance policy) 5.5. Fundraising (progress on fundraising) 5.6. Youth (updating main committee on youth programme intentions, childcare booking) 5.7. Programme (invitation(s), leisure issues, schedule, making information available on the website about this year's presentations and presenters) 6. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 6.1. Venue coordinator (ongoing liaison with the venue) 6.2. Treasurer (accountant, budget, reserves) 6.3. Company Secretary (charity form, policies, development issues, draft email re item 7 March meeting) 6.4. Chair (overall progress, timetable) 7. Any other business Appendix Day fees Background notes: We only get GBP 12 off per person per 3 days, so I've aimed for a reduction of GBP 10 for a 3 day attendance, based on the corresponding residential fee for a shared room. I've made the two day attendance be the same as three days, and the one day attendance be half that, ie. same as last year. The exceptions are: Child 0-4: These are unchanged. The venue doesn't charge us for young children so their fee isn't reduced. Carer: I've made no difference between the residential and non-residential fees for 3 days' attendance. Both are below cost. One and two days' attendance is charged pro-rata. I have assumed, based on the number of presenters, that we have no presentations on Monday. The day fees are therefore for Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday daytime. Peter (treasurer) Proposed rates: Adult Standard 1 day / 2+ days 80 / 160 Adult Low Income 1 day / 2+ days 70 / 140 Child 5-17 Standard 1 day / 2+ days 65 / 130 Child 5-17 Low Income 1 day / 2+ days 55 / 110 Child 0-4 Standard 1 day / 2+ days 30 / 60 Child 0-4 Low Income 1 day / 2+ days 20 / 40 Babes in arms (ie. no childcare) 0 Carer/PA n/a 1 / 2 / 3 days 40 / 80 / 120 Professional n/a 1 day / 2+ days 100 / 200