Autscape Management Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting date: Sunday 17th October 2010 Meeting time: 1pm Present: Elaine, Martijn, Peter, Stephen, Trish, Yo. Late: Kalen 1. The committee unanimously ratified decisions made over the last month on the committee email list to: 1.1. Approve the minutes of the September meeting (as posted to the list on 16/09/10) 1.2. Approve the revised August minutes (as posted to the list on 05/10/10) 1.3. Agree that the 2011 Autscape theme will be 'Owning Autism' (Which achieved 4 votes in the poll on the committee list, the second choice achieved 3 votes) 1.4. Appoint Kalen, Yo, Trish and Elaine as members of the trustee clearance/CRB decisions working group and Yo and Elaine as disclosure receivers 1.5. Adopt the policy statement on ex-offenders, the secure storage, retention and handling policy statement and Care Check's fair processing policy in relation to the handling of CRB disclosures. 2. Proposals 2.1. The committee agreed (unanimously) in principle to operate a rolling rota for 1-month interim chairs (to run from one meeting to the next) whilst Autscape is considering options for a permanent chair. Sufficient committee members volunteered and the rota details will be discussed on the committee email list. 3. Follow ups (3.1 and 3.2 were inadvertently reversed from the agenda order) 3.1. Co-options. Kalen reported that she has been unable to make further progress for various reasons. Two committee members offered assistance with issues where that would be helpful and further discussion was deferred to the list. 3.2. Venue decision. Peter reported further delays in attempting to get dates from Stonar due to their building works. He also proposed dates for a further venue visit. After a brief discussion of availability, the timing of a venue visit was deferred to the list. There was some further discussion of the uncertainty surrounding a venue for 2011 and the need for contingency plans. The committee agreed unanimously: To attempt to resolve the issue of a venue for 2011 as soon as practicable. Steps to be taken: Kalen to investigate alternatives and report back by a week before the next meeting. Peter to keep committee informed about dates from Stonar. Ammerdown to be kept as fallback as long as possible. 4. Roles and responsibilities 4.1. There were no candidates for the role of chair at this time. 4.2. There were no candidates for the role of vice chair at this time. 4.3. Stephen was appointed as vice treasurer (6 in favour, 1 abstention) 4.4. Elaine was appointed as assistant secretary (6 in favour, 1 abstention) 5. Subcommittee progress reports 5.1. Venue. Peter had nothing further to report (see 3.2 above). Kalen reported she has not yet started on the venue search for 2012 but expects the enquiries she will be undertaking under 3.2 above will contribute and she will attempt to get the SC working on this in the coming month. 5.2. Tech. Peter had nothing to report. 5.3. Publications/publicity. Martijn had nothing to report. 5.4. Constitution. Yo reported that she had tried to get an initial discussion going, but lost impetus after no-one responded. She will try again to get the SC going in the coming month. 5.5. Fundraising. Yo reported that she had tried to get an initial discussion going, but lost impetus after no-one responded. She will try again to get the SC going in the coming month. 5.6. Youth. Elaine had nothing to report. 5.7. Programme. Trish reported that the theme decision is finished but took far longer than anticipated. She now intends to report back to the SC and start up on anything else outstanding. 6. Key position progress reports 6.1. Venue Co-ordinator. Peter had nothing further to report (see 3.2 above) 6.2. Treasurer. Peter reported that Ammerdown have been paid for Autscape 2010. He also noted that bank seem to have dropped his new account request for The Autscape Organisation, but he has prompted them. 6.3. Company Secretary. Yo reported that she has attempted (twice) to get individual committee members to confirm their agreement to the committee confidentiality policy which was approved at the last meeting. However she has so far had only one response. She intends to make further attempts to get everyone to respond. Yo also reported that the CRB working group now exists and that Autscape is registered with the umbrella organisation. She has achieved 3 sets of IDs and has 4 more to go (plus any further cooptions). She identified that she still needs to do some training with the working group and actually start applying for the disclosures. 6.4. Chair. There was no report this month due to the post of chair remaining vacant. 7. There was no other business.