1. Ratifications 1.1. Minutes of October meeting (posted 24/10/10) 2. Follow ups 2.1. Stonar - Peter 2.2. Co-options 3. Proposals 3.1. To book Ackworth school as the venue for Autscape 2010. 3.2. To hold Autscape on dates from either: (a) Monday, 22 August to Thursday, 25 August; (b) Tuesday, 23 August to Friday, 26 August; or (c) Friday, 26 August to Monday, 29 August (bank holiday weekend). 3.3. To reconsider the post of Venue Coordinator 2010-2011 in the light of the above (Peter was appointed interim subject to venue decision). Volunteers so far: Kalen 3.4. To appoint an assistant Venue Coordinator 2010-2011. Volunteers needed. 4. Subcommittee Progress Reports (suggested topics listed) 4.1. Venue (inc. 2012 search) 4.2. Tech 4.3. Publications/publicity 4.4. Constitution 4.5. Fundraising 4.6. Youth 4.7. Programme 5. Key position progress reports (matters not covered earlier) 5.1. Venue coordinator 5.2. Treasurer 5.3. Company Secretary 5.4. Chair (Trish as interim Oct-Nov chair) 6. Any other business